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Apple II


The Apple II was a series of personal computers starting from 1977 to 1993.

Emulator Rom Folder Extension BIOS Controller Config
Linapple apple2 .dsk none /opt/retropie/configs/apple2/linapple.conf

Emulator: Linapple


Accepted File Extensions: .dsk .nib .zip .DSK .NIB .ZIP

Place your Apple II disk image files in



Upon boot, press F1 to get an overview of the controls, they will vary by game. As the Apple II was a personal computer it would only make sense that you would be using a keyboard and mouse.

F1 - Show help screen
F2 - Cold reset
Shift+F2 - Reload conf file and restart
F3, F4 - Choose an image file name for floppy disk in Slot 6 drive 1 or 2 respectively
Shift+F3, Shift+F4 - The same thing for Apple hard disks (in Slot 7)
Alt+F3,Alt+F4 - same as F3,F4 using FTP (see linapple.conf about configuring FTP accounts)
Alt+Shift+F3, Alt+Shift+F4 - same as Shift+F3, Shift+F4 but using FTP account (see above)
F5 - Swap drives for Slot 6
F6 - Toggle fullscreen mode
F7 - Reserved for Debugger!
F8 - Save current screen as a .bmp file
Shift+F8 - Save settings changeable in runtime in conf file     
F9 - Cycle through various video modes
F10 - Quit emulator
F11 - Save current state to file, Alt+F11 - quick save
F12 - Reload it from file, Alt+F12 - quick load
Ctrl+0..9 - fast load state snapshot with corresponding number, saved previously by
Ctrl+Shift+0..9 - fast save snapshot to current snapshot directory with corresponding number 0..9
Ctrl+F12 - Hot reset
Pause - Pause emulator
Scroll Lock - Toggle full speed

Num pad keys:
Grey + - Speed up emulator
Grey - - Speed it down
Grey * - Normal speed

Getting Started

  • Press F3 to choose your disk drive and navigate to where you placed your disk images in the apple2 roms folder.
  • Select your game by pressing Enter and then press F2 to reboot into the game you just selected, now you should be inside your game. Most games will have a splash screen with controls specific to that game.
  • To exit back to Emulationstation press F10.

Running Disks From EmulationStation