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Enterprise - 64/128

Enterprise is a home computer from the 80's, built with a Zilog Z80 processor. It was developed by British company Intelligent Software and marketed by Enterprise Computers, being sold starting with 1985.

The Enterprise was made in the UK and it spread to other European countries, such as France, Spain and Germany. Perhaps the largest number of machines were to be found in Hungary. Hungarian developers wrote a lot of programs and created hardware extensions. Some machines reached ex-Soviet countries and even Egypt.

Emulator Rom Folder Extension BIOS Controller Config
lr-ep128emu enterprise .img .dsk .cas .tap .dtf .wav .bas .com .trn .128 optional /opt/retropie/configs/enterprise/retroarch.cfg

Emulator: lr-ep128emu

The Libretro ep128emu core emulates the followig machines: Enterprise 64/128, Videoton TVC, Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum.

In RetroPie, the core is configured to emulate just the first 2 machines types, with the Amstrad and ZX Spectrum having a different system folders and emulators assigned.


Content that can be loaded by the ep128emu core has the following file extensions:

  • .img - Enterprise, CPC or TVC floppy disk image
  • .dsk - Enterprise, CPC or TVC floppy disk image
  • .tap - Enterprise or ZX Spectrum tape image
  • .dtf - Enterprise compressed file
  • .cas - Videoton TVC file format
  • .wav - sound file interpreted as Enterprise tape
  • .bas, .com, .trn, .128 - common extensions for Enterprise executable files

Place your ROMs in



BIOS ROM files are optional, they should be copied to:

Filename Description md5sum
exos21.rom Enterprise 128 Expandible OS 2.1
For EP128
basic21.rom Enterprise 128 BASIC Interpreter v2.1
For EP128
exdos13.rom Enterprise 128 Disk Controller v1.3
For EP64/128 disk configs
exos20.rom Enterprise 64 Expandible OS 2.0
For EP64
basic20.rom Enterprise 64 BASIC Interpreter v2.0
For EP64
epfileio.rom Enterprise 128 Direct File I/O
For loading from host file (instead of disk or tape image)
exos24uk.rom Enterprise 128 Expandible OS 2.4
Only for enhanced functions (fast memory test)
hun.rom Enterprise 128 Hungarian language extension 22167938f142c222f40992839aa21a06
epdos16f.rom Enterprise 128 EP-DOS 6593dff00ab32a4b1fc084674ededf2b
exdos14isdos10uk.rom Enterprise 128 IS-DOS (CP/M) f91c4a507cc6895bdd9c43df4f021df3
brd.rom Enterprise 128 German language extension 6af0402906944fd134004b85097c8524
zt19uk.rom Enterprise 128 ZozoTools extension
For loading from DTF files
tvc22_sys.rom Videoton TVC system BIOS
For TVC emulation
tvc22_ext.rom Videoton TVC extension BIOS
For TVC emulation
tvcfileio.rom Videoton TVC Direct File I/O
For loading from host file (instead of disk or tape image)
tvc_dos12d.rom Videoton TVC disk BIOS
For TVC disk configs


lr-ep128emu utilises Retroarch configurations. Add custom retroarch controls to the retroarch.cfg file in


The following devices are configured automatically based on the emulated system:

Emulated machine User 1 default joypad User 2 default joypad User 3 default joypad
Enterprise Internal External 1 External 2
TVC Internal External 1 External 2

See more details about the emulated joypad and keyboard at