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Stratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy gaming engine. Besides many open source strategy games, it supports extracted datafiles from Warcraft 1, Warcraft 2, and Starcraft 1.

Emulator Rom Folder Extension BIOS Controller Config
Stratagus stratagus .data none mouse+keyboard only

Emulator: Stratagus


Stratagus runs games from properly configured game directories. For the Warcraft and Starcraft titles, extraction tools are required to extract the original game assets into a Stratagus-compatible game folder. You can get the extraction tools for linux here:
(Warcraft 1)
(Warcraft 2)

Or windows versions of the tools may be downloaded from here:  
(Warcraft 1)
(Warcraft 2)

The tools are designed to be used in conjunction with an official installation CD or installation directory. Run the extraction tools as shown in the detailed installation instructions section and once finished, copy the relevant folder(s) into the retropie roms directory, adding a ".data" to the folder name.

For example -


After you've added your files into the stratagus rom folder with the correct names and restarted emulationstation, the names should appear in the Emulationstation UI and you can start them directly from there. All graphics settings are configured in-game.

Detailed instructions - Installing Warcraft / Warcraft II

Note 1: this will not work with the Edition of Warcraft II

Note 2: Windows XP users might have trouble extracting the data needed from the Warcraft II installation location Please see for further details

Firstly, the installation will not work just by copying the contents of the Warcraft or Warcraft 2 CD over to the roms folder of the Raspberry Pi. You must run the Wargus and/or War1gus installer from either Windows, Mac OS X or Linux to correctly extract the game assets. Running the tools from windows is arguably the most straightforward option and can be carried out as follows:

  • Go to the official Wargus website ( and download the latest stable Windows version of Wargus and/or War1gus
  • Install Wargus and/or War1gus. During installation, the installer will ask for the location of your Warcraft / Warcraft II data. You can point the installer to the official installation CD (or if you have the game already installed, the game installation directory should also work)
  • (Optional) if you have the Expansion Pack "Beyond the Dark Portal" for Warcraft II, then point the installer to that data as well (this can be skipped if you don't have the Expansion Pack)
  • At the end of the install you can go ahead and launch the game from Windows to make sure it works. If it does then we're ready to start copying data over to the Raspberry Pi
  • In Windows navigate to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wargus" or "C:\Program Files\Wargus" and copy only the sub-directories to
    On your Raspberry Pi

The sub-directories that need to be copied are as followed:

  • campaigns
  • graphics
  • maps
  • music
  • scripts
  • sounds
  • videos

Wargus/War1gus settings file Location for Stratagus

The settings files for stratagus are located here:

For example the warcraft II settings are located here:

Detailed Instructions - Installing Starcraft

Stargus is a Starcraft Mod that allows you to play Starcraft with the Stratagus engine. It should be noted that this emulator is still in pre-alpha stage & development is far from complete. From the developer website "Terran and most Zerg units work, with Protoss being less complete. Many of the special features are not implemented, such as flying Terran buildings, Zerg creep, or Protoss shields. Many animations are also missing. The campaign is not being worked on at all."

Install Stargus

Install details for all platforms can be found here:

This guide shows the method for installing on windows:

Download and install the full executable found HERE or download the extraction tool for Windows from In order to use the extraction tool you may also have to install the stratagus engine. Binaries are available here:

Extract Starcraft Assets

The installer may ask you to point it to the starcraft location. This can be done by mounting the official CD image, or by pointing the installer at the starcraft installation folder.

If using the installation folder, make sure to also copy the INSTALL.EXE from the CD to where the game was installed, and rename it to starcraft.mpq before progressing.

Alternatively, you can download the StarCraft: Remastered installer from Blizzard and install the game from it - this will will provide all the files you need, usually to the "C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft" directory.

Start up Stargus and select starcraft.mpq and it will begin extracting the assets needed to run on Stratagus. They will be extracted to:


It should be ~500MB

There are also some assets in the the following folder - these should also be copied over.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Stargus

Copy the contents of both paths to


Restart emulationstation and it should show up as an option in stratagus

Stratagus Hotkeys

Hotkeys | Action | :---: | :---: | F1 | Help Menu Ctrl + H | Help Menu Alt + H | Help Menu Shift + F2 | Save Map Location 1 Shift + F3 | Save Map Location 2 Shift + F4 | Save Map Location 3 F2 | Recall Map Location 1 F3 | Recall Map Location 2 F4 | Recall Map Location 3 F5 | Game Options Menu F6 | Speed Options F7 | Sound Options F8 | Preferences F9 | Diplomacy F10 | Game Menu F11 | Save F12 | Load Ctrl + X | Exit Stratagus Alt + X | Exit Stratagus Ctrl + Q | Quit to Menu Alt + Q | Quit to Menu Ctrl + R | Restart Scenario Ctrl + M | Toggle Music Ctrl + S | Toggle Sound Alt + C | Center Map on Currently Selected Unit(s) Tab | Toggle Terrain + | Increase Game speed - | Decrease Game speed