RetroPie documentation style guide
RetroPie documentation pages uses Markdown for formatting and MkDocs to the documentation pages. The sources are hosted as a Github project at RetroPie-Docs.
You'll want to use Commonmark Markdown and the reason for this is MkDocs' Python parsers handle Markdown flavours differently and it will choke on certain aspects of Github (or other) flavoured Markdown.
To modify or add a new page, a Github account is required.
An existing page can be edited by:
- editing the page from the Docs project repository directly, picking the page from one of pages in the repository
- clicking on the Edit link at the top of the page, from the documentation site
After editing is complete, a Github pull request (PR) should be submitted to the RetroPie-Docs Github repository. Github will do that automatically if you used the web interface to edit the page.
When adding a new page that should present in the navigation menu (TOC) of the documentation, the mkdocs.yml
file should be also modified and the new page added under the nav
The following are some notes on proper syntax.
The headings (defined by #
) should follow a natural progression of the hierarchy of the page contents. You cannot have two title headings otherwise they won't show up on the table of contents on the right side of the page
# Title
## Main heading one
### Sub Heading one
### Sub heading two
## Main heading two
Links should follow this syntax
You can link to a specific section of a document page by adding an anchor (#
) to that particular section:
[NeoGeo BIOS talk](Neogeo#BIOS_Talk)
Bare URLs can be formatted automatically as links by enclosing them with angle brackets (<
, >
Code Blocks
Code blocks should be created with backticks: 1 set for inline code highlighting and 3 for code blocks
- Inline code highlights:
will render as:
- Code blocks:
code block
will render as:
code block
Code blocks can have syntax highlighting applied, by specifying the type of code/text file contained in the block. The list of supported lexers is available on the Pygments site.
Example highlighting for a shell script
``` sh
function printMsgs() {
local type="$1"
if [[ "$__nodialog" == "1" && "$type" == "dialog" ]]; then
for msg in "$@"; do
[[ "$type" == "dialog" ]] && dialog --backtitle "$__backtitle" --cr-wrap --no-collapse --msgbox "$msg" 20 60 >/dev/tty
[[ "$type" == "console" ]] && echo -e "$msg"
[[ "$type" == "heading" ]] && echo -e "\n= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\n$msg\n= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\n"
return 0
Optionally, a title attribute can be added to the code block, which will appear on top of the formatted block.
``` ini title="SNES Controller Configuration"
input_device = "USB gamepad "
input_driver = "udev"
input_r_btn = "5"
input_save_state_btn = "5"
input_start_btn = "9"
input_exit_emulator_btn = "9"
input_l_btn = "4"
input_load_state_btn = "4"
input_up_axis = "-1"
input_a_btn = "1"
input_b_btn = "2"
input_reset_btn = "2"
input_down_axis = "+1"
input_right_axis = "+0"
input_state_slot_increase_axis = "+0"
input_x_btn = "0"
input_menu_toggle_btn = "0"
input_select_btn = "8"
input_enable_hotkey_btn = "8"
input_y_btn = "3"
input_left_axis = "-0"
input_state_slot_decrease_axis = "-0"
Nesting lists
If you are doing sub-nests on un-ordered lists, use 2 spaces to indent each list level.
- 1st list level
- 2nd level
- a 3rd level
- 2nd level again
It should render like this:
- 1st list level
- 2nd level
- a 3rd level
- 2nd level again
- 2nd level
A line break in a list should be created by using 4 spaces at the beginning of the line:
- a list item
continued here on the 2nd paragraph
- 2nd list item
Will render as:
- a list item
continued here on the 2nd paragraph - 2nd list item
Numbers will only order properly if in a listed sequence. If that sequence is broken by paragraphs then the numbering will restart.
Numbered lists are formatted as follows:
1. item 1
2. item 2
3. item 3
4. item 4
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Emojis are not supported with Python markdown and should be avoided. Rather important text should be bolded or italicised.
The following in Github:
but in the generated docs it will show
Images can be added using the standard Markdown syntax:

To add a caption to the image, the figure markdown
tag can be used:
<figure markdown>

<figcaption>Image caption</figcaption>
The figcaption
tag accepts the usual Markdown text styling options, so the caption text can be bolded/emphasized/underlined/etc.
Admonitions are blocks for side content meant to be shown separately from the main content of the page.
They are rendered as a border surrounded block composed of:
- a top heading consisting of an icon and an optional title against a colored background
- a text paragraph block
The code to add an admonition looks like:
/// tip | Title of admonition
Text content here
and is rendered like:
Title of admonition
Text content here
The tip
part of the heading is called the type of the admonition and it determines the icon and colors used to style the admonition block. The folllowing types of admonitions are available for RetroPie Docs:
- new
- note
- abstract
- info
- tip
- success
- question
- warning
- danger
- bug
- example
- quote
To see how each admonition type looks, see the following page.
This is a comment: