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Super Nintendo Entertainment System


The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (or SNES) was a 4th generation video game console released by Nintendo in 1991. It is one of the most popular consoles.

Emulator Rom Folder Extension BIOS Controller Config
lr-snes9x snes .7z .bin .bs .fig .mgd .sfc .smc .swc .zip none /opt/retropie/configs/snes/retroarch.cfg
lr-snes9x2010 snes .7z .bin .bs .fig .mgd .sfc .smc .swc .zip none /opt/retropie/configs/snes/retroarch.cfg
lr-snes9x2005 snes .7z .bin .bs .fig .mgd .sfc .smc .swc .zip none /opt/retropie/configs/snes/retroarch.cfg
lr-snes9x2002 snes .7z .bin .bs .fig .mgd .sfc .smc .swc .zip none /opt/retropie/configs/snes/retroarch.cfg
PiSNES snes .fig .sfc .smc .swc .zip none /opt/retropie/configs/snes/snes9x.cfg
snes9x-rpi snes .fig .sfc .smc .swc .zip none /opt/retropie/configs/snes/snes9x.cfg

Emulators: lr-snes9x, lr-snes9x2010, lr-snes9x2005, lr-snes9x2002, PiSNES, snes9x-rpi

RetroPie includes multiple SNES emulators.


The preferred emulator on the RPi2 or RPi3B due to its balance between speed and accuracy, though an overclocked RPi3B or stock RPi3B+ are recommended for attempting full speed emulation of SA1/SFX2 games.


Recommended for attempting full speed emulation of SFX/SA1/SFX2 games on the RPi2 alongside, and the same could be said when attempting full speed emulation of SA1/SFX2 games on a stock RPi3B, though accuracy will suffer in all cases.


An optional emulator that has proper Satellaview emulation, MSU-1 hack support, and is the most accurate SNES emulator available on the Raspberry Pi, but an overclocked RPi3B or stock RPi3B+ are recommended to avoid slowdown in most regular games. This emulator is generally too demanding for SFX/SA1/SFX2 games and an overclocked RPi3B+ is recommended for attempting full speed emulation of said games.


The default emulator for the RPi0 and RPi1: expect inaccurate emulation. With this emulator, full speed emulation of SFX/SA1/SFX2 games is not possible on a RPi0 or a RPi1, expect some regular games not to run full speed on a RPi0, and do not expect full speed emulation for any game on a RPi1.

This emulator may also be of use to RPi2 and RPi3B owners that need the additional speed to emulate SFX/SA1/SFX2 games at full speed consistently, though lr-snes9x2005 should be their first choice.

Setting the Runcommand's resolution setting for this emulator to a low 4:3 resolution on the RPi0 or RPi1 is recommended for faster emulation: VGA (640x480) (CEA-1) will produce a 4:3 resolution with screen tearing on a modern TV. 480i (CEA-6) will not have screen tearing on a modern TV yet will decrease visual quality.


An optional emulator that is recommended for full speed emulation of some games that run slow on a RPi0 in lr-snes9x2002, though it has inaccurate sound emulation and SFX/SA1/SFX2 games do not work.

Setting the Runcommand's resolution setting for this emulator to a low 4:3 resolution on the RPi0 or RPi1 is recommended for faster emulation. VGA (640x480) (CEA-1) will produce a 4:3 resolution with screen tearing on a modern TV. 480i (CEA-6) will not produce a 4:3 resolution with this emulator, not have screen tearing on a modern TV, and will decrease visual quality.


An optional emulator that is identical to PiSNES in that it is based on the same version of SNES9x, has the same inaccurate sound emulation, and SFX/SA1/SFX2 games do not work. Where this emulator differs is that it requires a keyboard to exit without advanced controller configuration. How well it performs compared to PiSNES is currently unknown.


Accepted File Extensions: .7z .bin .fig .mgd .sfc .smc .swc .zip

Place your SNES ROMs in



Satellaview games are properly emulated by lr-snes9x, but require a BIOS to do so.

English - No DRM is the recommended version to use.

Recognized Name Description CRC32
BS-X.bin English - No DRM E5A91AD4
BS-X.bin English - DRM 8ECC1963
BS-X.bin Japan - No DRM B6BFB9B9
BS-X.bin Japan - DRM F51F07A0

Place BIOS in


For emulators like lr-snes9x2010, the ".bs" extension is not recognized when inside a ".zip" or ".7z" archive.

First you will need to uncompress your ROMs from ".zip" or ".7z", then either leave them uncompressed, or change all of the ROMs' extension from ".bs" to ".sfc" then recompress the ".sfc" files back to ".zip" or ".7z" archives.

A quick way to change all of your ".bs" ROMs for Windows users is to open NotePad, put the command found below in it, save the file with a ".bat" extension (name it something like "bs to sfc.bat"), then place the new batch file in the folder containing your uncompressed ".bs" ROMs.

rename *.bs *.sfc

Programs such as PeaZip or WinRAR can be used to batch compress all of the newly renamed ROMs back into separate ".zip" or ".7z" archives.


lr-snes9x, lr-snes9x2010, lr-snes9x2005, lr-snes9x2002

lr-snes9x, lr-snes9x2010, lr-snes9x2005, and lr-snes9x2002 all utilise RetroArch configurations.

Add custom RetroArch controls to the retroarch.cfg file in:

For more information on custom RetroArch controls see: RetroArch Configuration.



Controller configurations are kept in a file named snes9x.cfg located in:

Example Configurations
# Get codes from /usr/include/SDL/SDL_keysym.h

# Get codes from "jstest /dev/input/js0"
# from package "joystick"
#Joystick axis

3-5 Players

lr-snes9x and lr-snes9x2010 are the only emulators that support multitap. Multitap support is disabled by default due to it breaking two-player games that don't support it.

To enable multitap, launch the multitap supported game you wish to enable multitap support in, go to "RGUI/Main Menu/Quick Menu/Controls", change "User 2 Device Type" to "Multitap", then go back to the "Quick Menu" and select "Save Game Overrides" at the bottom of the menu.