Would you like to play Nokia (J2ME) games on Retropie?
@hex Yes. I didn't add the config menu to the SDL version as the options were very likely to be different. I figured that configuration would be handled on the SDL side. It's easy enough to change, of course, as you can see from the other variations.
@recompile Manifest-Version: 1.0
MIDlet-Vendor: Inlogic Software
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.1
MIDlet-Version: 1.0.0
MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.1
MIDlet-1: Zombie Rider, /ic.png, sk.inlogic.X
Created-By: 20.45-b01 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Nokia-MIDlet-Category: Game
MIDlet-Data-Size: 5000
MIDlet-Icon: /ic.png
MIDlet-Name: Zombie Rider
MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-2.0 -
@recompile This project is actively maintained https://github.com/nikita36078/J2ME-Loader hence I did not think that would be necessary.
@hex That's why I asked @guicrith After all, there's no reason not to have more than one project. This one is a good example, as FreeJ2ME, MicroEmulator and Kemulat0r all work with a different subset of games. More open-source projects means that each project can benefit from the others.
That is, guicrith's project might solve a problem with which you're struggling, and you might solve a problem they're having trouble working out.
@hex Sent the files to your mail, check it please.
Your file doesnt work. There is a Medal of honour Airborne that is like 96kb that works
@hex Hmm, i extracted it with 7-Zip and it works...
@hex And all my files are over 96 kilobytes... Weird.
@hex But why? It doesn't work for me...
I am pushing some updates. update your code and try again (remember to rebuild sources)
@hex Sorry for this, but how do i compile this? Codeblocks?
git clone https://github.com/hex007/freej2me cd freej2me ant -
@hex Thanks! Will delete the Sourceforge build.
@hex ant command not found... Hmmm...
You will need apache ant. find out how to install it for your platform
@hex Apparently Ant does not work with Git?
What ?? Why would ant work with git. Those are three commands
What are you running on? Post screenshots or error logs.
@hex Yes, i've input those commands on Git's bash, and basically it just says "ant command not found", and i cannot set the environment system variable apache ant .bin, the add check is blocked.
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