[Theme] gameOS for Pegasus
@PlayingKarrde Of course, no problem, I personally like even denser layout: 4:3 items with 5 columns, but that's really everyone's own preference. I think I am finished with updating gameOS theme for now. There's little to improve/fix at the moment. Maybe the last one thing: I have locally set "preferredHighlightEnd" to "vpx(parent.bottom)" in GameGrid.qml to ensure the grid items are being selected anywhere in the visible area of the grid-view; not like it is now, where only fist 2 rows are selectable.
~(:c)= -
@bedgo Ah fair enough. I didn't want to do that as I like having the next line down visible before selecting something, but to each their own.
Oh and thanks for all the updates also. You've definitely helped fix a lot of things I didn't have time for. Hopefully I'll get some time in the near future to add some new features also. My internal list is still pretty long for what I want to do.
Just to share with you my bartop project with this cool theme!!!
@fastpop72 awesome! Thanks for sharing!
I really like the look of this theme. Unfortunately the menu is extremely laggy. Currently I have every SNES NES and Genesis game and the menus are very sluggish on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ which is a real shame.
I've got GameOS running on a pi zero, but am having issues with it playing videos under the theme. Audio can be heard, but the screen is black. I did notice that if you delete the videos it speeds everything up.
Is there a way to remove video playback from main screen when you are focused on a single game? If possible, I'd like to only allow it when you select preview in the menu that you launch the game in. What would need tweaked for that?
There's a real issue with videos in general that I believed was a Pegasus problem (and I still believe at the root it is still potentially) but someone did mention a fix that I will need to implement when I get around to it. I've been so incredibly low on time lately that I haven't had a chance to get to any of the myriad of fixes I want to implement. Video playback performance is easily my most critical fix though.
In terms of disabling video, I ideally would like to implement an options screen for the theme but again - time. Failing that I believe what you're looking for likely lies in GameGridItem.qml around lines 171-206:
// Video preview Component { id: videoPreviewWrapper Video { source: game.assets.videos.length ? game.assets.videos[0] : "" anchors.fill: parent fillMode: VideoOutput.PreserveAspectCrop muted: true loops: MediaPlayer.Infinite autoPlay: true } } Loader { id: videoPreviewLoader asynchronous: true anchors { fill: parent margins: vpx(4) } layer.enabled: true layer.effect: OpacityMask { maskSource: Item { width: videoPreviewLoader.width height: videoPreviewLoader.height Rectangle { anchors.centerIn: parent width: videoPreviewLoader.width height: videoPreviewLoader.height radius: cornerradius - vpx(1) } } } //z: 3 }
I don't have time to test but try commenting out these sections (or deleting).
I'm having strange flickering issues when clicking on a game in the grid. The modal with the game info is not showing and everything is flashing and basically breaks the whole interface, requiring a restart. The original Pegasus theme works fine, so this issue seems to be with gameOS. The strange thing is that I tried using the theme on another setup just a week ago and didn't notice any of these issues then. Any idea what might be causing this?
@tobeyg said in [Theme] gameOS for Pegasus:
I'm having strange flickering issues when clicking on a game in the grid. The modal with the game info is not showing and everything is flashing and basically breaks the whole interface, requiring a restart. The original Pegasus theme works fine, so this issue seems to be with gameOS. The strange thing is that I tried using the theme on another setup just a week ago and didn't notice any of these issues then. Any idea what might be causing this?
What system are you trying this on? I also sometimes get behavior similar to this when running through an arcadevga or on 240p resolution on a CRT. Are you doing something similar? I haven't found a fix for this yet.
any progress regarding the use of box art in grid menu ?
@ryuuji said in [Theme] gameOS for Pegasus:
any progress regarding the use of box art in grid menu ?
Some progress but it's going to take a while as I need to implement the settings screen first which isn't a small amount of work. Even once that's in it's still not super trivial as it's not just replacing the art with boxfront. Regardless though I'm working on it and hopefully it will make it into the next big update.
@PlayingKarrde oh .... yes that sounds like a lot of work. I was thinking u gonna just editt the current qml and replace the sshot with box art. Much nicer what you have chosen to do.
@ryuuji said in [Theme] gameOS for Pegasus:
@PlayingKarrde oh .... yes that sounds like a lot of work. I was thinking u gonna just editt the current qml and replace the sshot with box art. Much nicer what you have chosen to do.
When I initially mentioned I could do it that's what I had planned on doing, but when I started looking into it I didn't feel like that would give a good enough result so I would rather do it properly.
Hey Y'all.
I am having a tough time trying to figure out how to convert my Retropie EmulationStation setup to work with Pegasus and gameos, especially in regards to my gamelist and scraped artwork showing. Does anyone know of somewhere I can find, or can post a non-rom filled image of a pi3 or zero install, with everything already configured as far the gamelists and artwork in the right place so I can learn from there? I have read as many guides as I could and still can't figure out where I'm going wrong? :-/
Much appreciated for any help!
@simbz23 Does it work ok with the default theme? Can you post a photo of what you're getting?
I really like how the artwork looks on the games. Is there any way I can make my end look like that? Thanks
It is recommended to use Skraper.net to acquire media assets for this theme. These are the minimum requirements for media scraping, although adding more could be useful for other themes or the future:video
box 2d
wheelSkraper will place these in your roms folder under another folder called media.
If no media files are showing up, make sure that Skraper Assets is checked in the Additional Data Sources section of Pegasus settings. It may also be preferable to convert the created gamelist.xml (assuming EmulationStation was chosen for the game list in Skraper) to a metadata.txt file using the Pegasus conversion tool
Have finally gotten around to updating to v0.6. It's a fairly large update but also slightly transitional as I wait for the theme settings to roll in. The next major update should be fairly significant. Here's the update list:
- Added new default game details screen
- Added new default grid view without game details with to toggle
- Added column number options (for future update)
- Added theme support (for future update)
- Brought back collection title
- Video previews in thumbnail currently turned off to improve performance
- Various bug fixes (thanks to bedgoe, waldnercharles)
@PlayingKarrde Great update!!!
Can i have an info of how restore the video preview in the grid? I use a PC and i have any problems about performance.
I tried to remove the added /* and */ in the GameGridItem.qml file but no luck!
About the new upgrade i love the new detailed screen, i miss a little the upper game title on the main grid because i used to watch there when i browse fast into the grid, helped me to see which letter i am.
@fastpop72 said in [Theme] gameOS for Pegasus:
Can i have an info of how restore the video preview in the grid? I use a PC and i have any problems about performance.
You will also need to uncomment lines 30 and 33 from the same file.
For this and also the old style grid view I plan to have as options in the theme settings as soon as that is implemented so you can in theory go back to that style if you preferred. However I likely won't be supporting that view moving forward so I will keep your fast browsing feedback in mind and try and come up with a different solution that helps with that.
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