My Remastered NES Covers
An other Hack Cover
Tetris (USA) [Hack by infidelity v2] (2 players)
@Used2BeRX Castlevania 2 without the Japanese text. FINAL version
Normal covers :
Banana (Japan)
Goonies (Japan) [T-Fr by ks151 v1.0]
Grand Master (Japan)
Holy Diver (Japan)
Hydlide 3 - Yami kara no Houmonsha (Japan)
I've lost many time to search for a good stuff to remaster Getsu Fuuma Den and i found nothing i like :(
Some will ask me so many work to remaster, some is a flyer i don't really like ...
The problem was this game has a COVER with Hologram ! Two image in one.I lost some hours during 3 days to find some thing to work and finally I was lucky :)
Like we can see on this photo, the cover is empty, there is only a drawing.
Finally i have made a mix the COVER and the NOTICE to make it look like other games.Getsufuu Maden (Japan)
@Used2BeRX , I finally take time to remove the publicity text on my cover remastered ;)
Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey Bu - Subette Koronde Dai Rantou (Japan) [T-En by TransBRC v1.1]
Joy Mech Fight (Japan)
Karateka (Japan)
Kick Master (USA)
@darknior Nice dude. That hologram was a problem.
Do you have these in a higher definition originally? A lot of these I have images that are much larger than what you're posting here. I was hoping you edited the larger ones and then downsized them for use on the Pi3.
@used2berx said in My Remastered NES Covers:
@darknior Nice dude. That hologram was a problem.
Do you have these in a higher definition originally? A lot of these I have images that are much larger than what you're posting here. I was hoping you edited the larger ones and then downsized them for use on the Pi3.
Like i write before, some time i have, but not always ... and i don't stoke them, i use and delete them.
These jackets are dirty, with bad colors, stripes, corners damaged, sometimes labels, advertising texts etc ...
I can only deliver you my stuff like i post it here. Sorry, nothing more. -
them look like trading card, looks great.
@darknior Can I send, with your autorisation, your wonderfull job to the ScreenScraper DB ?
I'm a ScreenScraper Admin, and we always look for nice quality media (adding or upgrading the one we already have)
Without your permission, I already uploaded 3 for a test (sorry) you can see it here : are notified as the "source" (I put "Darknior@Retropie", just put you mouse over the small [i] just after my name ;) )
If you grant me the right to do so, I will upload all your work you publish here so every one can scrape the 2D Cover.
And even more, MarbleMad (the main ScreenScraper Dev) is working on a system to create automatique "side" when they are missing, so you 2D cover can be converted and scraped in 3D cover ;)Just need your "Go" ^^
(If you want, you can do it yourself ^^ just submit them as "Box Front" ^^ but I offer you to do it, it's easier ;) )
Hi and thanks a lot @screech
@screech said in My Remastered NES Covers:
You are notified as the "source" (I put "Darknior@Retropie", just put you mouse over the small [i] just after my name ;) )
But i already have an account from last year, it is better than "Darknior@Retropie" lol
If you don't use my account i gain no point, and i will always stay a bad member of your site and i don't like the idea :(I'm a very very good friend of @duff one of your Super Modérateur
He take all his N64 stuff from the site where i'm working before Emuxtras.
For the other system they also have some good stuff, some time better than your's, but not really easy to auto import on ScreenScraper.
Because he explain me you have some BATCH import system, to make mass import in your database.
And it is what i plan to ask you later, to have access to make Mass Import too and complete your database.
When i work on a system with our best of rom set, i make all at 100% with no errors if possible, but i stay a simple human :p
- I create the best of with @Gilou9999 @waal @naxxi
- I scrap it with your Universal Scraper and mix stuff with scrap by @waal
- I verify one by one all the games to complète and correct the stuff by hand. Using also some EmuXtra Stuff
On NES :
LOGO, i replace almost 50% of them.
- Bad size, bigger or lower than 400 pixel
- Bad colors, bad quality
- Bad logo, other game with same name or different version
- Or you don't have it, or only in US and not JP
COVER, here i share only some of them.
- I replace many of them with better quality
- Restaure many of them ... some scan are dirty, with bad colors, stripes, corners damaged, sometimes labels, advertising texts etc ...
- Create all the Japanese one that you don't have.
VIDEO, i found 95% of them on Emumovies, where i have an account from many years,.
- And i capture all that no one have. But just 35 sec of Game-play, i don't take the time to put the title at the end.
XML informations :
For this, i have many help from @Gilou9999 .- number of player We try all the games one by one to complète this for real. And add the most important in multi player, the type : Vs, Coop, Alt (ernative)
- All the other informations from most of part : and ang GOOGLE
- Fix many Publisher inverted with Developer.
- Add release date
- Fix many genre that are wrong, but we only use your list of genre !
- And we write all the Description by hand in french. A very long work to do and translate ...
It is why i have think to use the BATCH mode, to update all these informations. And not only the covers.
When i will finish the NES i will share here a link with the FULL PACKAGE.
I must do it quickly for the systems already finished.- Panasonic 3DO
- NEC SuperGrafx
- NEC PC Engine CD
@screech said in My Remastered NES Covers:
(If you want, you can do it yourself ^^ just submit them as "Box Front" ^^ but I offer you to do it, it's easier ;) )
I'm agree to you help me to upload all my stuff on your site, i want it from the beginning, and i don't have the time to do it myself.
Just, i want to be credited for my work, and win SUCCESS.
We can speak about all of that by Mail, it will be better than here : darknior@forgez.comWe already finished, @Gilou9999 , the first pass on 4 other systems ... i will work on them after the NES.
- All videos
- All covers but from web, i don't have the time to restaure them
- All logo, same
- All informations finished 100% for each games
Systems :
- Genesis / Mega drive
- Master system
- N64
wow ^^ Great :D
Sorry, don't know you already have an account on ScreenScraper ^^ (so many users :p )
For information :
I just upgrade your account to "master submiter", so you have access to the Mass Proposal function.
You can now connect with your best FTP client (like WINSCP, it's the one I use) to the massive deposit function, and very quickly submit your work under your name ;) (what is totally normal)Don't hesitate to ask me directly on the new ScreenScraper Forum, on IRC or here ;) I will be happy to help you ^^
(sorry for the 3 first submit I test... I will delete them so you can resubmit them under your name :D it was just a test so you can see what is the result ;) I just want to help you not wasting time to submit 1 by 1 your great work ^^ I prefere you work on what you are really good at ^^ creating Nice cover :D )
@screech Ok thanks :)
I will try it quickly on my first 3 systems.
But if i understand fine it works only for MEDIA : Logo, Cover, Video.
I can't also upgrade your database with my text stuff. All the descriptions and informations ... so bad :( -
Move along.
Nothing to see here.
I don't really like the PIXEL covers for US Classic games :(
I began to remaster the EUROPEAN one :p
They use the JAPAN cover image and it is really better i think :)Balloon fight (USA)
Donkey Kong (World) (Rev A)
Duck Hunt (World)
Excitebike (Japan, USA)
Gumshoe (USA, Europe)
I have create this one, because it doesn't exist any European version :(
Gyromite (Europe)
Hogan's Alley (World)
Holy Diver (Japan)
Ice Climber (USA, Europe)
Kung Fu (Japan, USA)
Lagrange Point (Japan)
Easy to found the USA Zelda covers, i restaure the first one.
Legend of Zelda, The (USA) (Rev A) [T-Fr by Lyssal v1.0]
And create one for the second that only exist on Famicom Disk System.
Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (USA) [T-Fr by Wild Ham v1.1]
Like ever i made the LOGO too, all will be upload on ScreenScrapper at the end ;)
These are excellent.
Are you taking requests at all? Looking for a remastered Armadillo.
Here's the best one I could find. Maybe darknior could tweak it?
@darknior Hey bud,
I was wondering if you or Gilles could do me a huge solid?
Years back, Gilles made "Generic Boxarts" for all of the systems. These were used for any games we couldn't find artwork for at the time. All these years later there is actually a lot more artwork available, so we really don't need any for official releases at all, but we still need them for categories like Pirates, Unlicensed, Homebrew and a few others. Unfortunately, the images that Gilles made were only around 292x400 pixels, which was fine on an SD XBox, but won't hold up well against all of these larger and improved images we're going to be using for our new sets.
I was wondering if you guys could redo some of these for the systems as I work on them. It's taken me about 6 months of near full-time work just doing the NES, so I don't think I'm going to be pressuring you too much about it :)
Here's the ones we're using for the NES now:
Here's the ones for the FDS. Just a few adult games and the Famimaga collection:
They don't have to be the same images, but just maintain the same feel. I really like the images that Gilles used for these, but they might not be easy to find, or in high enough quality to use for larger images. Actually, if you guys would do this for me, just let me know and I'll see if I can find the images so you don't have to waste time looking for them.
Also, I know you like making the images only 700 pixels, but I was hoping you'd make them larger for me? I really am trying to build this new collection with the future of tech in mind and don't want to have to be asking somebody to upgrade these again in 10 years. :)
If you guys do this for me, you're upgrading the presentation for around 200-250 games by just making 7 Boxes.
Thanks man.
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