SavePath - a small script to set SRM and STATE location on the fly
I think there is not much to say
Please read the bash description and you will be fine ;)You need the script add to and parse parameters to it.
Save the code from box below to a place you like maybe
Make the script executable with
chmod +x home/pi/RetroPie/scripts/
nano /opt/retropie/configs/all/
Enter line
/home/pi/RetroPie/scripts/ "all" "/home/pi/RetroPie/savegames/$1"
4.1 Parameter 1 - which retroarch.cfg should be used? (mandatory)
4.1.1 choose betweenall
MANDATORY parameter
uses parameters from/opt/retroarch/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
uses parameters called by ROM. So if you start a NES-ROM/opt/retroarch/configs/nes/retroarch.cfg
is used4.2 Parameter 2 - Where to store savestates? (mandatory)
4.2.1 This parameter build path for SAVESTATES!
= systemname (fba, gb...) this may help you to build pathes for each system - try it out MANDATORY parameter4.3 Paramter 3 - Where to store SRM saves? (optional)
4.3.1 This parameter build path for SRM files!
= systemname (fba, gb...). So you can save STATES and SRM in two different places.
4.3.3 If this parameter is empty then SRM location is STATE location! -
You need to activate the two save key in
withnano /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
if you use theall
parameter. Otherwise do it per system!
5.1savefile_directory = ""
5.2savestate_directory = ""
#!/bin/bash # Save Path v1.1 # Change SavePath of SRM and STATE-files # 29.01.2018 # # by cyperghost for # # This script is intended to set automatically pathes to SRM and STATE files # therefore 3 parameters got to be pathed to this # Parameter 1: all or $1 (for system) > This sets retroarch.cfg system specific or all # Parameter 2: Save path of ROM Savegames maybe '/home/pi/RetroPie/savegames/$1' # Parameter 3: Save path of SRM Savegames maybe '/home/pi/RetroPie/savegames/$1/SRM' # # I differ between SRM and STATE-path if SRM parameter (Parameter 3) is NOT left empty # If parameter 3 is missing then SRM will be in the same location as STATE. # # Example 1: all "/home/pi/RetroPie/savegames/$1" with a NES ROM # results: SRM and STATE savepath '/home/pi/RetroPie/savegames/nes' # retroarch.cfg in /opt/retropie/configs/all will be used! # # Example 2: $1 "home/pi/Retropie/savegames/$1" with a NES ROM # results: SRM and STATE savepath '/home/pi/RetroPie/savegames/nes' # but retroarch.cfg in /opt/retropie/configs/nes will be used! # # Example 3: $1 "home/pi/Retropie/savegames/$1" "home/pi/Retropie/savegames/$1/SRM" # with a NES ROM results: STATE savepath '/home/pi/RetroPie/savegames/nes' # and SRM will be saved to '/home/pi/RetroPie/savegames/nes/SRM' # but retroarch.cfg in /opt/retropie/configs/nes will be used! # # Example 4: all "home/pi/Retropie/savegames/$1" "home/pi/Retropie/savegames/$1/SRM" # with a NES ROM results: STATE savepath '/home/pi/RetroPie/savegames/nes' # and SRM will be saved to '/home/pi/RetroPie/savegames/nes/SRM' # and retroarch.cfg in /opt/retropie/configs/all will be used! # # Example 5: all "home/pi/Retropie/savegames" with all ROMs # results: STATE savepath '/home/pi/RetroPie/savegames/' # and SRM will be saved to '/home/pi/RetroPie/savegames/' # retroarch.cfg in /opt/retropie/configs/all will be used! # All ROMs of all systems will be saved there # # create or uncomment keys for 'savefile_directory = ""' and # 'savestate_directory = ""' by your own! # I don't want to mess up anything with your config! [ -z "$1" ] && echo "SavePath Check: Please parse 'all' or '$1'! Error!" >&2 && exit 1 [ -z "$2" ] && echo "SavePath Check: Please parse full path for save location!" >&2 && exit 1 [ "${1:0:1}" = "/" ] && echo "SavePath Check: You likely entered a path location! Please parse 'all' or '$1'! Error!" >&2 && exit 1 state_path="$2" srm_path="$3" [ -z "$3" ] && srm_path="$2" config_dir="/opt/retropie/configs/$1" config_file="$config_dir/retroarch.cfg" # Get Config State, if there is an error then exit func_get_config() { config="$(grep -Po "(?<=^$1 = ).*" "$config_file")" # Check for string config if it's empty then exit # else remove quotation marks [ -z "$config" ] && echo "SavePath Check: config Key: $1 in $config_file not found! Exit!" >&2 && exit 1 config="${config%\"}" config="${config#\"}" # This is tricky! # The ~ is a shortage to the HOME directory # RetroPie is used to save the home dir as '~/RetroPie...' # So I check for presence, remove it and expand it again [ "${config:0:1}" = "~" ] && config="${config#??}" && config=~/"$config" } # Write to config func_set_config() { sed -i "s|^\($1\s*=\s*\).*|\1\"$2\"|" "$config_file" # echo "\"$1\" set to \"$2\"." } # --------------------------- M A I N --------------------------- [ -z "${state_path##*/}" ] && state_path="${state_path%?}" # Remove last / character from pathes [ "${state_path:0:1}" != "/" ] && echo "SavePath Check: No valid path for save STATE location entered!" >&2 && exit 1 [ -z "${srm_path##*/}" ] && srm_path="${srm_path%?}" # Remove last / character from pathes [ "${srm_path:0:1}" != "/" ] && echo "SavePath Check: No valid path for save SRM location entered!" >&2 && exit 1 func_get_config "savefile_directory" if [ "$config" != "$srm_path" ]; then func_set_config "savefile_directory" "$srm_path" mkdir -p "$srm_path" fi func_get_config "savestate_directory" if [ "$config" != "$state_path" ]; then func_set_config "savestate_directory" "$state_path" mkdir -p "$state_path" fi -
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