Retro game stuff talk
Today I added my very first Treasure game to my collection: Dynamite Headdy for Sega Genesis. It’s in very good shape and only mildly suffers from the common Genesis game problem of looking like someone soaked the label in vegetable oil. I don’t know why so many Genesis games do that.
Also: can anyone suggest a good gamebit screwdriver that works well with Genesis games? My orange handled one from Amazon “works” but it often slips from the screws on Genesis games and mars the finish. I’d like to minimize that in the future.
My custom PCBs also arrived today. They're my very first boards that I designed myself, so there's nothing fancy going on, but it looks like they'll fit the ribbon cable that I intended, so hopefully I'll be able to test with a Pi soon.
@obsidianspider great job man!
Started to buy some stuff again. I didn't take pictures since it's nothing special. I belive you all have seen Famicom cartridges before.
I have the Famicom with Super Mario Bros 1 and 3
Added these to the collectionRockman 2
Rockman 3
Rockman 4
Rockman 5
Mike Tyson's Punch Out!
Dr. Mario
SalamanderAnd a KV-25DA65 Sony TV for 800 Yen!
There are some PVM screens available here but I have no clue how you connect a famicom or any console to such screen. They have those weird BNC connectors only. Does anyone have experience or info regarding connecting consoles to PVM screens?
@FlyingTomahawk said in Retro game stuff talk:
Does anyone have experience or info regarding connecting consoles to PVM screens?
Well, PVM should have composite, component or S-Video inputs. Check out the MLIG episode on NES,
I think composite is one option if you have an AV Famicom.
@FlyingTomahawk Nice additions to the Famicom collection! I always liked the Rockman art better than what we got for Mega Man here in the USA.
LoL, yeah the US cover for Megaman 1 and 2 are atrocious. Really wonder why they went with those. Must have been stoned.
So here is my one week shopping result. The TV is the largest item but not the most expensive. 800 yen is a bargain for such 25 inch TV in very clean condition plus remote. The most expensive was Super Fantasy Zone for the Mega Drive. That goes usually for 6000-7000 yen. I found it for 3900 yen in super mint condition, like it came fresh from the production line yesterday.
To play on a CRT TV is just awesome and brings back a lot good memories. Thinking about, that stuff is gonna be 40! years old in 3 years. Crazy how fast time passes.
I think it's Kotaku (or could be Retro Gamer?) who has a interview with the artist who made the Megaman western boxart, with info on why, who, how etc.
@FlyingTomahawk Awesome find on the TV! I'm still keeping my eye out for the holy grail, the FV310. I hope to find one some day.
I always liked how Famicom games were in different colored shells and sometimes even different shapes. Japan absolutely got the "feeling" right with their cartridges. -
Curious, what makes that FV310 so special? Does it have certain connectors that other don't have?
@FlyingTomahawk It's considered to have the very best picture quality on any standard definition consumer CRT ever made. The connectors themselves aren't anything special.
This week I was in Manhattan for work and picked up two games.
Billy Hatcher has been on my list for a long time and the fact that I bought it in person from a member of a game collector group that I'm in on Facebook makes it even cooler to have in my collection. The gameplay is really fun and the egg rolling part reminds me a lot of Katamari Damacy.
River City Girls was more of an impulse pickup since I'd heard it was good and I didn't see anything else I wanted at VideoGamesNewYork. I popped it into my Switch today and HOLY CRAP. This games is AWESOME! Check out the intro and first few minutes of gameplay. A rockin soundtrack, solid game mechanics and the "puberty" video playing in one of the classrooms had me cracking up (Scrub to around 7:13 in the video below). This game is a must have for the Switch. This was also available at Best Buy, but apparently is now sold out. If you can find it, get it.
With the addition of a very nice looking Pocket Hello Kitty I believe I now have all of the variants of the "Made by Nintendo and looks like a Game Boy but is actually a pedometer/Tamagotchi" set. I'm not sure when I first discovered these things, but I think they're neat and the Pocket Sakura and Pocket Hello Kitty are a lot harder to find in decent shape for not crazy money than the Pokemon ones. The Color Pocket Pikachus only seem to come in a blister pack and sell for more than I'd want to spend, so for now I'll be happy to have them loose.
@obsidianspider I absolutely LOVED River City Ransom, I'd get drunk off my ass and dump about $20 into a bartop PC10 playing that game. This game looks like a fun spiritual successor, I'll pick it up if I can find it.
One of the many things that caught on in Japan but not in the US is game soundtracks. I don't have a large collection of them, but I recently added four more. A Link Between Worlds, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario 3D World, and Okami. The discs will likely not get much use aside from the one time I rip them to MP3, but the artwork on them is fantastic. I'll be posting individual photos on my Instagram. Yes, they all have spine cards except Okami, which was a promotional disc in a cardboard sleeve.
I have the Epic Battle Fantasy 5 soundtrack CD coming, love me some game soundtracks. FF9 was also quite good.
The CD was limited run and not available anymore but you can buy download or listen to all 30 tracks free here -
had off today and I thought I'll try to mod my Famicom and Mega Drive. I want to have the best possible picture on my CRT TV. RGB/Scart is, unfortunately, not an option here since that is limited to Europe only. Japan used to have RGB21 which has a different pinout and TVs with RGB21 are super rare.
Let's start with the Famicom. The Famicom can only output composite and mono audio.
Composite is still better than RF. Got me all kinds of Resistors, Capacitors and Transistors. I used one of my yellow Famicoms since I wanna keep the best looking white one stock with RF only. The result is great. Very slight jail bars but barely noticeable.Next, the Mega Drive....
The Mega Drive can output RGB and I do have 2 RGB/Scart cables which I used with my RGB to HDMI converter box. Which upscales the image to 720p or 800x600 which is not native resolution and you don't get the scan lines.
The CRT TV has no HDMI nor Scart. So here we are limited to S-Video. The mod is straight forward and super easy. There was no need to wire up anything for audio since you can take that from the 3.5mm headphone jack on the front.
The result is stunning. The sharpness and color reproduction is great. Especially on a native CRT resolution with natural scan lines.That's it for today. Now it's time to enjoy the fruits of my work and play some games.
Great job! Next step you'll be doing a retrobrite job on that modded Famicom!
Just a small update on the Famicom mod and jail bars situation. I was able to eliminate them and the image looks 99.5% clean. Just write it here in case someone is looking for that solution in the future.
It does involve some risky modification though.
You'll have to lift the leg of pin 21 on the PPU and remove the 2SA937 transistor, bent the base leg, connect that with a short wire to that pin 21 leg and solder the transistor back in its original position on the PCB.
Additional add two 1uf ceramic capacitors between pin 20 and 22 of the PPU and between pin 40 of the CPU and any ground point on the PCB.That's it. Now i can finally enjoy retro gaming with a clean image. Also modified another Famicom with a different PCB board layout and there I did the same and that also cleaned up the image.
@FlyingTomahawk Well done! Does that only affect the original Famicoms? I have an AV Famicom and never noticed jailbars, but I'm also not that discerning.
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