Retro game stuff talk
@FlyingTomahawk Super jealous of the great deal on the FDS. Very well done!
@VictimRLSH said in Retro game stuff talk:
Did you get any extras of these done? Willing to sell?
Extras of what?
Dynamite Headdy? NoThe breakout board? OSHPark has a minimum 3-board order. I need the other two for testing screens. I'm not looking to sell any. Sorry.
@ruckage Those cases look fantastic! Those are the European DS cases, right?
@obsidianspider said in Retro game stuff talk:
@ruckage Those cases look fantastic! Those are the European DS cases, right?
Thanks :) . Yes, they're European DS cases. It's really easy to modify the GBA cart holder to also hold GB/GBC games and they will also hold the manuals with another small modification (gb/gba manuals are usually bigger than DS manuals - at least in the UK). They also have a nice wide spine which is great for adding spine art.
Some US cases have a GBA slot but I'm sure I read that it was removed on later cases so you have to be a bit careful. It's also pretty much impossible to modify them to hold Gameboy carts and the larger manuals as huge amounts of plastic would have to be cut away.
I was reading back through the thread and saw you got a copy of Billy Hatcher. How are you liking it?
It was one of my first Gamecube games and still one of my favourites on the system. Its shame it wasn't that successful as I would have loved a sequel.
And I'll never get over how cute Gamecube discs are - not a fan of the cases though, I had a few discs that were cracked in the centrer due to the disc holder. -
@ruckage I only played it a bit on the day that I got it because I've had a bunch of other stuff going on in the last two weeks, but so far I like it quite a lot.
Today I added my very first US Nintendo 64 game to my collection: Beetle Adventure Racing.
Yes, really.
If I hadn't seen a MetalJesus video that mentioned it and then tried it on my EverDrive I wouldn't have believed that this is a really fun racing game either, but I'm happy to have it. CIB N64 games are pretty expensive right now, so I don't see me finding others in great shape for decent prices any time soon, but we'll see.
I remember the time when Nintendo 64 was about to end its life span in the game market. N64 sales were down and prices for N64 games at an all time high. I was working at a game store that time and games were sold for $120-150! Conquers Bad Fur Day is was my favourite next to Ocarina of Time but at the price for it right now I don't think I'll ever collect it.
Btw. Did you see the post above regarding your display PCB? The guy had a question about it.
@FlyingTomahawk I paid nowhere near those prices for Beetle Adventure Racing.
I did see the question about buying the PCB and I replied. I’m not looking to sell them and I need the three that I have for testing other screens. I have some 1.54” screens en route from China. Well. In theory they’re en route.
Where did you order those PCBs?
I am planing on creating some PCBs for my Famicoms. Is it expensive? -
@FlyingTomahawk I used OSH Park but there are other options in China that are cheaper for larger batches. For three boards around 21mm square it was $3.45 shipped to my house. Here’s a graphic from a Discord server I frequent that’s helpful. I’m hoping to get better at board design for some ideas I’ve had for a while.
@FlyingTomahawk said in Retro game stuff talk:
Is it expensive?
I’ve found the most expensive thing so far has been the time invested in learning how to use Kicad, find data sheets and learn nuances of circuit designs.
Yeah, i know what you mean. I think i get the hang of it but it's a steep learning curve.
I use DesignSpark PCB which helps a lot. Looking at other PCB projects and try to understand the way they're build up.
@FlyingTomahawk right now I’m just doing simple stuff, essentially replacing hooking up a spaghetti mess of wires. I haven’t even begun to dive into things like interference or trace width or things like that. I don’t even know what I don’t know yet.
I've been lucky to make some cool friends through this retro gaming hobby and one of them is my good buddy Dan in California. Today a box of miscellaneous cool stuff arrived from him.
The Game Boy Pocket is in really nice shape and even has the box, which is nice to have.
The MasterSystem controller is something he picked up after he heard me complaining while playing Shanghai a few weeks ago that my existing controller is getting a bit wonky and may need the cable replaced. It still has the clear plastic film on the faceplate!
I don't have a PS3, but apparently this Duke Nukem game is terrible. (His words) I'll have to try it out some time.
Did you know that they made Wii U headphones? I didn't either.
Thanks again man, I really appreciate all of this cool stuff.
Yes, Duke Nukem Forever was indeed awful. It should have remained vaporware, it got a lifetime achievement award for that...
Nice haul. I still have my Gameboy pocket from years ago though mine is the transparent shell - no box though unfortunately as at the time it never occurred to me to keep it, I imagine finding one with a box now is quite unusual. I just tried mine as I felt a bit nostalgic and it still works well but we've definitely been spoiled by modern displays as I'd forgotten about the motion blur - and the screen on the pocket was a big improvement over the original gameboy :).I also have Duke Nukem forever for PS3 but I've never played it, I'll have to try it one day to see if it really is that bad.
I just remembered I never sent you that Gleylancer label that I made, I'm really sorry I'd just completely forgotten until earlier when I found the image on my hard drive. Would you still like it? If so I can get it printed out for you. -
LoL no worries. You still had it? Awesome.
Yeah, i'd love to have it if it's not too much of a burden for you.
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