New ComicBook Video Splashscreen
@green_reaper I am traveling for work so have not had time to respond. This seems to be an isolated issue with your setup. I run the video on 3 different builds and I know several others have successfully used the videos as a loading splash screen. I am sorry but with the info you have provided I am not sure I can help you with your exact issue.
@green_reaper after watching your YouTube video again I think your issue may be your hdmi cable or your monitor. It might sound crazy, but some tv's and monitors and even hdmi don't play friendly with the different video players. I myself have one tv that will not support the audio output for the omx player, but it plays everything else fine. When I use any other tv everything works perfectly. It looks like your monitor is simply losing its signal part way through the video, the timing is such that once the video is done, your monitor picks back up the signal again. Try a different tv or monitor and see how it works. Then try a different hdmi cable.
@green_reaper try disabling overscan on your/boot/config.txt file.
I have tried different TVs. as well as been through 2 Asus monitors, one sony tv, one sharp tv, and one Samsung tv. I have also tried 3 HDMI cables as well as 2 HDMI 2.0 cables. and I appreciate the feedback but this is not limited to just me. on youtube, there are several videos of how to install this splash screen and the comment section for multiple of them. people are having the same issue, especially on ETA Primes video.
same goes for the comment section in modmaster rich video
so I am of the belief that it's not just an isolated incident.
(just to be clear this is not to attack you or a means to insult your work at all, on the contrary, I truly believe this is hands down the BEST splash screen I have seen and the most well done. I just want it to work and hopefully, offer some help to those experiencing the same issue as myself)
@pjft will try. when i get home i'll post results
@green_reaper I use the Comic Book splashscreen and I have no problems with it at all.Must be something in people's .cfg files that's causing an issue.
This is a known issue with OMX Player (used for the video splash screen) and ES. It's not related to this or any specific video. It's a mix of TV model and TV mode (resolution and refresh rate).
Disabling overscan is one of the potential workarounds. There may be others which I am not familiar with. On occasion, people will just have to not use the splash screen video.
There's quite a few threads in the forums about this.
@green_reaper Unfortunately there is not a lot I can do on my end. The video is simply an .mp4 video file. I have it running on several setups and I also have a different teenage mutant ninja turtles video splash screen that also works fine on all of my machines. I wish there was something I could do to the video file to make it more compatible, but I am not sure what that would be. If you want to try to modify the video, you can use a program like handbrake to resize and re-encode it. You might want to give that a shot and see if it works. If you do find something that works, let me know. Thanks
I'm not sure I'll get an answer but here goes.
Great theme - I've sat and read EVERY comment on this thread and it was amazing seeing the progression of the theme.
My query is simple - for some reason some of my images will not show in the small box and I don't understand why. My gamelist.xml is pointing to them correctly. Some of the images work and a few are not appearing. Is there anything to explain this please? What can i check?
Thanks in advance.
@DtM2000 If the issue happens in other themes, then it's not a problem with the theme.
Either way, you should open a new topic and add some info about your setup - the theme author has been inactive in the forums for 2 years and a lot has changed in EmulationStation over the last 3 years. -
@mitu thanks for your reply. I've just had another look and realised I had a mixture of .jpg and .png but all of my xml coding was for .png. Silly boy! Sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees! LOL
All sorted now, thanks.
M mitu referenced this topic on
@TMNTturtlguy Late to party but just wanted to thank you for the hard work. This blends perfectly with your theme which is by far, the best one IMHO. Both versions run perfectly on my Raspberry 400 but I did run it through Handbrake to dumb down the gain. A little too loud for my tastes. Thank you again!
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