New Comic Book Theme!
@slotcharlie here you can find the watara supervision i think videopac and tic 80 is also some where here.
whoa, i thought see all this trehad... but ...
Amstrad gx4000
Amstrad PCW
Bandai rx78
commodore 64gs
commodore CDTV
epoch super casette vision
Interton vc4000
super gameboy
othello multivision
videopac +
zxspectrum next
thomson m0 y t0
windowsrecalculed jeje, agains thx a lot
@3Draco Has a Hypseus-Singe been made? I'm sure it has...the one that used to be Daphne. I can't find it.
It plays Dragon's Lair and Maddog McCree and such.?? If for some very odd reason it hasn't, then i request it be made by anyone. Draco, you need relaxation. I'm just trying to find it as I could have sworn that it was in this thread.
I have a AtGames Legends Ultimate cabinet I'm putting the RCade / Legends Unchained software on, which is largely just an Emulation Station setup. RCade can emulate over 100 systems (as can most things based on RetroArch). I wanted to find a nice looking theme that had sections for most every system and landed on this.
I see some people mention a tutorial video but this thread is very long and I'm not sure where it is. I don't know how to make the stylized system logos in the specific font and effects for this theme.
I'm willing to help out myself if I know how, or if someone else wants to tackle some of these:
spectravideoHere are a couple images I made real quick.
@duglor said in New Comic Book Theme!:
I've never heard of that. is it different than that of Daphne?
@Zenjiro said in New Comic Book Theme!:
Dot-Matrix Layer
Where do you get this Dot-Matrix layer file to import?
@enderandrew You can get it a few places. I got mine from here, it is the .psd file. And you can get it from here under the templates folder.
I can't upload an image over 1 meg. I tried getting my comic image under a meg and not quite there. But here is a full Cave Story set.
@enderandrew Cave Story looks great!
@enderandrew Thanks!
Here is Dinothawr.
All the screenshots basically look identical on that game so it doesn't make sense to make a comic page and I'll likely just use the default "ports" comic.
Edit: And here is Duke Nukem 3D. I think that's all for tonight.
A request for anyone.
Ok, this is the story for this request. I have some japanese adult games and would have them in my favorites, but i don't want them there when folks see my favs, but i'd still like them grouped together.Is there a way to make an "Adult" theme using pc-98 and x68000 adultish games as the comic page etc etc?
I also request FM Towns theme. :) that's it. Everyone be well!
I don't know how it is in the forum with adult pictures for a theme. I also don't have any games where I could take screenshots. Depending on how this is handled in the forum, I could also do it privately and upload it somewhere else.
However, I don't have much time right now so it will take a while. -
@3Draco Well you can do a scantily clad version, perhaps. And yes, you can pm me. Thanks for your consideration. :)
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