Project DCH (dirt cheap handheld)
Awesome work! 😀
How can i find the buttons that you used on you minimalistic build?
Mine are really hard to the press and kind start to hurt my fingers after a while... Yours look soft to the touch... -
@AluLagoa yeah they are soft. The only place I know selling them now is adafruit
I randomly found mine on eBay, but the seller doesn't have any more
Adafruit wants $45 for shipping, and a seller i found in the UK wants $8 for 10 + shipping.Well, when I do Version 2 I will 3D print a case, and I will try either to make bigger buttons to press on the tactile switches or use a SNES USB gamepad under the shell.
@AluLagoa yeah adafruit shipping can be a pain.
Can probably get a few hundred from China for minimal prices
Well, trying do desolder the pins on the display was a bust... Acidentally striped one of the contacts...
Lesson learned: Don't mess with something that already works.
@alulagoa said in Project DCH (dirt cheap handheld):
Don't mess with something that already works.
Where's the fun in that? ;)
Interesting project. Sparks up couple ideas on my head as well. Could propably build something similar from a Odroid U3 that I have lying on the drawer, so definitely gotta follow this topic. :)
Really cool. Something like this might be next project (after my full size cab). Still have a 7 inch screen lying around and quite some arcade controls :)
A friend of mine will give me a DMG-01 case, hopefully that will be big enough to use the components with the connectors.
Game Boy Color's case is big enough for sure, and I think that you can get new ones too. Copy models obviosly, but good for these kind of things.
@dd-indeed The connectors on the pi and on the screen are vertical, and they take way to much space, I will be lucky if I can fit them on the DMG-01 without bending them.
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