[New Theme] Showcase (Now Released)
@dmmarti perhaps you are still for the custom collections a Nintendo Classic Mini - NES & SNES design? ;-)
I hope it is okay to post this here. I did a quick search. I was not able to find what I need and am still a little confused. I'm trying to get the Odyssey 2 section to show up correctly. (there are a few others I need to get around to fixing as well)
I am able to access the card directly (running a Mint PC) I went into the emulationstation folder and made a back up of es_systems.cfg and es_systems.cfg.motionblue
I then went into the config and changed <theme>videopac2</theme> to <theme>odyssesy2</theme> I then put the card back into the Pi and nothing changed. Then I went back in and double checked it. I then changed where it says vidpac 2 in the wheel when booted to Odyssey 2 and when I rebooted it was still all black but said Odyssey 2 in the wheel when I viewed a working system to get the background back.
I also did this for es_systems.cfg.motionblue just to be on the safe side and still nothing.
I am a little new to modifying things like this so I have a feeling I am missing something simple. I hope it is okay I ask in this thread
Thanks -
@dragonsparks said in [New Theme] Showcase (Now Released):
ing a Mint P
There are a couple of different ways to accomplish what you are wanting. Basically, it sounds like you are wanting to apply the "odyssey2" theme to your Odyssey 2 games.
I'm guessing you have your roms in the following folder: /roms/videopac2
Look for the XML system for <name>videopac2</name> .. and you are correct, just change it's theme to be <theme>odyssey2</theme>.
There is an XML system for just /roms/videopac ... but that is probably setup as the original videopac theme...so make sure to change the right one (depending on where your roms are at).
After making those changes and restarting Emulation Station, you should be good to go.
@dmmarti said in [New Theme] Showcase (Now Released):
This is version 1.0 .... I'm hoping I didn't have any lingering bugs ... but if you find any, please let me know.
Really loving this theme, but when exiting a game, sometimes I get a weird graphical glitch:
The rating stars initially show a white box for about half a second and then it changes to the correct star image, then if I don't input anything after a few seconds it glitches the system select menu over the top (a seemingly random system, regardless of which system I am in), it seems to fade in and then glitch the correct menu back over it. I have a video of it happening:
In this video, I select Arcade, Select Off Road (already selected as I'd just been in it, but it doesn't matter). Once the game had loaded, I hotkey+start to exit and left the controller.
It occurred to me on a number of separate occasions on exiting games on different systems last night, from what I can remember it definitely happened on exiting After Burner (Arcade), Ironman Stewart's Super Off Road (Arcade), Sega 4 in 1 (Game Gear), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) and Uniracers (SNES).
It doesn't occur in other themes to my knowledge, and I don't know if it is related, but all my emulators in use are LibRetro. I did create a new 4.2 sd card from the official image and updated it and just install your theme and a few games to test and it still occurred. Let me know if I can provide any other information.
@simonster memory related. Reduce VRAM to 80, restart EmulationStation, and try again. Play with that value, don't go higher than 120, and generally lower is better. If you get white boxes, lowering may help. Not too low either.
@pjft I will check but I'm fairly certain the first time I got it, my vram was set to 80. A fresh install seems to have set it to 100. I only have 6 systems and around 20 games on this new image.
@simonster got it.
Well, there's a fundamental problem with ES and its texture management. For some reason, after exiting and returning to ES, textures are initialized as a white texture before being reloaded. What you observe is just the texture trying to be rendered before it's been fully loaded.
Changing the video RAM threshold can sometimes force it to load less textures and so it'll hopefully load the ones you need beforehand.
Still, the only thing that the theme may be responsible for is the resolution of the textures. Other than that, it's unfortunately an ES quirk.
I'll try to look into that in the future, as it's something that has bothered me as well.
Best of luck.
Just wanted to say thanks again. For some reason the first time I edited my config it did not work. I started over and did the same thing again and this time it worked. Got Odyssey 2 and Apple II fixed and everything looks great. Using it with Pixel loading images and couldn't be happier.I wanted to mention I generated loading images for showcase and it gives the blue ones that go with your other theme so I switched back to pixel. Was just curious if they would get an update at some point to better match showcase? No rush though pretty happy as is over here.
I've been lurking until now. Are we allowed to suggest custom collections? If so:
pinball - Pinball games belong in the same category regardless of system IMO.
classic arcade - arcade games that came out before 1984? I find it strange having Pacman and Asteroids in the same category as Metal Slug and Darkstalkers.
Or instead of classic arcade, there could be arcade70s, arcade80s, arcade90s, etc.Edit: Also romhacks, how could I forget.
@slimy -- all awesome suggestions!
Yep ... I'm sure a few of those can be added for sure. I know a few themes already have different themes for the "hacks" from each system...so for Showcase, I'll be adding those here as well.
@dmmarti my opinion, but i like to just add an
to the end of the system name for hacks. For example:nesh = nintendo hacks
gbhI suppose we could just do a theme folder
and then users can place all of their hacks into one folder as it no longer matters what emulator you are running from the custom folders. -
@tmntturtlguy -- I'm gonna follow what you've done .... just add the "h" to the end. That makes the most sense to me....thanks!
@dmmarti Thanks for creating this wonderful theme. It really is my favorite at the moment.
I have a small issue with the Detailed view. The boxart is showing fine but the right box next to it is empty. I guess the Marquee picture should be visible there.
The strange thing is that the Marquee works in the Video View.
For the Marquee I tried different file types (.jpg, .png). I also looked into the XML but couldn't find anything. Do you have any idea what might cause this?
And one other thing: Are there matching launching images available for this theme? I tried to create them in the setup but i got an error.
@martino_heat unfortunately I think marquees only exist in the video view. I think someone might be able to confirm that from experience, but I certainly recall them not existing elsewhere at a given point in time. I'm not sure they were added to the other views.
pjft is correct .... right now, the marquees are only visible in the "video" view.
Showcase is actually already coded to show it in the "detail" view ... so when that option becomes available, it's already ready to go.
As for loading screens.....I've not made any. That's an area I want to visit soon though. I have made a single, generic Showcase loading screen. It's nothing fancy ... but here it is if you want it.
You'll just put it here:
Hi, really like the theme
Would there be a way of displaying the Boxart first then fading into the video snap
and for those who dont have a full video snap collection but have the boxart
and instead of seeing a static image it would display the boxart. -
@jaysterbaby said in [New Theme] Showcase (Now Released):
video snap
Yep! I'll get that change implemented.
When I made the theme, I didn't think of doing that.....but its actually really easy to change.
I just updated it ... so if you do an update for it via the ES Themes manager, that'll pull down the new version.
@dmmarti well that was quick, Ill try it out and reply back
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