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    2 Posts

    Resolved this, appears to be a compatibility issue with localisation and certain languages/keyboards not wanting to display "°". Reset keyboard settings to the default:

    # KEYBOARD CONFIGURATION FILE # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page. XKBMODEL="pc105" XKBLAYOUT="gb" XKBVARIANT="" XKBOPTIONS="" BACKSPACE="guess"

    Also reset language to the default:

  • Bash Welcome Tweaking

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    As you can see, it just iterates over the number of lines in the logo array: for i in "${!logo[@]}"; do

    And the logo array has 10 lines, so only 10 lines will be printed:

    168 local logo=( 169 "${fgred} .***. " 170 "${fgred} ***${bfgwht}*${fgred}* " 171 "${fgred} \`***' " 172 "${bfgwht} |*| " 173 "${bfgwht} |*| " 174 " ${bfgred}..${bfgwht}|*|${bfgred}.. " 175 "${bfgred}.*** ${bfgwht}*${bfgred} ***." 176 "${bfgred}*******${fggrn}@@${bfgred}**" 177 "${fgred}\`*${bfgred}****${bfgylw}@@${bfgred}*${fgred}*'" 178 "${fgred} \`*******'${fgrst} " 179 "${fgred} \`\"\"\"'${fgrst} " 180 )

    Assuming you've renumbered the out loop from 1 to 12 so that it ends:

    220 12) 221 out+="${fgwht}The RetroPie Project, https://retropie.org.uk" 222 ;;

    Just add two more lines to the logo with the correct spacing:

    180 " " 181 " " 182 )

    Now it works fine:

    pi@retropie:~ $ source .bashrc .***. Sunday, 18 September 2016, 10:39:06 PM ***** Linux 4.4.13-v7+ armv7l GNU/Linux `***' |*| Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on |*| /dev/root 59G 14G 43G 24% / ..|*|.. Bachelor Chow .*** * ***. Now with flavor! *******@@** Uptime.............: 9 days, 18h56m29s `*****@@**' Memory.............: 28872kB (Free) / 752872kB (Total) `*******' Running Processes..: 125 `"""' IP Address.........: Temperature........: CPU: 54°C/129°F GPU: 54°C/129°F The RetroPie Project, https://retropie.org.uk

    Learn bash scripting and you can do many things on Linux :) http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html