@cyperghost The front end is an Attractmode skin called Hyperpie, it can be quite laggy even with an overclock. I also have the comic book theme on emulationstation installed, I'm able to switch between them in the menu...I'm undecided which one to use at the minute.
The lcd software/driver is a package of python scripts that includes I2C_LCD_driver.py, retropie_clcd.py and some others.
The package is called RetroPie-Clcd and can be found here:


Some parts of retropie_clcd.py were unfinished such as the system names which I finished off, then I just changed the intro messages and it was done. (one slight problem still remains but i'll come back to that at a later date).
I'm just going through the missing artwork at the min so I can finish the image and make a backup,
Thanks for all your help and patience :)