RetroPie is plug 'n play. All you have to do is install the image on your sd card, load your Pi, config your controller, upload the roms (and bios files in some cases) and you're ready to play. The misc stuff are the tweaking options. But everything is well documented, you can find nearly everything on the Wiki page and if not on the forum. Most of the config options are very self explanatory, I've played a lot with them just to see what they do.

The guides are fine, no one here gets paid so you really cannot "demand" something from the devs and the community. It's free software, don't like it? Don't use it.

You don't always need to update your Pi. The only problems you might get with updating is that your neogeo/mame roms won't load because the emulator requires a newer romset, so you need to fix that again.

I have no idea why you're bringing your personal problems into this topic. IMHO that's not really needed, we all have our personal problems but it doesn't relate to Retro gaming.

I wasn't sure if the topic starter is trolling or is actually serious. Getting upset about a downvote? The reason why you obviously got downvoted was because of your attitude. You can complain about the Wiki but it's about how you complain about it. You can do it in a civilized manner or in an aggressive way.

I think he's trolling, he said he has one arm but no offense, how do you even play games with one arm? Sorry I don't believe this guy.