Outrun, Paperboy, Commando, GhostnGoblins, Kung Fu Master, Bubble Bubble, Bomb Jack.
These were the Games that i played on Commodore64 (friends) or on an Apple //e (me) in the 80s
And they were so special to me because i saw the "Originals" in the Arcades in other parts of Europe or the World and was sooooo astonished what Arcade Cabinets were able to do.
To unterstand that: here in Germany Places were Arcade Machines stood were only allowed to be entered by persons with the Are 18+.
So we had never the chance to play or even see those great machines as Kids.
And the love stays on - i still play those games (concerning Retropie: with AdvanceMame) and dont need all that modern stuff while doing that 😊