Wanted Controller Recomendation (cheap!!!)
It definitely comes down to taste and what you have laying around.
My best luck by far has been playstation 1 or 2 Dual Analog controllers through a USB adapter. I had the controllers already, so I just needed the adapter which was quite cheap. Plug everything in, register in Emulation station and it just works. I did end up getting a couple generic controller extenders and ended up with like 12 foot cords.
I you aren't playing N64 or PSX, the generic USB SNES controller aren't bad. The cord is really really short though. Also, none of the USB reproductions feel as good as true OEM controllers.
I can second using the analog stick as a dpad for older games (Atari) and a lot of shooters. I end up setting the controller down and using the controller like a shrunken arcade stick.
PS3 controllers are cheap and easy to obtain secondhand. And they're highly comfortable as you'd expect. If you have an Rpi3 they can sync with the internal Bluetooth.
Note that in recent updates something regarding Bluetooth has been stuffed up; follow a guide to roll back the Bluetooth and you'll be good to go.
Have you ever tried mobile version of controller ? If navigation and buttons are enough for you then you needn't care which one you have to buy.
Thanks everyone i am now leaning towards a PS3 controller although I am still burned by the experience with the one i got. Anyone got any links or sites for a proven brand...
I purchased two of the following: http://www.amazon.com/Matricom-XYBA-Rechargeable-Controller-Compatible/dp/B01EO5QPN2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00
they were on sale for $10 at the time I purchased them. not sure I'd drop the current $50 for them now. They have been good controllers so far. Sturdy yet light-weight build. Thumb sticks are better quality than I was expecting. I'm very happy with them so far & would definitely recommend them, though i might wait for another sale.
Thanks I was looking at those....the 8bitdo models look tempting as well not that cheap though!
I just got one and the hcitool can see it, but it freezes when I try to pair using the retropi-setup Bluetooth menus... what mode did you use when you paired it? X + M?
Snakebyte idroid:con
Bluetooth, LiIon-Chargeable with micro USB
Nearly got same style as PS3 controller costs 18$ -
I really like my tronsmart Mars g01 wireless controllers. Great feel and weight. Comes with a 2.4ghz usb dongle and doesn't require purchasing batteries.
I use 360 controllers mostly because it has ABXY buttons.... and I hate having to reregister my PS3 controller
Can i recommend..... An xbox 360 controller. Honestly i would just buy another 360 controller. They are so nice to use. If i didnt have official controllers for all of my systems i would use an official xbox 360 controller. Best feeling controller imo. I have controllers for the first 3 playstation systems and they are nowhere as comfortable as an xbox 360 controller.
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