More Ports
@residentjim said in More Ports:
Thanks Buzz any change to add the ports in the first post?
I'm not Buzz, but as someone that's created a lot of the ports out there... you're asking for a lot. It would probably help if you took a shot at trying to create one yourself based off of those already in RetroPie.
i was not talking to you zerojay ,if i knew from scripts i would already did by now. anyway thanks
Any progress to add this ports?
The names are with the apt-get command eg: apt-get simutrans
openarena needs this extra things under to be done:
sudo apt-get install libjpeg8
sudo rpi-update
sudo apt-get install openarena
sudo dpkg -i ./ioquake3_99.1.36-rpi01_armhf.deball the other ports under can be installed with apt-get
tuxpuck -
Any luck in adding this ports i suggested?
Please refrain from bumping posts. You've made your requests known and anyone who would have been interested in adding these particular ports has most probably seen this thread already. You didn't like his answer, but @zerojay was actually offering you the most effective solution you're likely to receive. If you take a look at the existing script modules, you'll notice that it's very possible and pretty straight-forward to adapt them for other ports with perhaps only a small amount of outside research.
If you hit any snags along the way, it's much more likely that you'll find someone here willing to help you with the work, rather than doing it all for you. Afterwards, you can submit your finished work back to the project directly, or to @zerojay's RetroPie Extra repository. The latter could perhaps be somewhat difficult due to your treatment towards him above, but he is your only other option and is responsible for many great ports himself.
@mediamogul i doubt that zerojay will do anything since its been almost a year that i told him about adding this ports so thats why i made the request here.
@residentjim said in More Ports:
@mediamogul i doubt that zerojay will do anything since its been almost a year that i told him about adding this ports so thats why i made the request here.
...And now you know why.
I will be great add as Port game. It is a Karaoke game as SingStar or Ultrastar and as well it support Instruments: Drums, Guitar, Bass, Keyboard and Dance pads (FretsOnFire, UltraStar and Stepmania songs). And it works as well as a JukeBox!!
I have already installed in my Raspberry Pi3 and OdroidXU4 but I can not launch it without the desktop.
Useless to open a topic in the forum as mr buzz keep repeating like a tape all the time when opening an issue on github very annoying.or you want to help or not.
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