Can actual TV/screen size play a roll in stuttering? (Mostly N64)
I tried searching for this topic, but found nothing. I dont think this would affect NES/SNES much, but for N64 at least, could the size of your TV play a part in having lag/stuttering/slow issues?
I ask because I have read that its best to play N64 at a 640x480 resolution (Its the only resolution I have played in so far) , but the only TVs I have played on are my 46" and 64".
Just curious because I have a small 21" LED in the closet... Wondering if a higher resolution on a smaller screen would make any difference at all, or am I not understanding the actual reasoning behind why N64 has trouble playing?
Actual size of the screen will not matter. The resolution is the same for every screen.
N64 seems "easy" (especially when one sees PSP and PSX run so well) but the hardware and emulation is one of the toughest around for it.
If you follow the guides you can get a very good experience but considering the age of the console, unless a miracle happens, this is pretty much what one can expect for now.
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