My Console & Game Themed Bezels for Retroarch
Here's a bezel for the legendary Playstation game Castlevania Symphony of the Night with HyperspaceMadness's reflection shader for Retroarch
Here's a bezel for the game Akumajou Dracula X - Gekka no Yasoukyoku Bezel with HyperspaceMadness's Shader.
Here's a new bezel for Klonoa: Door to Phantomile on Playstation for use on Retroarch. This bezel uses a reflective shader created by HyperspaceMadness.
Here's a bezel for Rayman on Playstation for use on Retroarch This bezel uses a reflective shader by HyperspaceMadness.
Here's a bezel for Super Monkey Ball games on Gamecube for use on Retroarch. This uses a reflective shader that was made by HyperspaceMadness.
Here's a bezel for Sega CD to use on Retroarch This bezel uses a reflective shader by HyperspaceMadness.
Here is a Nintendo Power Magazine bezel for Retroarch. Thanks to HyperspaceMadness for making those awesome reflection shaders.
Here's a Super Mario All Stars bezel that works with HyperspaceMadness's reflection shader for Retroarch
Here's a Donkey Kong Country bezel that works with HyperspaceMadness's reflection shader on Retroarch.
Here's a Jet Set Radio bezel for Retroarch with the Hyperspacemadness shader.
Here's a Crash Bandicoot Bezel that works with HyperspaceMadness's reflection shader for Retroarch
Appreciate all the bezels!
Sorry if you've posted this already somewhere, but where did you get your overlay for the screen reflection? Not the HSM shader, but the actual reflection you can see when the screen is all black as if it's real glass? Do you have a .psd overlay somewhere? Thanks!
@bradbradbrad said in My Console Themed Overlays for Retroarch:
Appreciate all the bezels!
Sorry if you've posted this already somewhere, but where did you get your overlay for the screen reflection? Not the HSM shader, but the actual reflection you can see when the screen is all black as if it's real glass? Do you have a .psd overlay somewhere? Thanks!
Thanks. Well normally you get it at the libretro forum but the sites been down for like a week now.
Here's a R4 Ridge Racer Type 4 Bezel using HyperspaceMadness's Shader for Retroarch
@orionsangel I appreciate it. I was able to do something that looked similar on my own. Wasn't as hard as I was thinking!
@bradbradbrad said in My Console Themed Overlays for Retroarch:
@orionsangel I appreciate it. I was able to do something that looked similar on my own. Wasn't as hard as I was thinking!
The site appears to be back up.
@orionsangel that super monkey Ball one is epic. As it happens the Naomi arcade version of the game works on lr-flycast, so this could be used for that game too!
Here's a Castlevania II Simon's Quest bezel that works with the HyperspaceMadness reflection shader for Retroarch
Here I made a Sonic The Hedgehog 2 bezel that works with HyperspaceMadness's reflection shader on Retroarch.
F Floob referenced this topic on
Here I made a Wonder Boy In Monster Land bezel that works with HyperspaceMadness's reflection shader for Retroarch
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