New member, new build, veteran retro gamer
Can anyone tell me if an Elgato HD60 will work with retro pie? I have one I can borrow at work as I wouldn't mind recording some gameplay. I was hoping I could just hook it up and away I go.
@addyb said in New member, new build, veteran retro gamer:
Tapper (mame)
Are you a Rootbeer or Budweiser guy? Either way it's a great game. Multitasking made fun.
You know I like both!! I haven't played it for a very long time. With how hot it's been today I'll drink anything lol
@addyb Yes, its what I use for my videos.
So no setup required from the pi end? Just plug in and go?
@addyb Pretty much.
Pi -> HDMI -> Elgato
Elgato -> HDMI -> TV
Elgato -> USB -> PC -
Well got retropie installed and the pad configured. Very easy :) Just need to put roms on it now.
Cheers mate.
I have a query. Ok retropie is installed on my 32gb micro sd. Now the rom part of the guide details using a usb stick to give the roms a home. I was under the impression these would sit on the sd card as well?
Yes, roms can happily sit on the SD card. You can get them on there using the windows SAMBA share or FTP typically.
They can also run from a USB stick, useful if there is no way for you to get roms on the SD card for whatever reason. I like them all on the SD card.
Something has gone wrong here then as I've created a folder on the card called retropie and inserted it back into the pi itself. Waited til the activity light finishes and then when I've checked it back on my laptop I have nothing under the retropie folder. I was under the impression I'd have a host of folders and I transfer the roms into the correct ones. I have nothing under retropie directory?
Ignore me. Noob error. I wasn't keeping the usb card in long enough for it to create the folders doh!!!
Sorry, yes USB can be used to transfer roms or be used as external storage for them. It's more common that it's just the transfer medium as per your use.
Ok my next task is to put the SORR game on it. I've looked at some guides and I'm still a tad confused as to what to do. On a YT video it says I can just download the windows version of the game but I don't think I'm clear on what files I need from this to put into the ports directory.
Also can anyone give me any recommended settings for any of the systems. I've only messed with snes so far and just turned smoothing on which was a good improvement.
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