NooDS (DS Emulator)
Has anyone tried compiling the source code for NooDS and running it on a Pi 4? It would be nice to use an up to date emulator that is not outdated like the old DrAstic binary we received years back. Since it runs on the switch which has a weaker CPU than the BCM2711 it gives me some hope that it would work well on a Pi 4. Does anyone want to give a try? I’ll try to compile it tomorrow morning and report back, but if it works well it might be worth including it as an install script in a new RetroPie update!
@StonedEdge didn't know about this.
But it's worth a try for sure.If it works I'll gladly add it to my extras repo
@ExarKunIv Sounds good! I'm compiling now so I'll let you know how it goes.
@ExarKunIv Compiled fine but the emulator still isn't 100% optimized. I tested on the official 32-bit image of RetroPie. Perhaps when we get official 64-bit support (still waiting...) we may see better performance but it was pretty promising. High resolution 3D however tanked the system significantly. I tested Pokemon Diamond and was getting around 58 FPS in the first city, which dropped to about 30 FPS when High Resolution 3D was on. Perhaps one to watch out for though! Overclocked the CPU to 2100Mhz and GPU to 800.
@StonedEdge thanks for the update.
I might make a script for it and let people mess around with it.
Just cuz I can. :) -
Are you going to submit a pull request for this?
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