Fairchild Channel F
@robtedes123 yes you do need the bios. You want two copies of it. Name one of them Hockey - Tennis and put it in with your roms. The other goes in the advmame config folder. But im not home to tell you exactly where or what it needs to be called.
@robtedes123 also i renamed all my roms to names that made freaking sense since most of them have more than one game in them.
@edmaul69 I have the SL90025 bios tried naming it SL90025.bin and .rom and put it in the config folder. Roms still don't launch.
@robtedes123 there is a specific location in the config folder it needs to be. Either in the /configs/advmame/roms/ folder or another folder like it (i cant remember which one the bios’ goes in) you need to create a folder called channelf and put the bios in there.
I figured it out those are the old paths the new .rc file for advmess from website you link to (v 4.2), updated the dir_rom path to be /home/pi/.advance/rom
For anyone that happens on this thread you also have to put a channelf folder under /home/pi/.advance/rom and stick the bios files (all of them err at least the two that are mentioned missing in my screenshot above) in the channelf folder.
@robtedes123 if you put one of them in the roms folder with your games it will boot the systems two built in games. Thats why i said to rename it to Hockey - Tennis. You can rename all of the roms to good names.
@edmaul69 Good tip thanks
@robtedes123 im pretty sure that .advance/rom is just a hyperlink to the location i stated.
@robtedes123 i could be wrong though.
@edmaul69 Not so sure about that I tried those older paths (which are specified in the rc file from the older version so they're not wrong), but they didn't work for me
@robtedes123 if you ftp in and go into .advance/rom if it is a hyperlink it will show the real location when you go into it. Like i said i could be wrong and im not home to verify.
It isn't in my home directory (unlike the .kodi directory listed below it), maybe you made a symbolic link to it manually, for convenience, at some point?
@robtedes123 i havent made any changes to any of this stuff and i can verify that /.advance is indeed a hyperlink to the /opt/retropie/configs/mame-advmame/ folder.
@robtedes123 also there should be 3 bios'
sl90025.romand the extra one you put in the game roms folder rename it from .rom to .bin so it shows up with the games.
Not sure if I'll be confusing things, but I have the Fairchild Channel F working on RetroPie 4.4 on a Raspberry Pi. This helped me....
I used a PC to network in using //retropie (typed in the search window)...
Under retropie > configs > all > emulationstation > es_systems.cfg
I manually edited es_systems.cfg using Notepad++ and added
<fullname>Fairchild Channel F</fullname>
<extension>.bin .BIN .zip .ZIP</extension>
<command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh 0 SYS channelf %ROM%</command>
</system>Before that I had installed MESS2010 (which was a struggle and took a long time - never seemingly correctly installing - but seems to work).
These help guides may help too:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/himanmz5etw6358/HELP TO GET WORKING.txt?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/970dya8pgu16jo9/CONTROLS AND TV POWWW HELP.txt?dl=0 (for understanding the unusual controls)
Hope that helps a bit.
So..... When I try this. It just seems to brick my image. I also tried it with an older copy I found 4.2 something and the same thing happened image became bad. I am guessing the info is old???
So found out nothing to do with the info in this post. Just me. I almost have this. Not sure what is wrong. I have Channel F showing up in RetroPie. Big as day. I have all my games Showing up. No worries at all. I have placed all the files in all the right places and set everything to 0777. I am on RetroPie V4.4.5. When I try and launch a game, it acts as if it is going to start then nothing. I am back to the load screen.
In the dev/shm/runcommand.log I get this:
Executing: /opt/retropie/emulators/advmame/bin/advmess channelf -cart "Galactic Space Wars, Lunar Lander (USA)".zip
sl31253.rom NOT FOUND
sl31254.rom NOT FOUND
ERROR: required files are missing, the game cannot be run.and in the Configs/all/emulationstation/es_log.txt i get this:
lvl2: req sound [basic.launch]
lvl2: (missing)
lvl2: Attempting to launch game...
lvl2: /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh 0 SYS channelf /opt/retropie/configs/mame-advmame/image/channelf/Galactic\ Space\ Wars,\ Lunar\ Lander\ (USA).bin
lvl2: Creating surface...
lvl2: Created window successfully.
lvl2: Added known joystick Microsoft X-Box 360 pad (instance ID: 0, device index: 0)
lvl2: Added known joystick Microsoft X-Box 360 pad (instance ID: 0, device index: 0)
lvl2: req sound [detailed.launch]
lvl2: (missing)
lvl2: Attempting to launch game...
lvl2: sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/retropie_packages.sh retropiemenu launch /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/rpsetup.rp </dev/tty >/dev/tty
lvl2: Creating surface...
lvl2: Created window successfully.
lvl2: Added known joystick Microsoft X-Box 360 pad (instance ID: 0, device index: 0)
lvl2: Added known joystick Microsoft X-Box 360 pad (instance ID: 0, device index: 0)Any ideas? I am guessing by the runcommand.log that it is looking for the BIOS so I have it everywhere. I mean everywhere. Lots of copies. I have also made sure that the paths are spelled right and that I have not fat-fingered anything. Any Ideas I would Love to get this up and running.
So........ I feel so Slow. Also remember to rename your bios files from .bin to .rom.... But now I got it to work.... Happy me..
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