Super PiBoy (till now only working proof of concept)
i started building a SuperPiBoy. In words a Gameboy Classic Case with a 3,2" Display and extra Buttons.
Boot time is approximately 25 Seconds
Here are the specifications:
o 4D Systems 4DPi-32 3,2" 320x240
o RetroPie 3.7 (Open Source)
o broken Gameboy
o broken SNES Controller (4 Colored Buttons used for the special look)
o SparkFun Electronics, Inc. Mono Audi Amp Breakoutboard
o Speaker 8 Ohm 0,5W
o Adafruit Industries PowerBoost 1000c - Rechargeable
o Battery 2200 mAh LiPo
o LC
o Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
o microSD Card 32GB (Class 10)
o Displayscreen 1mm acrylic glass
o some wires wink emoticon
o a lot of electrical tapeand the Concept, we will try to build one finished product this or next week, that will look like an orignal one, not like a test :)
Proof of Concept
Pic of the Inside #1
Pic of the Inside #2
Pic of the Inside #3
Parts used
more Stuff can be found here:
Display Tests (4D Systems and Adafruit
Display Tests (4D Systems and AdafruitVideo about the Boot Time approximately 25 Sec till its ready to play
Video about the Boot Time approximately 25 Sec till its ready to playSplash Video Test
Splash Video TestHope you guys like it :)
if u have any questions feel free to ask
Contributions to the project are always appreciated, so if you would like to support us with a donation you can do so here.
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