Accidentally uninstalled default theme on Pi Zero
 So im not exactly sure how I did it, but I was looking at all the themes I could install, clicked on a few, dropped my controller, then I went back to the menus and I have this ugly very basic looking menu and I'm not sure how install the default theme without taking out the sd card which is it my casing for my Pi and I have a extremely old wifi dongle that can't connect to my wifi so I think I'm screwed. Is there anyway I can put a theme on a USB drive and transfer to the SD card? If so I would really appreciate some help. Thanks in advance!
Are you still able to load EmulationStation?If not then I had a similar issue when I was going to update the currently used theme (Pixel) and my Internet went down in the middle of the update. This may not be the best way but what I did to fix it was I manually downloaded an older version of Pixel: I type this at the command line:
sudo unzip -o -d /etc/emulationstation/themes/
and rebooted and then I was greeted by EmulationStation with the Pixel theme. I then could go and update Pixel from the ES Theme menu again when my Internet was working again. -
If you're already in EmulationStation then you can just change your already installed ES Theme like this: -
@backstander I can still play games fine, but the look just really bothers me, can I still use this method?
I think my 2nd post is what you want. Just need to change your theme. Which theme are you wanting to use? Carbon theme is the default and Pixel theme is my personal favorite. -
@backstander is this possibly a list of themes and the downloads I could see? Also to do it I put in the USB drive with the theme on it and run the conmand right?
Then 2nd post is just using EmulationStation (which is the GUI that you use to pick the system and list of games to play) and changing the theme to a different one that you've already installed. You can also go into RetroPie menu and pick ES Themes and install more (like Pixel for example) then using that GUI to change the current theme to that one. -
@backstander well the problem is I can't install anything straight from the pi, the Zero does not have wifi, so if I use the method you provided will it still work?
Oh yeah, sorry I didn't understand your question. You could move over the zip file using a USB flash drive. That link I posted is for an older version of Pixel and you can do exactly what I posted!You can download the newest version of Pixel from this Github address: hit the "Clone or download" green button on top right and then click "Download ZIP." Then when you get it to your Pi Zero, type this:
sudo unzip -o -d /etc/emulationstation/themes/
sudo mv /etc/emulationstation/themes/es-theme-pixel-master /etc/emulationstation/themes/pixel
(that 2nd line is just to make it show up as "pixel" and not "es-theme-pixel-master" lol) -
@backstander thank you very much! I will test this soon, let's just hope I don't screw up and brick my Pi, lol.
okay so the link I gave you is for some reason an older Pixel version 1.7?@Rookervik do you have the official Github link for Pixel?
@backstander so should I wait until we get a response from the person you pinged?
If you want you could just use the v1.92 from above right now and when we find the correct newest version, then we can just update/replace it with the newest one. -
@backstander I'll wait sometime to see if the person responds back.
@backstander Yes, the official Pixel repo is now my own github version. I finally learned how to use that junk so I could save Herb some work. The link is:
@Rookervik thank you very much! I shall use this to see if it works.
@backstander I'm trying to do this now, where do I type in all the commands?
@Rookervik @Rookervik so when I try to unzip the file, it says it can't find it, I just put it on the USB drive, not sure if I was suppose to put in the retro pie folder but I have Roms in there, here's the screen I get. Also pretty sure that the file names are the same.
@BennySpaceCore You should give this a read, first.
@Rookervik the problem is it's not that easy for me, I have a raspberry pi zero and no wifi dongle, so I'm trying to figure out how I can download that theme on a USB drive and transfer it to the retropie SD card and install it. Also right now my theme is the blank theme seen in this tutorial
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