Before posting on the forum you need to do the following:
Read the forum rules: http://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/2/forum-rules
Search the official RetroPie Documentation for an answer to your problem: https://retropie.org.uk/docs/
Search this forum to see if your question has already been answered.
If using a Raspberry Pi - make sure you have a sufficient Power Supply / power cable. Many issues are related to having a poor PSU - see https://retropie.org.uk/docs/Overclocking/#power-supply
Make sure you are using an official image, or have done a manual install yourself. We will not support 3rd party images.
If you have done the above steps please create a new topic and add the following relevant information so that we can help narrow down the cause of your issue. Please do not add a "me too" to an old topic, as the cause of your issue may be different. Make sure your topic title summarises the issue - do not use topic titles like "HELP ME".
Pi Model or other hardware: (B, B+, 2 B, 3, X86 PC etc..)
Power Supply used: (If using a Pi)
RetroPie Version Used (eg 3.6, 3.8.1, 4.1 - do not write latest):
Built From: (Pre made SD Image on RetroPie website, Berryboot, or on top of existing OS etc.. - please provide the filename of any image used)
USB Devices connected:
Controller used:
Error messages received:
Verbose log (if relevant):
Guide used: (Mention if you followed a guide)
File: (File with issue - with FULL path)
Emulator: (Name of emulator - if applicable)
Attachment of config files: (PLEASE USE PASTEBIN.COM FOR LARGE LOGS)
How to replicate the problem:Format your posts! - put small logs in code blocks - see http://commonmark.org/help/ - and put large logs on a pastebin type site like http://paste.ubuntu.com/ http://pastebin.com/ or similar.
Please wait patiently for a response - you are asking people to help you in their free time, and due to timezones, someone with an answer may not currently be around. Do not bump posts.
Also when posting PLEASE use tags so that it is easier for other users to search this forum for answers to their problems.
M mitu referenced this topic on
L Lister of Smeg referenced this topic on
L Lister of Smeg referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
S simpleethat referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
B BuZz referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
S saccublenda referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
B BuZz referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
B BuZz referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
B BuZz referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
B BuZz referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
B BuZz referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
B BuZz referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
T Tango referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
F Floob referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
B BuZz referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
B BuZz referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
B BuZz referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
T Thorr69 referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
Y YFZdude referenced this topic on
Y YFZdude referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
B BuZz referenced this topic on
T Thorr69 referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
J jamrom2 referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
B BuZz referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
B BuZz referenced this topic on
D Darksavior referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
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M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
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M mitu referenced this topic on
B BuZz referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
D dankcushions referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
R retropieuser555 referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
S sirhenrythe5th referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
W windg referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
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M mitu referenced this topic on
A abj referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A abj referenced this topic on
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M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
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M mitu referenced this topic on
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M mitu referenced this topic on
A abj referenced this topic on
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A abj referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
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M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
L Lolonois referenced this topic on
A abj referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A abj referenced this topic on
A abj referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
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M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
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M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
S sugarfree referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
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M mitu referenced this topic on
S sugarfree referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
S sugarfree referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
S sugarfree referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
S sugarfree referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
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M mitu referenced this topic on
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M mitu referenced this topic
M mitu referenced this topic
M mitu referenced this topic
M mitu referenced this topic
M mitu referenced this topic
M mitu referenced this topic
M mitu referenced this topic
S sugarfree referenced this topic
S sugarfree referenced this topic
S sugarfree referenced this topic
M mitu referenced this topic
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