Oldroom theme W.I.P. new 1.9 Beta + media packs
@arzhur.p No its not that. I use jdownloader and it most stop at 98 - 99%
@pootis-spencer said in Oldroom theme W.I.P. new 1.9 Beta + media packs:
Did you try without it ?
@arzhur.p Yes I tried different browsers and Mega Downloader too.
@pootis-spencer said in Oldroom theme W.I.P. new 1.9 Beta + media packs:
I'm struggling with this theme. I have the latest version of all the software on retropie and I have added the roms to the roms folder under home/pi/RetroPie/roms and it shows the system with the correct background. When I go to the system (e.g nes) to view the games its only showing the background image and layout from the art folder not the correct system folder. I see from your original post to put everything under the .emulationstation/roms folder but if I do this the system doesn't show up at all. Please help as I really want to get this sorted. Thanks
I don't understand you very well, can you post some screenshots? You mean you don't see the tv? Do you have video files in the right folder? Have you updated your gamelist to support that videos?
@pootis-spencer Well in that case I can't help you, everything works for me :/
Maybe @Nismo can upload the theme somewhere else -
Ok let me try to explain this in detail...
The System select screen (NES, SNES, ATARI2600 etc) works fine and shows the correct background (the one that shows the details about the hardware etc for the system).
The problem I am having is the correct location of the files for the system screen like ATARI2600. All its showing is the games list. No correct background image or TV screen or video etc.I have my folder layout as follows:
xxx.zipThe theme is in the correct folder located at:
/etc/emulationstation/themes/oldroom 1080p/Whats bugging me is all the systems have the correct folder layout with the gameslist.xml in the correct location but only Atari2600 and Sega Master System shows correct with the TV and video, background and marquee.
I hope this explains it.

I also noticed that some of the folders that have been uploaded on Mega don't have a gamelist.xml
Yes some folders doesn't have gamelist because I will upload the european version of the videos, so people don't need to use a renaming tools to rename the USA ones.
Also, i'll not upload gamelist for some computers or consoles like PSX, just because I use PBP, others use cue & bin, and the most important thing, full romset of PSX (euro only) it's about 900GB, so for some of them you will need to scrape yourself.
Maybe I'll post the method I use to scrape the games fast in minutes, just because if you already have downloaded my media files, scraping is fast because it only download metadata.
About your theme issue, I'm pretty sure it's not theme related, I'm sure it happens to you with other themes. Seems that your gamelist.xml it's not set correctly or your media it's not on the right path.
Follow this steps:
1 - Check the gamelist for a system that doesn't work correctly, verify the paths again, with care and slowly, and make sure the files are in the same path that you can see inside gamelist.xml .
2 - Even if the paths are ok, make sure the file extension it's the same, maybe your images are jpg and in gamelist are png, same for videos, you can fix this fast with any text editor doing a search and replace.
Please confirm to me that it happens with other themes.
If nothing works, i'll send to you a folder with some images, videos, some fake roms and one gamelist.xml so that way you can test your systems and the theme.
I have found that some of the roms I have are in .7z format and the gameslist.xml has .zip.
So you were correct it was the file extensions that was causing the issue. If you could do a quick qrite up to scrape the games quick that would be great and very helpful to not only myself but I'm sure a few others as well. -
Finally! I'm glad you finally solved your issue.
Great job! I remember when "ETA Prime" did a video on this, I' m happy to see you keep adding more.
Hi @Nismo, thanks for your great job!
I can't wait for the genesis/megadrive and snes packs to be uploaded, it would make my retropie install perfect! Any idea of when you'll be able to do it? Once agai thanks for your hard work!
Will there be any update to this great theme for the missing systems?
Hi @Nismo , just checking in if you're better, health wise.
Hope you're doing great.
@Nismo Is it in the themes download directly for the pi?
Awesome theme! Love the big videos!
Is there any chance you will create "favorites", "last played " , "Kodi" and "retropie" entries? Right now they are default due to missing artwork and stuff.
Would be awesome! -
Outstanding theme mate, thank you very much! Is there any plans for the "Ports" section?
Is there a reason why the retropie settings are messed up?
everything seems to be pushed to the right side of the screen
overlapping, etc.Also hope to get SG-1000, Lynx and PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 in the future
Theme looks blank when I try to load it. Does anyone know why? Like this:
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