New Comic Book Theme!
@mediamogul Thank you! and thanks to @modmaster for the splat idea, the first idea I ran buy him was green slime that was oozing down the screen from the top. He said, "try just a splat" so I did and we thought it was awesome!
It's very appropriate to the overall look and feels very 80's/90's retro at the same time.
Thanks Guys! I thought the same!
@TMNTturtlguy Personal note: after testing the transparency on the "Games Available" bar, I found that (personally) the "eeeeee99" color and transparency still made the font somewhat hard to read with the background.
I changed it to "eeeeeecc" and feels easier to read on my end. Just a thought.
@pjft thanks for the tip, definitely a lot to play with for the next release. The current setting for the released version is the standard gray, i will check out your code and play around with it! I might try an outline version of the font as well! Great input.
@TMNTturtlguy This is standard grey as well - I didn't change the color, just made it more opaque. :)
So any progress on the 4x3 theme update? or is the theme not available any more?
@dizmodawg 4:3 is still available at the github link. It will be getting a small update in the next few days. It will have all system logos, but will not have updated system backgrounds, just the generic as i have to recreate each system from scratch for the 4:3 layout. In the end it will be updated exactly like the 16:9 version. It just takes a lot of time! I assure you that I am working very hard on both versions of the theme. I have made the decision to stop releasing small updates and instead release larger updates as I think it is better for users to only have to go update once in awhile instead of every other day.
@TMNTturtlguy Sorry only just seen this as i have been reading all the utter nonsense below. So i did a bit of digging and testing and have solved the issue but not how i would have thought. I started by checking all the settings on my display and as thought it was set to 4:3 as is the standard for ratio for it.
I double checked (re downloaded) the 4:3 theme and reinstalled and still the same issue persisted. I would just like to add that this was only with the systems menu and not the games select menu.
I then decided i would install the 16:9 theme to get the benefit of the additional hard work you guys have put in and just live with a windowed appearance on my setup for the time being.
However after installing the 16:9 theme my display is not windowed, nothing appears to be cut off and the theme is displayed in all its glory in full screen.
To be honest I'm not sure how or why this has worked but i am not going to tempt fate by changing anything now (until another update is released.
thank you for all your hard work and everyone else that has been helping to get this to the point where it is now. i wish i could help but my skills with image editing and creating are just not at your level. i do make a mean cup of tea though if your after one.
keep up the great work and ignore the haters what ever reason they give.
@fatelvis1 glad it is working well! I will test on my end as well. To be honest I have never tried the 16:9 version on my 4:3 monitor!
Hallo there i am new on the forum ..
i´ve download this theme and adapted to batocera 5.6 pc .. it works well ..
i have to make some changes to get this working proprietly on batocera ..
on the file theme.xml i just delete the A before the theme .
and on file comic_book.xml i deleted the lines of video .
view name="videoSome systems folder i changed the name to the same name as the roms folder systems .. and i dont get white screen anymore on some systems .
but i have a problem and i cannot resolve this ..
the theme works very good and very stabil but the cover games or videos dont show on the games infos .
and if i dont erase the video line it shows a withe theme .
and i choose the theme it shows everything white ..
ahh and its possible to have a comic icon for fba libretro ? i´ve see that foulder is not there i´ve created one by myself with the name fba_libretro and copied the files from fba theme to the libretro . Already created a png icon for fba libreto but it dont coincide wiht others one :(
here the icon i created my self :( very poor for the nice theme .
thanks for the help and sory for my bad english .
@EmulatorMan Hello and thanks for trying out my theme, glad you like it. I will try to respond to your comments. So this response does not get long I am not going to quote your questions.
First off, i am not sure what batocera is, so forgive me, but glad you can make it work. As for the A before theme, not sure how that got there, Must have been and accident. It doesn't appear to do anything when running on retropie on my raspberry pi, but I don't think it should be there. I will delete if for the next update.
Video View - I am also going to look at adding the feature tags to the video and carousel for the next update. Right now I am not using the feature tag, so this means that your system needs to have video previews enabled. Does batocera run emulationstation? From your white screen description it sounds like your system does not support video preview and that is why this is happening. Again, i am not sure what batocera is. If you want to delete the video view you need to delete lines 79-97, the entire video section.
<view name="video">
<video name="md_video"> <pos>0.67 0.4</pos> <origin>0.5 0.5</origin> <maxSize>0.3 0.408</maxSize> <delay></delay> <default></default> <showSnapshotNoVideo>true</showSnapshotNoVideo> <showSnapshotDelay>false</showSnapshotDelay> </video> <image name="md_marquee"> <pos>1 1</pos> <maxSize>0 0</maxSize> <origin>0 0</origin> </image> </view>
You also need to look through the entire file and delete all instances of the video from the file.
The next issue you will have is that currently the theme pulls in "md_Video" to the large black box and "md_image" to the small box where animaniacs shows. You must have at least 1 video in each system. When at least 1 video is present, if the other games don't have a video the md_image will show in the black box. If no video is present, it will look the way you have it. Right now i don't have a work around for this. The theme is built for video preview. When we complete the entire theme, i will be making a "special Edition" theme. This theme will have a revised .xml file and will allow users with wheel art and marquees to display more art. Unfortunately i think the large black box will still be for vidoes as i beilive most users have their box art as "md_image" and that will still be in the lower right hand corner. I hope this makes some sense?
As for FBA - there is already a logo created. It is in the folder FBA, just rename that folder to match the theme folder your es_systems file points to and it should work. It does not say libretro though.
@TMNTturtlguy hi thanks for the answer ..
Batocera is a recalbox adapted for windows ..
wich format need videos to have ?
and i need to put in the same folder than the roms or in the forlders from theme ? -
the videos are .mp4 format. You can put them wherever you point to in your gamelist.
@TMNTturtlguy already did it and injected wiht powershell and nothing happen !!!!!wath i am doing wrong ?
@EmulatorMan because of what you described about getting a completely white screen when you use the theme with video code in it, i am assuming that the version of eumulationstation station you are using does not support video preview. I am sorry that I cannot support you further, but your unique case is beyond my knowledge and I am unable to test on the platform you are running.
wow! I'm really digging this. great job
@TMNTturtlguy wow. Love these backgrounds. The purple also looks neat!
A question: would you be able to create name logos for the two different MAME folders to be distinguishable? I don't know if it's themable or not but both show up as just MAME.
Either way, looking great!
@TMNTturtlguy love that ScummVM background!
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