Retro game stuff talk
@obsidianspider yeah you do have a problem. The problem is one of them isnt headed to me. 😂 Awesome pickups!!
@obsidianspider whoa! Is that a Guardians of the Galaxy Rocket hotwheels car?!
@edmaul69 haha, yeah, the nice ones are out there, but it takes some patience to find one for a good price.
Today I managed to score a FREE Sony KV-27FS120 WEGA television. This is going to be great for all of my old consoles, and all of the ones I’ve yet to find.
It has been a productive week leading up to this weekend. First, I finished my Gameboy Macro and it turned out nicer than I thought.
Then my order from Japan came with my minty pink Gameboy Pocket.
And then today, I received a package with some items that were part of a trade deal. My socks, were blown off by the CIB Golf game. Totally made my day.
Today my very first Sega Genesis showed up. A non-TMSS Model 1. Barbie was part of the lot. I promise. ;)
I also had the good fortune of two WonderSwans landing on my porch. The green one is apparently a limited edition Gundam unit. The polarizer is a little burnt, and no one seems to sell a pre-cut polarizer for a WonderSwan, so for now, I'll let it as it's mainly for display and is playable. All games and systems work. The Clear Black WonderSwan I'm seeing as a bonus as what I paid for it and the boxed Gunpey and Turntablist made it essentially free.
A while back I got the idea to make a portable Genesis that plays real cartridges. Seeing how expensive Nomads are I thought about modding a Genesis 2 (The Model 3 apparently isn't super awesome with compatibility with EverDrives), and learned that the VA4 boards are the most compact and are also apparently well regarded for picture and sound quality.
I found one on eBay and bought it for a good price, and while it was en route (the seller had a delay in getting to the post office) I learned that I had inadvertently purchased the highly sought after Majesco variant.
Now I can't bring myself to cut it up. I guess I'll either have to seek out another VA4 board, or look for a Nomad…
@obsidianspider have you played landstalker on the genesis? Such an underrated game!
@space-cadet I've heard good things about it. I will have to check it out soon.
Zelda like
@FlyingTomahawk in your many Hard Off runs, what have you seen Famicom AVs selling for? They seem to be around $100+ on eBay, and that just seems high.
Those Famicoms are very expensive. Only the main hardware without controllers and without any cables cost around 9000 Yen! ($80)
You can find them often and I doubt they sell good at those prices. Also controllers seem to be rare for that thing. But they seem to be the only decent solution on today's big screen TVs since you can use any SNES TV cable to connect it. -
@flyingtomahawk OK, so it's not just eBay then. Interestingly, I learned that while the original Famicom only had RF out, the Famicom 2 only had AV out. The original NES had AV and RF out, but the "NES Toploader" only had RF out.
Yeah, that is so. The old Famicom with RF has issues with the image quality on latest TVs and there are some mods to fix that but who wants to solder around on a working Famicom.
The newer Famicom solves that issue by using component(yellow, white, red) or S-VHS cables or only here in Japan D-Terminal. -
I know this has nothing to do with retro stuff, but I recently released a new EP (short album) and I made the cover arts for each of them look like 8-Bit Art. Even one of them looks like Tetris!
Also adventure uses soundfonts from the SNES, and I'm working on more stuff that will use soundfonts.
As of any projects, nothing is really going on right now. I might go to my school and de-solder something that was stopping progression from my SNES project.
Time to feed your greed and lust for more retro stuff. :-D
@ruckage this might interest you too.Famicoms, Famicoms and more Famicoms.... total 21 of them!
Remember the square buttons Famicom? Still there...
Twin Famcioms, Twin Famicoms and more Twin Famcioms...
I didn't know they had 3 different versions/colors. What is the difference between them?Various retro stuff like boxed MegaDrives, MegaCD, MarkIII, Sega-1000
Gold Punch Out! 18900 YEN!
And this here is a real treasure. If I only had the money I would have bought it.
Old school TV with Super Famicom build in it. Sharp 14G-SF1
There is also a more rare treasure out there named 14C-C1F which is a TV with a build in Famicom. Price is somewhere between $1000-1500They also still had the FamicomBox for 189000 Yen. If that shops goal is to collect and "keep" all the retro stuff then they are doing a fantastic job. Unforunately that doesn't pay salaries and bills.
They definitely have to go down with those prices if they ever want to sell any of that stuff. After the release of Famicom-Mini and SNES-Mini some of the retro stuff has lost or should loose value.
I hope you guys enjoyed the pics. -
Those. Are. Beautiful!
I am still on the hunt for a clean Famicom AV (to play, not to put a Pi in) but on eBay they have been very expensive. I like the idea of getting an original Famicom, but they only output RF and the controller cables are so short!
I'm glad to see you're still out there looking at these cool old games. I went to the local retro game store to sell some unwanted Sega stuff and they didn't really have a great selection of games or systems to choose from. Lots of shovelware GameBoy and DS games.
Please keep sharing photos if you find more cool old game stuff.
I did manage to get an AGS-101 yesterday for $30 from a person on Facebook, so deals are out there if you keep your eyes open.
@flyingtomahawk How much does a PC Engine go for over there?
@lilbud Aren't PCEngines region locked?
@obsidianspider The CD games are region free, the hu-cards are not.
I'm planning to buy a broken one and turn it into a pi console.
That looks an amazing shop, some of those consoles look brand new and there are so many consoles I'd never even seen before. So did you buy anything?
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