What buy to play??
@svayra You're only able to connect things via USB on the RPI, so yes an USB Keyboard would be helpful.
For sure you'll also need an HDMI cable to connect the PI to your TV/Monitor, so you'll be able to actually see the screen, right ? -
@mitu all the emulator ;)
One thing to keep in mind that's important to some, but not to others is input lag from wireless controllers. This mostly comes up in NES games, as a handful of them require a near frame-based level of accuracy that isn't found in most other platforms. Wireless controllers generally introduce one frame of input lag, which might not sound like a lot, but after you figure in the potential lag of emulation in general, as well as the lag from a modern television, it's actually just enough to push beating Mike Tyson in 'Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!', or completing the Clinger Winger stage in 'Battletoads' into the realm of impossible.
@svayra said in What buy to play??:
@mitu all the emulator ;)
You said you're a big fan of retro-gaming, so my question was - what games you consider retro and would like to play ?
@mediamogul so it is better a cable controller??
Do you have one good?? -
@mitu in principle Zx Specrtum, C64, Mame and Amiga
@svayra said in What buy to play??:
so it is better a cable controller??
It all depends on how important the handful of affected games are to you. To many, the convenience of being wireless is a fair trade-off not to be able to beat a few games. As for what I use, I generally stick to Logitech controllers for both wired and wireless.
@svayra Besides Mame, I haven't played any of the other types of games, but I think you might need a keyboard to be able to properly play Commodore/Spectrum games. Maybe other forum users can give a better advice an these games.
Wireless keyboard are not ok??
And controller like PS3 PS4 XBox360 are not ok??
Thanks again
@svayra said in What buy to play??:
Wireless keyboard are not ok??
Yes, they're ok - a Bluetooth keyboard will work with the PI.
And controller like PS3 PS4 XBox360 are not ok??
They are - take a look in the Controller section of the docs (https://retropie.org.uk/docs/) to see details about each one of them. Some of them work wirelessly, some of them might not. But I second @mediamogul recommendation for the Logitech ones (https://retropie.org.uk/docs/Logitech-Controller/), they cost less then a PS/XBox controllers - unless you have one already - and they're reliable and well supported on Linux.
For the first installation a wireless keyboard is ok or not??
Or ssh connection??I have a space problem and I want less thing as possibile....
Thanks in advance
@svayra said in What buy to play??:
For the first installation a wireless keyboard is ok or not??
If you can have SSH access to the device, then it will work, but you'll need to connect to the PI over SSH and pair the keyboard so it will be connected to the PI.
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