PS3 Controller not working with PiSNES
What is your configuration ?
What version of RetroPie ? Are you overclocked ?
If using RPI3 built in Bluetooth there are some known issues with stability - you will have to use another controller or use it wired or use another Bluetooth dongle.
I don't recommend using pisnes - use the default emulator snex9x-next or lr-catsfc
Pi Model: 3
RetroPie Version Used: 3.6.0 - Not overclocked
Built From: SD Image
USB Devices connected: Standard USA Keyboard
Controller used: PS3 SixAxis (one of the originals, not DualShock)
Error messages received: No Error Message, Default SNES Emulator just freezes and need to be unplugged.
Guide used:
File: So far, every SNES ROM that I've tried
Attachment of config files:
How to replicate the problem: Running any SNES rom through the default emulator.I connect it via bluetooth and have no issues with any other emulators (mainly NES tested). but works great in RetroPie as well.
I tried the lr-catsfc one and it seems to work (tried with one game so far) thanks! it kicked me out of the game once but nothing repeatable. If it happens more, I'll post back, but it seems to be working. Thanks!
I have the same issue. I want to use snes9x emulator for SNES, but the PS3 controller which I have paired up via bluetooth does not work.
However it works for other emulators/games.I am using Raspberry Pi 1 Mobel B+, with latest RetroPie version.
I understand I have to edit the snes9x.cfg file manually, to match the button assignments to my PS3 controller, but it seems to not work.
Also, what is the axis values for PS3 controller? For the PS3 dpad, they are buttons UP=4, DOWN=6, LEFT=7, RIGHT=5. Is this correct?Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.
Hi all,
I am having a similar issue (DISCLAIMER: I am a RetroPie newbie!) I am using a PS3 DualShock controller and it is working fine with PSX, Mega Drive, N64 and ScummVM so far (as well as on the RPi menus), but is completely unresponsive on the SNES. When I first got the RetroPie going, there was a response but I had no sound (a problem I have solved by switching to 1080p through the HDMI). Since then, no luck. It did take several attempts at configuring the controller to get it working at all.
I tried switching to the PiSNES as well but this was even worse - I lost the keyboard as well, which meant I had to reboot the Pi by unplugging it (not good). And because I accidentally set the PiSNES as the default for all SNES ROMs, I couldn't get back into the menu you access with 'A' button when a ROM loads, so I had to edit the config file to change it back to snes9x for default. That was all fun and games!
Any help would be great. System is RetroPie 3.6 on the RaspberryPi 3.
Cheers, Wil
(p.s. Not sure if this is related in any way but when Emulation Station starts up it takes a long time for the PS3 controller to activate - the keyboard works fine straight away though.)
I'm having the same issue as well. I installed retro pie 3.7 on my rpi3 and followed the guide in connecting my ps3 Sixaxis DualShock controller to the internal Bluetooth. All went perfectly well until I was playing a bit on snes and my whole system froze up.
I played with it a bit on the Gameboy color and GBA with no issues. The N64 though did freeze up my whole system too after just a minute of gameplay although I'm not sure if its related to this issue or something else.
I ordered a Bluetooth USB dongle for a different setup and when it arrives I'll try testing it out on the rpi3 over the internal one to see if the problem still persists.
Known issue -
@BuZz this issue you mentioned looks to be for RP3. I am using RP1 Model B+.
I also think my issue is more a configuration issue? I want to use PiSNES or Snes9x, but I am unable to configure the PS3 controller and get it working.
Other EMUs are working fine with the PS3 controller.
Any thoughts?
I was replying to @Droidherder - this is what happens if you all stick different problems on the same thread :)
See the wiki for configuration of those editors. I believe Snes9x has hardcoded controls - but you would do better to use the libretro emulators anyway
@BuZz thanks BuZz. I found out what I needed to know. So apparently the internal Bluetooth when it comes ps3 controller's still has some quirks to work out. For now you can use a USB bluetooth dongle but make sure to turn off the internal Bluetooth before setting it up.
Ok, so it appears I am not the only one with this issue. This bug affects all emulators, some much worse than others. I found that the SNES emulator freezes mostly during gameplay rather than navigating the menus. The N64 emulator freezes almost instantly, and the PSP emulator crashes equally often usually on cutscenes. The PSX emulator luckily is not affected too badly, I only had it crash once while leaving it is a paused state for a few hours. The Kodi and QuakeIII port also caused a system hang just after exiting back to EmulationStation.
A few days ago I asked the Instructables community about this problem. If anyone wants to read that, here: of the PSX emulator, I cannot get the analog sticks or rumble motors to work. Any suggestions?
@Powermax For the moment it appears the workaround is to just get a long miniUSB cable and tether to the Pi, and disable bluetooth.
Ran into this issue tonight, binding bluetooth was pretty easy but pisnes wouldn't recognize it. I pulled the code and it turns out there's a small piece of code causing it to reject ps3 controllers. I'm trying to push a change to the main branch to fix it.
I have freezes when playing PSX, as described in the link you posted. They also describe a fix. Some say that they have good results with it, and some can't get it to work... Me being somewhat new to both linux and Retropie, i'm a bit hestitant to dive in :SSo, i am just wondering if the fix will be implemented in a forthcoming release? If so, i might just wait and kill time playing some MAME instead.
@BuZz said in PS3 Controller not working with PiSNES:
Known issue -
So today i installed the ps3 drivers anew, from source. I played exactly 6 minutes, then Spyro froze on the PSX emulation. So i guess it's safe t say that the fix is not yet fixed via the driver source atleast :(
I still very much hope that the issue will be resolved in next RetroPie release...
@Xyb0t Please do not post a support request without first reading and following the advice in - you should start a new topic as detailed
The freeze issue you quoted is fixed
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