[Testing] Kodi 18.0 Leia beta versions now available for RetroPie!
@Rascas It's a clean install, no previous install ever (never used Kodi on this device/card at all).
When I change regional settings, it lets me select UK or change the date/time setup to UK but then almost immediately Kodi dies and throws me back to the menu.
I can change every other option, I can watch TV for hours, do all the normal things, but changing the region just crashes it hard, whether I do it immediately I go into Kodi or if I've been in and out of a thousand menus.
It did it with zero addons installed, and it does it with the tvHeadEnd HTSP add-on installed.
I'll try to recover some logs or similar next time I do it, just wondered if it was only me.
Well then post your kodi log with debug enabled, and I would also check /var/log/syslog for errors like microSD card/disk errors.
i don't know what to do.
i don't get the netflix addon to run.
when i try to run it kodi gives me an error message that says to look into the log file.
looking in the log it seems the problem is that there is no directory for the netflix addon.i think the problem is that on installation time the dependency for pycryptodome is not resolved.
i tried to install the python package pycryptodomex via pip but of course the addon still can not see an equivalent pycryptodome kodi addon/package.
i run everything on an raspberry pi 3b
What am i doing wrong?
how did you get the netflix addon to run on retropie?
do i need an additional repo? -
@wursti90 If anybody has trouble getting Netflix working, you have to do 'pip install pycryptodomex' in a terminal, not as root or with sudo or it won't work. Then just install the netflix addon from here
https://github.com/asciidisco/plugin.video.netflix -
If anybody has some problem with this Kodi test builds, please post your kodi debug log as explained here
It will make everything easier and faster for everybody. -
Found the cause of my problem, and it was a bit of a misdirection, I apologise - apparently a default weather add-on had been enabled.
Ironically, the UK Met Office weather app crashes if you change the region to UK while it's running........
@Rascas It is running now but it won't actually play any video and I don't get any error..
@Cederick Make sure you are using the default video settings, which is MMAL enabled, OMXPlayer disabled. If it still does not work after that, post your Kodi debug log.
@wursti90 Netflix add-on won't play currently due to changes made by Netflix. See issues on https://github.com/asciidisco/plugin.video.netflix/issues
@BuZz & @Rascas thank you guys for the support! even though it's not really thread title related :)
btw. installing pycryptodomex via 'pip install pycryptodomex' didn't do the trick.
so on my rapsberry pi 3b running retropie 4.4 logged in via ssh i had to explicitly set the user flag. That means after executing 'pip install --user pycryptodomex' i was able to login but now i am waiting for a fix :)anyhow thanks!
@Rascas Like BuZz said.. There was a new change from netflix and they had to do some changes to the addon.
@wursti90 They actually fixed it and now it's broken again. Worked until like 30 minutes ago...EDIT: Did "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and now it dosn't even open anymore. Now trying "pip install --user pycryptodomex".
I'm getting
Collecting pycryptodomex Using cached https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/69/e7/5c50af65e3d46a161181089aed939bce185ad61f6cc86779994e9d8280d0/pycryptodomex-3.7.0.tar.gz Building wheels for collected packages: pycryptodomex Running setup.py bdist_wheel for pycryptodomex ... error Complete output from command /usr/bin/python -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='/tmp/pip-build-3D6k7q/pycryptodomex/setup.py';f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__);code=f.read().replace('\r\n', '\n');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'))" bdist_wheel -d /tmp/tmpcQULcVpip-wheel- --python-tag cp27: Testing support for x86intrin.h header Target does not support x86intrin.h header usage: -c [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...] or: -c --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...] or: -c --help-commands or: -c cmd --help error: invalid command 'bdist_wheel' ---------------------------------------- Failed building wheel for pycryptodomex Running setup.py clean for pycryptodomex Failed to build pycryptodomex Installing collected packages: pycryptodomex Running setup.py install for pycryptodomex ... done Successfully installed pycryptodomex-3.7.0 but I also got it without the "--user" the last time I used it. And it kind of completes it anyways.
Lastest crashlog: https://pastebin.com/67zwnMjQ
@Cederick i don't understand your problem. please be more clear.
for me installing netflix worked like this:- install the netflix repo from asciidisco
- do 'pip install --user pycryptodomex' from any terminal
- install the netflix addon
- enter account credentials
- try to play any episode oder movie and you'll be asked to install libwidevine.
this is done automatically so you don't have to worry about it. just proceed by accepting and giving green light to everyting :)
(6.) after that the addon promted me that libwidevine misses 'libnss3.so' and some other libraries. i think doing 'sudo apt-get install libnss3' solved the problem for me.
Now to your terminal output:
i asume (and your crashlog shows that) you are using arm architecture ... but the pycryptodomex package seems to rely on a library that is build for x86. i didn't had that problem (i guess). however after trying to build the needed libraries which seem to have failed pip still installs the pycrytodomex package. i don't know but maybe you are fine since as an arm user you don't need 'x86intrin'.once again: what is your problem?
for me doing everything as descriped worked fine. keeping in mind that it didn't worked due to the changes on the netflix site.
And please i don't know how the others feel but posting crashlogs that have hundreds of entries that are not related to the problem make thinks worse. especially for me who never read any kodi crashlog ever before :)
i don't care whether you like to watch Hand of blood holding SPANDAU or like to listin to Left Boy. Daher: Bitte brich mein Herz nicht Baby und probiere dein Problem direkt nach dem starten von kodi zu reproduzieren. Also Kodi starten -> Netflix starten -> problem reproduzieren -> crashlog posten ;)Schöne Wochenende (have a nice weekend)
I'm having the same issue as DeathWalk. It's only in Estuary. It seems the playback menu overlay is blown like a 1000x. Subtitles also don't work (which I guess they do work but are extremely offscreen and extremely oversized). I guess there's some scaling problems there with the menus/overlays, etc.
I updated from Kodi 17 on RPI3B+. It seems it's the beta 4.
@cebix No debug log, no problem. This is not reproducible on a clean installation so it is probably a combination of some non default settings or some incompatible addon. Try moving/removing /home/pi/.kodi
@Rascas I somehow missed your debug post - I tried to make one now but once I reverted back to the Estuary skin the problem doesn't exist anymore... So changing the skin back fixed it I guess and I can't reproduce the problem again.
Hello, everybody. First of all thank you for this great opensource work.
Second, I recommend to warn that it is necessary to have RetroPi in Stretch version in order to upgrade to Kodi 18. Due to dependencies.
For this upgrade, "first modify the files /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list. In both files: change every occurrence of the word jessie to stretch
And next, the classic: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade
I tested this version of the thread, version 18 beta4 in rpi3.
I recommend them. And sincerely it looks and persive just as stable as the (now old) version 17.3.
I could make Amazon Prime Video (https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=331136) go, after a long way, (Input, Wevine, EULA, etc etc) works fluid in 640p in a Raspi3, in 720p unfortunately the audio of the video is offset, this probably blame the DRM.
I haven't been able to run the Netflix ascidisco kodinerds plugin (https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=329767) , there's an error after the installation, and I haven't been able to check the debug yet.
Thank you for this version, it's a advance.
@manu3l Thanks for the warning about Raspbian Stretch, yes it is true, it won't work on Jessie and RetroPie versions earlier than 4.4. I thought that was already in the first post, it was not and I added that info.
About the netflix/amazon prime max resolutions, the Raspberry Pi is not a DRM device authorized from Netflix/Amazon, so everything works by software decoding. The PI 2 can do about 480p max, the Pi 3B, about 640p, but can do 720p with some slight overclocking. The Pi 3B+ can do 720p without changes.
About the recent problems about the Netflix addon, it is already fixed in the addon, but I think it needs an updated inputstream.adaptive addon also. I will do that tomorrow. -
Also dist-upgrade to Stretch broke EmulationStation, giving this error: "while loading shared libraries: libboost_date_time.so.1.55.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
Fix with sudo ./retropie_setup.sh and update from Source ?
@manu3l That is something unrelated to Kodi. But maybe you can fix it running the retropie_setup.sh scripts, updating it and reinstalling Emulation Station.
@manu3l If you upgrade in place from Raspbian Jessie to Stretch, the next step is to update all packages from binary, including Emulationstation, from the RetroPie-Setup script.
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