@lilbud We gotta work on your pixel ratio, dude. Make sure all your squares are the same size.
@Rookervik I could've sworn they were the same size. Probably when I resized the middle they were misshapen. The above post is updated with the correct one.
@lilbud SEXY! Much better :D
@RetroPieNerd Your Link is broken, This is it right?
Yeah, this is correct.
It shows up on my screen... -
@RetroPieNerd Did not show up on my screen. Gave me a 404
@RetroPieNerd Use Imgur for splashscreens
I don't have Imgur yet but the new splashscreen is in the retropie-splashscreens-extra repo.
Here it is:
Hope you like the new splashscreen! -
Hey artists, what do you think about a MicroMachines inspired splashscreen?
Maybe with this image as inspiration:
@meleu That's pretty easy stuff. :D DO EET!
@meleu I would, but I am not home.
@meleu Done and Done, This took less than 30 min to make
This took entirely too long, here is Mario Party 4
Mario Kart 8 and Gamecube
Life is like a hurricane
Here in Retropie
Joysticks, Consoles, Video Games
It's a retro-blur!
Might solve a problem
Or rewrite xmlsRETROPIE! Woo-Hoo
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