What is your favorite Shoot-em-up?
BattIe Squadron on AMiga, really enjoyed playing this one with my bros.
you can acces to DIP switch by pressing spacebar in the menu for selecting bullet speed, number of bullet etc... just like an arcade machine... Activating bomb by press fire and rotating joystick in circle with a xbox360 pad isn't as easy as doing it with my ziptick. - topic:timeago-later,6 months
@mediamogul @quicksilver Apologies for necro-ing this thread, but I had an update on Ikaruga and the 20-second freeze.
It seems that's happening on more recent versions of the emulator (I just updated to find out that that's the case). However, on my previous version, which I had here from (it seems) February 2018 (might be the one that's on the actual 4.4 image), there's no such issue.
Now, while I'd rather be able to give you a proper commit for you to checkout the code and compile yourselves, if you'd want to trust my well-intentioned efforts, I created a tar archive of my current emulator binaries as a backup.
This should replace the contents of your
Hope it helps with Ikaruga!
@pjft I will give it a go, thanks!
@quicksilver you'll have to extract the tar archive and then copy it there with sudo cp. The old bios were in the RetroPie/BIOS folder, whereas in newer versions they seem to be under RetroPie/BIOS/dc. Just a note in case it doesn't load the ROM at first.
Man, I've been missing this game. Thank you.
@mediamogul @quicksilver so, to close this Ikaruga detour off, just one more comment:
The game plays great in that build as it doesn't seem to have the issue (did any of you per chance test it?), and asides some visual issues like the borders (outside the game area) not being black, and a few visual effects missing (fog/clouds on the beginning of stage 2), I'm super happy for having gotten to play it!
One comment: don't run it from a CHD version of the ROM but rather a proper CDI or perhaps GDI. It might be that the ROM I compressed to CHD had an issue itself, but the CDI version I have runs at normal speed, while the compressed CHD version I put together from a GDI one I downloaded runs slower (gameplay) while the audio runs at normal speed. It is quite noticeable when set pieces have audio climaxing with specific on screen animation or action, but in the CHD version is not at all in sync, and the audio track finishes a while before the end of level 1 boss. I'll test out the actual original GDI source, as it might be faulty, and report back if I find that the original GDI I used has the same issue. If not, consider that when choosing the ROM version to keep.
@pjft I have not had a chance to test it yet. But my copy of the game is .chd so I'll have to look for an alternative copy.
@quicksilver well, let me confirm this tomorrow. It might certainly be the source ROM I got to compress into CHD that's faulty. I'll report back.
@quicksilver might have been a false alarm. It also happens in the source GDI ROM, so I'm thinking it's a faulty dump here. I'll look further into it.
It's ready to check with the audio sync behavior. This is how it should be like, and you should be able to play this video at the same time as your game, with both the audio and the gameplay being in sync with the emulation. My CDI version does so. The others have the audio in sync but gameplay stays behind. See just the sync in the intro sequence for chapter 1.
@pjft said in What is your favorite Shoot-em-up?:
did any of you per chance test it?
I let a friend borrow my Dreamcast collection after Christmas to test out a hardware mod. However, I'll likely get it back this weekend. I look forward to trying it out.
I loved Raptor on DOS, and Raiden Trad on Genesis, but my unpopular favorite is an arcade game "19XX"
maybe it is because I played this in my Barrack while in the Navy, but I genuinely love it. -
@ultrakev9 agreed. I actually own a RaidenDX cabinet, though it was a conversion from Mercs, and the monitor has burnin. i converted it to a jamma mame cabinet and still go to my garage to play RaidenDX on it once in a while.
@ultrakev9 said in What is your favorite Shoot-em-up?:
@sp I second this. Raiden DX is perfect in nearly every way.
No other game in this genre has ever allowed the player to do such catastrophic damage to the environment and no other schmup that I've ever played has allowed you to shoot down flying enemies and have them crash in to the ground and land on and destroy ground-based enemies. The attention to detail, design, sound, everything has never been matched, even by Raiden 3, 4 or 5. - topic:timeago-later,15 days
@pjft Just got around to trying this out. Unfortunately it just dumps me back to ES with each game I tested. It looks like the BIOS files were in a different directory with your version of reicast but even once I moved them to the right directory it still didnt work.
Capcom's 1942 on arcade and Thunderforce IV on sega megadrive.
@quicksilver oh, oh my! You’re absolutely right. The BIOS files in this case should be in RetroPie/BIOS directly, instead of in RetroPie/BIOS/dc/ . This is the new path - in the version I had they were still there.
dc_flash.bin and dc_boot.bin , I believe.
There should be absolutely no other change other than that. What error does runcommand.log show?
EDIT: sorry, just noted the original path I mentioned isn’t the right one.
It should be
To confirm, it’s executable (sudo chmod +x reicast) and is it the right MD5 on the pi after copying it there?
MD5(/opt/retropie/emulators/reicast/bin/reicast)= 94a76466e3cfd63581c3b99981537268
@pjft I confirmed it has the proper permissions. Not sure how to check the MD5. Here is the runcommand.log:
Parameters: Executing: /opt/retropie/emulators/reicast/bin/reicast.sh omx "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/dreamcast/Ikaruga (Japan).chd" /opt/retropie/emulators/reicast/bin/reicast: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libstdc++.so.6: version `CXXABI_1.3.9' not found (required by /opt/retropie/emulators/reicast/bin/reicast)
@quicksilver What version of RetroPie are you running ? Looks like a mismatch of binary versions.
@mitu Ah! should have thought of that. I believe Im still on 4.3. Havent taken the time yet to migrate to 4.4.
@quicksilver Try updating from source, this should eliminate any issues with binary compatibility.
@mitu Wouldnt that overwrite /opt/retropie/emulators/reicast/bin? I have reicast working, I just couldnt get it to work with pjft's version.
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