The scraper doesn't scrape anything
I have tried using both the automatic, built in scraper and Steven Selph's scraper - neither of them did anything to any game.
Take a look at the first pinned topic in this forum category - the internal scraper is for the moment under construction.
@mitu I have tried using Steven Selph's Scraper and Lars Muldjord's Skyscraper before on more than one occasion - neither of them have worked
@Fried_Chicken Can you give an example on what ROM(or ROMs) did you try and you haven't been succesful in scraping ? What scraping source and options have you used ? Also -
@mitu I used roms from
- i tried n64 - .n64 files, psx - .cue files, nes - .nes files, nds - .nds files, and snes - .sfc files. My only option was to scrape from TheGamesDB and so that's where i scraped from -
@mitu Is there any way i can scrape the files on my pc and then put them onto my pi?
@Fried_Chicken Please don't add links to ROM sites here, it's one of the rules of the forum. As I said, you have to be more specific on what ROM and options you've used. Other people are using these external scrapers without a the problems you mentioned.
@mitu For example of a specific game, i tried Super Mario World (USA).sfc
@Fried_Chicken It works for me, the game is found easily:
/opt/retropie/supplementary/skyscraper/Skyscraper -p snes -s screenscraper [...] #1/1 (T1) Pass 1 ---- Game 'Super Mario World (USA)' found! :) ---- Scraper: screenscraper From cache: NO Search match: 100 % Compare title: 'Super Mario World' Result title: 'Super Mario World' () Platform: 'Super Nintendo' () Release Date: '1992-04-11' () Developer: 'Nintendo' () Publisher: 'Nintendo' () Players: '2' () Ages: '3+' () Tags: 'Platform' () Rating (0-1): '0.85' () Cover: YES () Screenshot: YES () Wheel: YES () Marquee: YES () Description: () Once again, the evil Bowser has captured Princess Peach (while on a holiday on Yoshi's Island), and it's up to Mario to save her. To aid him in his quest, Mario must use the flying ability of the feather to get him to places hard to reach. But what's even more important is his new friend, the dinosaur Yoshi, who Mario can ride through each level and eat the enemies. Over 90 levels are on offer, with plenty of Bowser's evil koopas and new characters around each level. Apart from saving Peach, you can also save some of Yoshi's friends, other dinosaurs that each have a special attack. Each level also contains a set of extra items to collect, including dinosaur coins, and break the tape at the end of each level to collect stars, that allow you to open up the bonus games. -
@Fried_Chicken There are two big PC Scrappers: Universal XML Scrapper and Skraper.
Both make the same thing: Scrap your systems and make a xml file.
I tried with Universal XML Scrapper but it gives me random errors, not completing the entire proccess. I recommend Skraper. Look up for videos on how to use it but it is very intuitive.
Also, Skraper will scrap your roms by checking their hash on If it doesn't match it will look for the name, which is unreliable, and games will not be scrapped properly. So you'll need clean rom dumps.
There are Romsets which have a clean dump of every rom for many systems and then you can sort them into regions using batch files, so in that way the scrapping and the hash check will work, but as for the rules I won't mention where to find that.
If you find it and you're going to download any romset remember to only use and play with the roms that you legally own, I'm not responsible in that matter.
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