MAME ROW #125 - Strikers 1945
Angel kids is quirky, but I can't get the controls setup well enough to play it over and over (or at all really). My high score is ten points. (That's one dot collected.)
I must've gotten a bad ROM of Super Locomotive. I couldn't get that one to load. All three games this week look to have high replayability!
Now we need some good scores ;)
Which combat plane is the best?
- P-38 Lightning
- P-51 Mustang
- Supermarine Spitfire
- Messerschmitt Bf 109
- Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero
- Kyushu J7W Shinden
Whoa, holy voting Batman! (or more appropriately for this audience Ninja Baseball Batman)
@IanDaemon said in MAME ROW #125 - Strikers 1945:
Ninja Baseball Batman
It's Ninja Baseball Bat Man. But yes, quite a turnout :).
@mitu Yeah, I was just prepending the "Ninja Baseball" part considering the readership and combining the references. NBBM is a good game. It's a shame that beat 'em up doesn't get more notice. I love the wacky enemies.
@cyperghost Detailed info on Strikers1945 on hardcoregaming101; including the "unusual" endings.
Seems the developers have an obsession :-D -
@UDb23 There is need for some corrections in the hardcoregaming guide
Messerschmidt Bf-109 [...] Its bomb is one of the stranger attacks, calling in many giant planes to come in and suicide bomb everything on screen.
No it's just a stuka-attack ;)
MAME ROW #126 is live!
@obsidianspider 10 votes one score :( And Strikers was a good game :(
@IanDaemon I finally have a decent (two stick) control set-up for Angel Kids. Waaay easy when the controls aren't crap. XD
@IanDaemon OK, so the controls are straight-forward, but I still find them difficult.
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