Top requested arcade games for overlays
Choplifter overlay and launching done !
Marquee fully restored & vectorized (long work...) this one is complete while most images have top and/or bottom cutout.
Noticed I haven't made an overlay for Galaxian !
Can't miss as a classic.Here you go:
Original cab:
@UDb23 is it still possible to request 5:4 1280x1024 overlays from you?
Yours is of absolute stellar quality, and for some reason I can't get other than yours to work properly. -
Battletoads please? I know there are hi-res art files out there.
@GreenHawk84 - You can use any of those you find without issues. I found a few for Battletoads @ 1920x1080 that I've been using for quite a while now. These are just snaps as the originals with transparencies are to big but the all omniscient Google easily reveals all.
@Riverstorm I do have one that is from the Rare Replay on Xbox Live, but do you know if these are original bezel arcade art files or are they new gen? I was looking at the old arcade cabinet art and I really like the old art.
@GreenHawk84 - Good point, I'm not sure if they are from the original cabinet. I just found them online while I was searching for overlays that aren't in the repo. If I come across any that are 1920 x 1080 then I make the .cfg files to work with RA.
@GreenHawk84 Did a quick check and unfortunately couldn't find any high res scan of the marquee or other artwork of the original arcade cab. Even Mrdo's Mame artwork site has no bezel for that game. :-(
@UDb23 @GreenHawk84 - I do have the ones posted above in 1920 x 1080 300 DPI that look pretty decent. The first one has a "grainy/ink blotchy" look to just the characters but not the rest of the image so I don't know if is the art style used (which I kind of like) or scaled up or something else like parts of images pieced together. They are 2.5MB and the other is 5MB. If you're looking for them and they don't pop up in a quick search I can upload them with the .cfg and .zip.cfg files.
@Riverstorm They look cool but are not from the cab, if that's what @GreenHawk84 is looking for.
side art (best I found).
marquee -
@UDb23 - It's cool looking artwork. It's a shame so many of the originals will be lost with time. I don't mind the overlays above. I figure they are definitely better than nothing if you're into overlays. I look every now and then to add a few overlays to freshen things up. Do either of you guys have a link to what the original arcade bezel looked like?
@Riverstorm I found several pictures of original cabinets. Doesnt look like there was any art around the screen itself.
@Riverstorm Seems no bezel, but with good quality side art and cpo I could create an "original art based" overlay. Some Arcade art Print service sites are selling prints so high res scans do exist.
Currently quite busy with restoring Exidy's Venture and Crash bezels; once finalized I may give Battletoads overlay a try.
@quicksilver - Thanks, nice pic. I see that it says "4 player Battletoads - 1 million dollars!" in the corner on a note card. I can't quite read the rest but it looks like a name and number. Spendy cab! I wonder what the 4th player is about as it's normally only 3 players?
@UDb23 - I'm fine with the above bezels so no hurry here I just wanted to offer those alternate bezels until the original came along but since one doesn't exist it looks like you get creative control to design it however you wish. :)
@Riverstorm yea I was wondering about that note myself as there are clearly only 3 sets of controls on the cabinet.
@UDb23 I love your original Burning Force bezel! Well done! I make realistic looking arcade bezels for Mame. Could I use this bezel with your permission. I'd give you credit of course.
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