Logging out of lxde and using emulationstation
I have searched everywhere for a solution to my problem to no avail, so if i overlooked it, my apologies. Let's cut to the chase. I am brand new to the RPi scene, I recently purchased a RPi3 Model B, on which i have installed Raspbian and OSMC. Both work fantastically. However, this morning i took it upon myself to install Retropie on top of my current Raspbian build, following a guide i found here. Everything seems to have gone smoothly. However, i cant seem to figure out how to use it, being that Raspbian and OSMC are the only OSes that appear (I am a noob and used NOOBS) which doesnt surprise me being that i had to construct the image through the Raspbian terminal. I use the command 'emulationstation' to which the shell sends me a message saying something about X running, and that i should logout of LXDE to mitigate problems due to loss of keyboard controls. What does this mean, how do I circumvent the problem, and furthermore start the emulator so that the last few hours shall not be in vain? I realize i can simply get another SD card for use with retropie, but in wondering if there isnt a simple solution. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
@RazzleberryHaze Hi,
From lxde you need to select Exit to Command Line from the Shutdown Menu to leave the desktop and access the console (rather than a terminal within the desktop). By default this option isn't in the menu, but can be made available using the Raspberry Pi Configuration tool (found in the main Menu's Preferences sub-menu).
For details, please see the 'Setting the Boot Options' section of my guide.
Once at the command line,
will launch RetroPie.
After exiting Emulation Station, typestartx
to return to the desktop. -
Hey thanks a million! I changed the option to start with the command line interface rather than booting directly to the desktop. My next question is, say im already at the desktop, is there anyway to shift over to the CLI without logging out and restarting Raspbian?
@RazzleberryHaze hi, glad that helped you.
Once you have your Pi set to boot to the CLI, the options in the Desktop's Shutdown Menu should now include an ‘Exit to Command Line’ option, which will take you back to the main terminal.
Is this option in the menu now?You can't get to the 'full' terminal without exiting the Lxde desktop first.
[Edit] (When you say 'restarting raspbian', do you mean the desktop, or the Pi itself? Raspbian is the operating system, which always runs, even when you just see the CLI terminal, or run Emulation Station; the Lxde desktop is an X-Windows application which runs on top of Raspbian)
I feel like an idiot because i found that option shortly after i posted that last question. Its there in my shutdown options. And when i say restart, i meant going back to the NOOBS selection screen. Again i thank you for all of the help!
@RazzleberryHaze no need to feel like an idiot - the Pi is all about learning new things - glad you have it working.
Recent releases of RetroPie have options to install the desktop (on the assumption that RetroPie has been installed from an image, rather than manually on top of Raspbian), with links to switch between desktop and Emulation Station. I did try this on one installation, but as I primarily use my Pi as a lightweight PC I use the installation detailed in my guide.
On my system I've added a text-based menu that auto-runs on boot, and whenever you return to the CLI from the desktop or Emulation Station; it allows quick selection of Desktop, Emulation Station, Kode, Reboot, or Shutdown.
Part two of the guide I linked to yesterday covers setting up the menu, if you're interested.
The easiest way to do this if you still want to boot to desktop is to press CTRL+ALT+F1. If you want to go back DON'T type startx press ALT+F7.
@RetroResolution I have the same issue but I'm using the official raspberry pi touchscreen. I already had retropie installed on another SD card but that would not power on the screen. So I started again but choose to boot to pixel. (Jessie) if I choose the boot to emulation station will that power on the screen.
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