unofficial Retroarch 1.8.1
@tobas said in unofficial Retroarch 1.8.1:
/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The RetroArch binary seems it was compiled on a newer (?) system, with different OpenSSL libraries than what you have currently installed. My guess is that the binary was compiled on Raspbian Buster, while you're running on a Stretch or maybe Jessie based Raspbian system. It will not work on your system.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why supporting external, unofficial software is just wasting people's valuable time.
It's like expecting Microsoft to tell you why your Mac isn't working.
@mitu yes, I am on 4.5.3 jessie, is that horribly out of date?
edit: can I upgrade jessie to stretch/buster?
@tobas said in unofficial Retroarch 1.8.1:
@mitu yes, I am on 4.5.3 jessie, is that horribly out of date?
edit: can I upgrade jessie to stretch/buster?
I think we have a winner...
If your system is still on Jessie, then the latest Retroarch probably wouldn't be drop & go. I believe the recent Rpi RA requires Stretch, and the the very latest would require Buster. Am I right, @mitu ?
@Thorr69 I believe this is correct the more I look into it. I will upgrade to stretch later and update on the results. I hope maybe this thread can help someone in the future with this issue.
@Thorr69 said in unofficial Retroarch 1.8.1:
. I believe the recent Rpi RA requires Stretch, and the the very latest would require Buster. Am I right, @mitu ?
If you install from source, it might work on Jessie also, but using an already made binary, that won't work. Of course, RetroPie doesn't support Raspbian Jessie anymore, so it's not tested on that version and it's not 100% guaranteed it would work.
@mitu even more reason to upgrade to stretch then.
@tobas So why aren't you making a backup image, extracting your games/configs from it and start fresh on stretch or try a buster image from the weekly page? This all seems like a waste of time. You'll have to repeat this again when stretch support dies. I've briefly tried the pi3 buster image and had no issues.
@tobas You should have an error message if using Jessie when you enter RetroPie-Setup saying it's no longer supported btw. Does that not show up btw?
Why so eager for newer RetroArch btw? What's the current version missing? It's not the case of a straightforward update which is why it's taking some time. @mitu has had to rework the shader configs to work with the way we configure them. Plus bugs that have needed to been fixed.
@BuZz actually no. I've had no problems upgrading anything. I really just want to have the new achievement support. I don't plan on upgrading anymore after I have achievement support on all supported systems, and the fixes to the pc engine cd achievements that were broken.
@tobas please can you go into RetroPie-Setup and tell me what it says at the top of the menu. And see if you get a dialog window first. It should inform you your version is unsupported.
Unless you are running a 3rd party image? Where did you get the RetroPie image?
@Darksavior I'm upgrading to stretch now. if all goes well I'll likely upgrade to buster. I spent a lot of time building and tweaking the image I have. honestly I love it. I would be crushed if I couldn't use it anymore. I would be very depressed. I know its silly but I get emotional over stuff like this.
@BuZz I originally had a plain image I got from here with basic emulation station but I wanted attract mode. I had no idea how to make that work so a friend of mine was nice enough to stick a neat attract mode on it. I'll look at it once stretch is done installing.
well. everything is gone now. after the upgrade. the attract mode I set up. everything is gone. I guess I can't upgrade after all.
@tobas but you backed your image up before attempting this right?
@quicksilver I did. funny thing is. everything is still there. all the folders, roms, settings, its just that retropie cant find it?
libEGL warning DRI3: xcb_connect failed
libEGL warning DRI2: xcb_connect failed
And that repeats one more time
/opt/retropie/confines/all/auto line 3: Segmentation fault. Attract
That’s what it says when I try to boot
I just need to tell it where to find my attract mode files but I don’t know how. I wish I was smarter with this stuff.
How did you update? Please provide more details.
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