Dual Joystick on FBneo?
@GreenHawk84 i never tried it, but as far as FBNeo is a libretro port and for that using the retroarch input-setting i would have no idea how to map 2 sticks per game.
Personally i use AdvanceMame for "Karate Champ", "Robotron", "Smash T.V." & "Total Carnage".
But every MAME-Port will do the job as far as you use the MAME-mapping and not the retroarch one.
Maybe @barbudreadmon has another idea how to map 2 sticks with FBAlpha/Neo. -
That's a RA issue, RA doesn't allow 2 different controllers to control 1 player. Use a dual stick controller or use another emu.
I appreciate the help dudes, I will try out AdvanceMame later.
@barbudreadmon said in Dual Joystick on FBneo?:
That's a RA issue, RA doesn't allow 2 different controllers to control 1 player. Use a dual stick controller or use another emu.
In general, that's true. But I can play Robotron, Crazy Climber, and Battleezone in
using both of my DragonRise controllers that register as different/dev/js*
devices and map to player 1 + 2 in other games.So it might depend on the RA core or rom how the controllers are used. I am not at home right now to test those games in
, but I can do that later. -
Okay, I tested both
and only the former uses both joysticks for player one. It may be that I mapped them in MAME'sTab
menu that's separate from RA's control settings (and only accessible if RA's Quick Menu > Options > Input Interface is set to eitherkeyboard
). They appear there asP1 Left = RP1 HAT
andP1 Left = RP2 HAT
.@barbudreadmon Since FB Neo runs games like Crazy Climber and Robotron, how does it normally map dual stick controls aside from RetroArch?
@Clyde Standalone FBNeo has a gui to remap anything to anything, kinda like the mame osd, except it's done using windows UI elements instead of an ingame overlay, which makes it unusable in a libretro core, so relying on the libretro api is the only alternative. As i said, it's a RA issue.
@barbudreadmon Thanks for the clarification. So, the only way dual-stick games are be playable in
is by using controllers with multiple joysticks or are keyboard-based, right?I don't concur though that's (completely) an RA issue, since other RA cores like the
ones offer such features, although not as part of the RA gui.Not trying to persuade you into anything, but a similar configuration in
would outstandingly add to the greatness it already has. 😌 -
I can confirm what @barbudreadmon has said retroarch isint capable of setting controls across devices. Thats why you should never use retroarch mapping for mame2003 its just too limited and can interfere with mames internal mapping if you change it. The only way round it let the core set the controls ( a menu system would need to be implemented like mame) or stick to the retroach one device per player limitation. There is a sdl2 port i progress its shaping up pretty nice dipswitches and controller input mapping still need done so it might be an alternative when its complete for games like this and use the libretro port for the others that work fine for you.
@Clyde said in Dual Joystick on FBneo?:
I don't concur though that's (completely) an RA issue, since other RA cores like the lr-mame ones offer such features, although not as part of the RA gui.
Not trying to persuade you into anything, but a similar configuration in lr-fbneo would outstandingly add to the greatness it already has. 😌Not gonna happen, for me it would be a regression, i spent years making fbalpha/fbneo mapping implementation zeroconf with retropad-compliant controllers, it's up to RA to add flexibility for unusual ways of remapping, furthermore i guess it would also benefit other cores.
yeap agreed ra is pretty pants for anything other than a retropad and input from more than one device per player its not ready to support any complicated control system from its basic menus. It also has no support to create any kind of menu in core so your relly limited on this platform unless you get creative and ditch the netplay.
I do think libretro port defaults are ok for most part with retropad type controllers. I do find issues with the zero config when using my barcade games like double dragon II and p.o.w any game that uses 3 buttons dont map right for me dont get the three in a row unless thats changed since i last used it. Also fbneo standalone has an aswome keyboard layout.
asd zxc
these games play perfect on a keyboard!
So Karate Champ looks and sounds best on FBNeo. Shame it doesn't control like Mameroo.
@GreenHawk84 you could use standalone or mame for these few games until retroarch gets betting input controls.
@grant2258 would we be able to put in a request to Retroarch regarding dual joystick support?
@GreenHawk84 There is already an issue with a bounty about it : https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/issues/7830
@barbudreadmon nice, thank you, I will donate to the cause.
I had been searching for a suitable answer to this question for awhile and never found one, finally figured it out myself so I figured I would share.
When you are editing the controls for the game you can set the Mapped Controller, set your player 2 mapped controller to player 1 and now both "controllers" will act as inputs for player 1.
This has to be done in game and make sure to only save the game remap file, not the core.
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