MAME ROW #162 - Spy Hunter
This is the MAME Random Of the Week #162
The five random numbers for this week are: 666 936 1780 1126 1826
Click here to vote! Which game do you choose for MAME ROW #162?
Game Name: Grand Striker 2 (Japan)
Company: Human Amusement
Year: 1996
ROM file name: gstrik2.zip936
Game Name: Leprechaun
Company: Tong Electronic
Year: 1982
ROM file name: leprechn.zip1780
Game Name: Spy Hunter
Company: Bally Midway
Year: 1983
ROM file name: spyhunt.zip1126
Game Name: Mr. Goemon (Japan)
Company: Konami
Year: 1986
ROM file name: mrgoemon.zip1826
Game Name: Star Trek
Company: Sega
Year: 1982
ROM file name: startrek.zipThe result of the poll is posted on Wednesday, so we have Monday and Tuesday for experimentation.
What is the MAME ROW?
MAME ROW stands for MAME Random Of the Week. We randomly select an arcade game from the 0.78 MAME Reference Set to play on the week. The idea is to play games we've never played before, interact with other forum members, post hi-scores, share game strategies, fun facts, and (the most important) HAVE FUN!
We will play the winner all next week.
Previous Rounds
You're kidding, right?!? How can anything OTHER than Spy Hunter win...
Although I dig Star Trek too, but when you realize you only have to look at the radar to play it kinda loses something.
Leprechuan looks interesting. Spy Hunter requires analogue control like a spinner to work properly. Sadly my car goes side to side in an instant and I crash immediately.
OK, so I found out that Leprechuan is a clone of Pot of Gold made in shorter cabinets for children. Both games play identically, but Leprechuan lets you exit/enter the screen anywhere. (Pot of Gold forces you to use openings in the exterior wall.) It seems like it would be a fun high score chasing game, BUT the audio is annoying. There is a constant tone during gameplay.
Spy Hunter was big in the arcades due to its great controls at the time. I never saw the "sit down" cabinet in real life.
If Spy Hunter 2 shows up people may run for the hills. That's supposedly one of the worst arcade games ever made. I never saw the sequel in arcades.
@IanDaemon said in MAME ROW #162 - Spy Hunter:
Spy Hunter was big in the arcades due to its great controls at the time. I never saw the "sit down" cabinet in real life.
If Spy Hunter 2 shows up people may run for the hills. That's supposedly one of the worst arcade games ever made. I never saw the sequel in arcades.
Spy Hunter 2 was indeed quite horrible. That was another cabinet I wish I could have kitted, but there was absolutely NOTHING in the way of kits that would fit the custom cabinet.
- topic:timeago-later,10 days
@IanDaemon Yeah, that's the cabinet, and you can see why there were no kits that would work with it. It DID function on one monitor with a divider, so it would have been possible to remove the divider and replace the wheel panel with a stick panel. IIRC the sound system was crap too. The original Spy Hunter had an awesome soundtrack pumped through a decent sound system.
MAME ROW #163 is live!
I got 10,950, but most of my time was trying to get a decent control scheme. (I don't have a spinner/wheel/analog controller.)
That score didn't even get me on the high score list.
@IanDaemon There was an infinite play trick to SH2 that involved keeping your car on the lower right side and at a slower speed so you automatically wheel blade everything trying to come up behind you.
I loved Spy Hunter on the Spectrum, but the MAME version's controls are awfully finicky unfortunately. @IanDaemon - what was your control scheme?
I'll still go back to the ZX Spectrum version these days, but I'd take other recommendations :)
@pjft An eight-way joystick with buttons remapped in RA.
@IanDaemon got it. From my recollection I think the acceleration and wheel were too sensitive for it to be reliable to control for me, but I'll give it a shot. Mame 2003? FBA?
@pjft lr-fbneo
Might be worth mentioning it, spy hunter's emulation in FBNeo is "enhanced" : the original cabinet had off-screen notifications, in FBNeo they were turned into on-screen icons, it might improve playability.
@barbudreadmon I did not know/remember that. It's been a looooong time since I played an actual cab. XD
Oddly enough one of the best ports of Spy Hunter was for PalmOS. You controlled the speed and position of the car with stylus taps and used the bottom buttons for the weapons. Was a very nice version.
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