LR-Fuse Still not loading 48k ZX Spectrum roms after trying all previous advice in this forum
Pi Model or other hardware: Pi Zero W v1.1
Power Supply used: Asus 5V 2A
RetroPie Version Used: Buster-4.6-rpi1
Built From: retropie-buster-4.6-rpi1_zero.img
USB Devices connected: Powered USB hub, Generic Wireless RF Keyboard and USB controller
Controller used: PS3 Clone
Error messages received: NA
Log found in /dev/shm/runcommand.log (if relevant): NA
Guide used: Practically all available information found in search engines
File: (File with issue - with FULL path) NA
Emulator: (Name of emulator - if applicable) LR-Fuse
Attachment of config files: (PLEASE USE PASTEBIN.COM FOR LARGE LOGS)
How to replicate the problem: install Retropie 4.6 for pi zero/1 and try to load a 48k rom in LR-fuseI've been banging my head against this issue for 3 days solid I keep going in circles and have tried all advice I can find on the net.
I have rebuilt from scratch multiple times.The problem is I cannot get 48k games to load no matter what, I'm begging to think that the latest build is just broken as it shouldn't be this difficult can anyone confirm this works or doesn't work in RetroPie 4.6 on a pi Zero or 1?
In theory this should be simple as per the below docs
"I change the Model (needs content load)" Option to 48k and then click on "Game-options file" to create the options file.
I have also tried the save Game overrides option in case it doesn't save in the options file.... The options files i create do work for key mapping to controller.I suppose if I don't here back from anyone I guess my next step will be to try finding an older version of Retropie as I'm around 90% sure this is broken, unless I'm being a complete div and missed one tiny option somewhere??
Some other info I've looked at is below...
Thanks in advance
lr-fuse and saving configurations for each rom
tuki_cattuki_cat 12 May 2017, 16:25
Hi,I have tried to get this to work but have had no success - how do you save configs per rom in lr-fuse? I essentially want to save the configuration so that it uses the 48k spectrum for certain games and 128k for others.
I have seen this link, but this doesn't work for me -
I have tried running a rom and the tried selecting the "save game overrides" in the RGUI I get a meesage that tells the file has been saved, but the configuration does not work and I can'f find where it has saved the .cfg
Any ideas?
OneSwitchOneSwitch 6 Oct 2018, 23:19
@tuki_cat said in lr-fuse and saving configurations for each rom:rk but have had no success - how do you save configs per rom in lr-fuse? I essentially want to save the configuration so that it uses the 48k spectrum for certain games and 128k for others.
I have seen this link, but this doesn't work for me -
I have tried running a rom and the tried selecting the "save game overrides" in the RGUI I get a meesage that tells the file has been saved, but the configuration does not work and I can'f find where it has saved the .cfgMain Menu > Quick Menu > Options > [change keyboard controls there] > [click on the top "Game-options file.... [name of game]... Took me ages to work that out.
I Also tired this way of manually configuring the files
dudleydesdudleydes 22 Nov 2016, 10:39
@Yorick According to World of Spectrum, Jetpac runs on a 16k machine. By default, lr-fuse, which I assume is you are using, runs the the 128k machine - you will see the line fuse_machine = "Spectrum 128K" in the file /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg.If you change to 48k machine type in the RGUI, then Jetpac will run. Now this will be a pain to change between 48k and 128k machine for newer games that require the extra memory.
This is my solution. It may be not be optimum but it works.
In the folder /opt/retropie/configs/all/, create a text file called retroarch-core-options-fuse48k.cfg and add the following line:
fuse_machine = "Spectrum 48K"
Now we need to make sure Jetpac uses the 48k machine so in the ZX Spectrum roms folder, create a text file called Jetpac.tzx.cfg. The file name must match the tape so you may have to amend. In this file, add the following line:core_options_path = /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options-fuse48K.cfg
Save and Jetpac should now run. If you take a look at retroarch-core-options-fuse48k.cfg after launching Jetpac, you'll notice RetroArch will have added extra lines. It's best to leave these.For any other games that run a 16k machine such as Deathchase, all you need to do is copy the cfg file and rename it so that it matches the tape.
@ShinraPie correct - I meant to have you share the /dev/shm/runcommand.log file after running with verbose logging.
One thing that may or may not be related: I recall when I first set lr-fuse up several years ago that the .TZX compatibility was fairly poor. Most of the games I had didn't run, so I had to resort to getting .TAP or .Z80 format ROMs.
That might be the case for you, so it won't hurt trying that out.
The logs I asked for are mostly to see if there's anything about what model is being loaded, but I don't believe that that'd be the issue.
Probably no need to remove the other threads, but let's answer here.
Thanks a lot, I'll give some different Roms a try after work. If it's just a matter of I was using incompatible Roms then I'm going to poke myself in the eye with a stick! If not I'll have grab the logs and send them over. Have you ever tried a game called Split Personalities? This is one in particular i was trying to get working alongside a bunch of Ultimate games.
@ShinraPie I can't say I have - I believe the only one I was trying at some point that suffered from it was Lunar Jetman.
But do send over the runcommand.log when you have it, it should help dig into what's happening there. - topic:timeago-later,9 days
I've been a while recovering from a stick to the eye!
It turned out that 4 different versions of the same game in varying formats did not work but I tried a 5th version from an online Archive site and it worked flawlessly, so it wasn't an issue with 48k games at all. I must have wasted literally 2 whole days of my life trying to find a fix for something that wasn't really broken. And if I didn't come here looking for advise then it could have been a lot longer, so many thanks for your help with this!There were quite a few games I couldn't load including a bunch of Ultimate games which all happened to be 48k which further led me to believe it was a 48k issue. I have now found working copies of all the games I wanted.
Below is a paste of a log file for one of the games that didn't work and just hung on the White Sinclair Research screen (as they all did).
I'd be interested to know what went wrong with these but it's not essential since as per above I have found working copies.
The file was Jetpac.SNA and the paste can actually be found here because I just got told off by a mod!
@ShinraPie please follow the forum guidance and either use a markdown code section for logs or a 3rd party pastebin site.
@BuZz said in LR-Fuse Still not loading 48k ZX Spectrum roms after trying all previous advice in this forum:
@ShinraPie please follow the forum guidance and either use a markdown code section for logs or a 3rd party pastebin site.
Thanks Buzz, now fixed!
@ShinraPie good to hear it's sorted out. I read through the logs but honestly I can't make much of it. As I mentioned, my experience with lr-fuse's compatibility was that it was a lot fussier with the format than the actual games, so it's probably just that.
Happy gaming!
Thanks, I seem to have most luck with .z80 files
What do you recommend for default joystick order?
Currently I haveUser 1: Kempston
User 2: Cursor
User 3: KeyboardAm I likely to run into any issues with this configuration?
You mentioned before about some newly created games for the system, any recommendations?
@ShinraPie That sounds about the same as my experience - Z80s work best. I usually have a similar order, I might have Interface 1 or 2 instead of Cursor, but it ends up the same.
Sure, here are a few of the ones I tested out recently that are recent games:
- Yazzie: a fun arcade platformer/puzzler from a lone Russian programmer called Denis Grachev/RetroSouls. Several of the games in this list are his.
- Valley or Rains: the winner of the Yandex Dev competition a few months ago. An action game, similar to Savage from Firebird back in the day.
- The Sword of Ianna: A great action platformer from RetroWorks - a Spanish team that is responsible for many games in the last decade.
- Old Tower: Denis Grachev's entry in last years ZX Dev competition. It's a puzzler. Great game.
- Mighty Final Fight: A remake of the NES Mighty Final Fight, for the ZX Spectrum. Plays very well.
- Los Amores de Brunilda: An adventure game from the RetroWorks folks. I started on the Spectrum but then ended up playing it end to end on the MSX as it has better graphics.
- King's Valley: An remake of an old Konami game from the 80s. A simple arcade platformer, quite nice as an arcade game.
- Gommy, Defensor Medieval: A simple arcade game where you're defending a castle from incoming invaders. Simple gameplay.
- Godkiller - New Timeline Edition: Top-down action adventure game.
- Aliens Neoplasma: The winner of the ZX Dev 2019 competition. A proper Aliens game on the Spectrum.
- Tiki Taca: An isometric remake of Atic Atac.
- Metal Man Remixed/Reloaded: An action game in the vein of Robocop/Cobra.
- Alter Ego: An arcade puzzler from RetroSouls, using platforms and polarity switching characters.
- Dreamwalker - Alter Ego 2: The sequel to the previous entry.
- Multidude: Another arcade puzzler from RetroSouls, using platforms and characters with different abilities.
- Gluf: Another arcade puzzle platformer from RetroSouls.
- Castlevania - Spectral Interlude: An unnoficial Castlevania game, on the ZX Spectrum. Reminiscent of the NES ones, well regarded by the community.
- Ninja Gaiden - Shadow Warriors: A remake of the Gameboy Ninja Gaiden, on the Spectrum.
- Vradark's Sphere: a simple roguelike. I might be biased as I like this kind of games and there weren't that many on the Spectrum.
Hope these are interesting!
Thanks. A lot of interesting sounding games there, where would I find these games or do I just need to google them individually?
I take it that they are all freely distributable?I found a game on my computer yesterday, no idea where it came from but it was called Abe's Mission I just ran it to see what it was and it looks like a version of Abe's Odyssey. I didn't play it as it was in Russian but it looked good none the less .
Just found a video of this on YouTube [
@ShinraPie I hadn't seen that game, no - it does look a lot like what I remember from Abe's Oddissey, nice.
All those games are free to get, yes. Here are some of the links where you'll find most of the games. Others that may be older you'd have to search for individually:
EDIT: And apparently there's already a 2020 competition in the works here:
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