MAME ROW #170 - Drift Out '94 - The Hard Order
This is the MAME Random Of the Week #170
The five random numbers for this week are: 1922 96 465 2078 1287
Click here to vote! Which game do you choose for MAME ROW #170?
Game Name: The Hustler (Japan version M)
Company: Konami
Year: 1987
ROM file name: thehustl.zip96
Game Name: Balloon Brothers
Company: East Technology
Year: 1992
ROM file name: ballbros.zip465
Game Name: Drift Out '94 - The Hard Order (Japan)
Company: Visco
Year: 1994
ROM file name: drifto94.zip2078
Game Name: Vs. BaseBall
Company: Nintendo of America
Year: 1984
ROM file name: vsbball.zip1287
Game Name: PlayChoice-10: Balloon Fight
Company: Nintendo
Year: 1984
ROM file name: pc_bfght.zipThe result of the poll is posted on Wednesday, so we have Monday and Tuesday for experimentation.
What is the MAME ROW?
MAME ROW stands for MAME Random Of the Week. We randomly select an arcade game from the 0.78 MAME Reference Set to play on the week. The idea is to play games we've never played before, interact with other forum members, post hi-scores, share game strategies, fun facts, and (the most important) HAVE FUN!
We will play the winner all next week.
Previous Rounds
I've always loved Balloon Fight but the Hustler looks like a pretty cool pool game.
Sadly it is not as cool as "Pocket Gal" or the best arcade-pool-game (IMO) "Realbreak: Billard Academy", so "Drift Out ยด94" gets my vote, even if that one is not as cool as its follow-up "Neo Drift Out" (1996) which even has got cheevo-support :)
I don't have the Play Choice version of the ROM, but Balloon Fight [1984] is great for replay. (even if it is a Joust [1982] rip-off.)
. . .
I just tried getting the PlayChoice ROM working and it doesn't ...due to my cabinet's lack of buttons for PlayChoice. :(
I tell myself that I'd do better with a steering wheel as opposed to an arcade a joystick, but I'm probably just horrible at the game. The last "top down" arcade racing game that I was good at was Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road.
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