IPAC4 / Retroarch / Controls not working ??? Help...?
Hello everyone...
I am very new to this... VERY VERY new...I just purchased a 4 player MAME Cabinet - custom built. But, I know very little about it. The builder showed me how to work everything, and it was working well.
All four joysticks / buttons / coin buttons / etc... all were functioning perfectly.
The joysticks are STILL functioning perfectly / buttons too... because I can set any of them up as "Player 1" (Keyboard) in EmulationStation and they will work.
However, my 6yo son thought he was being funny, and was simply mashing buttons on the USB Keyboard....and whatever he did... I no longer have the "master" configuration of all of the buttons and joystick controls.
Also, when I am in MAME... and attempt to custom-configure buttons for a particular ROM (i.e. Pressing "TAB" and changing the controls...). It doesn't recognize anything OTHER than what is set up as player one (or, of course - keyboard buttons).
I have absolutely no idea what to do, here. I don't even know where to start searching... The best I can see - is that I need to download the IPAC Software and reconfigure it. Then (somehow) save this configuration on the SD Card.
Is there some way to get back to where I was?
@RhettDR Whatever your son did, it couldn't change the configuration of the I-PAC, for that you need Ultimarcs Application for it. What your (and most propably your sons action at first) reconfiguration of the Controller via Emulationstation did, was overwriting the retroarch.cfg.
Via the UI and an IPac in Keyboard Mode you can only setup controlls for player 1, so if you do not have a backup of your former /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg, you need to edit it to work for player 2-4. Take a look at @theink s thread about setting up RetroPie using an IPac2, it may give you the general idea of what you have to do (remember RTFM is part of the DIY Retrogaming hobby ;), we all started as Newbs).If you do now (1) know how your IPac4 is configured though, I Guess you still need the WINIPac Programm and a PC just to see its configuration (I think I can assume that from what you told us) and the firmware in use (Ultimarc used to have a Gamepad enabled and a keyboard only Firmware and nowadays have one firmware (Multimode) that is switchable to either report/connect as XInput, DirectPlay or Keyboard-Device and a (Mixed Mode) one that is registering the device as keyboard AND Controller(s) - Don't use the Mixed Mode Firmware (or former Gamepad enabled one) with Retropie unless you are 100% sure on what you are doing and how the whole System works. Using the IPac as a keyboard emulator only is IMHO by far the easiest route to take.
[1] Edit: meant not, not now...
YES! So, again - baby steps for me - but have learned a ton already today... I did download the IPAC Config software - and indeed - the IPAC4 is already set-up...
However - when I opened and read the retroarch.cfg file...Every button is listed as "nul" for the global config.
This means that the buttons are disabled.I am so curious how my son did this! either way... I had also stumbled across that post... it's truly a great post. All I need to do now is "re-type" all of the button descriptions... & set-up all of the buttons...
Hey gang! So, I followed the instructions, here... about as perfectly as I can. I even confirmed the key's with the IPAC4 software...
Is there another rock I should look under, here? Like - within the RetroArch file?
Something simple that is "NUL" or something that is telling my Pi to look for a gamepad or something? that is NOT the IPAC4....After these changes... when I am in MAME - (And no - there is no special retroarch file in MAME) - I press the "tab" key on the USB keyboard.... to customize the controls for the ROM I am playing (That USED to work, anyway)... and it only recognizes player #1... so odd... I just want to use the other joysticks... man...
What MAME (Version) (Libretro or not), and maybe you can share the parts of your retroarch.cfg file where the controlls are defined (please in "code-blocks" for better readability).
So - here is a copy of what is in in my RetroArch.
I have changed the items in "BOLD" based on how the IPAC4 is wired.I am just using MAME LibRetro... Used to work great as of 3 days ago...
Not sure of what the version is... Not quite sure how to find out...
I am just wondering if it is looking for a joybad, and NOT my IPAC... or something odd...cache_directory = "/tmp/retroarch"
core_options_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg"
system_directory = "~/RetroPie/BIOS"
assets_directory = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/assets"
config_save_on_exit = "false"
video_threaded = "true"
video_smooth = "false"
video_aspect_ratio_auto = "true"
video_shader_dir = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/shader/"
video_font_size = "12.000000"
overlay_directory = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/overlays"
input_joypad_driver = "udev"
input_autodetect_enable = "true"
joypad_autoconfig_dir = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads/"
input_player1_a = "c"
input_player1_b = "l shift"
input_player1_x = "x"
input_player1_y = "z"
input_player1_l = "l ctrl"
input_player1_r = "l alt"
input_player1_l2 = "space"
input_player1_select = "num5"
input_player1_start = "num1"
input_player1_up = "`"
input_player1_down = "p"
input_player1_left = "return"
input_player1_right = "tab"
input_player2_a = "i"
input_player2_b = "w"
input_player2_x = "s"
input_player2_y = "a"
input_player2_l = "q"
input_player2_r = "k"
input_player2_select = "num6"
input_player2_start = "num2"
input_player2_up = "r"
input_player2_down = "f"
input_player2_left = "d"
input_player2_right = "g"
input_player3_a = "return"
input_player3_b = "r ctrl"
input_player3_x = "nul"
input_player3_y = "r shift"
input_player3_select = "num7"
input_player3_start = "num3"
input_player3_up = "i"
input_player3_down = "k"
input_player3_left = "j"
input_player3_right = "l"
input_player4_a = "m"
input_player4_b = "h"
input_player4_x = "e"
input_player4_y = "b"
input_player4_select = "num8"
input_player4_start = "num4"
input_player4_up = "n"
input_player4_down = "y"
input_player4_left = "u"
input_player4_right = "v"
input_state_slot_increase = "right"
input_state_slot_decrease = "left"
input_exit_emulator = "num1"
input_shader_next = "m"
input_shader_prev = "n"
input_rewind = "r"
input_reset = "c"
input_menu_toggle = "ctrl"
menu_driver = "rgui"
rewind_enable = "false"
rewind_buffer_size = "10"
rewind_granularity = "2"
video_gpu_screenshot = "true"
input_enable_hotkey = "num5"
auto_remaps_enable = "true"
menu_unified_controls = "true"
input_player1_analog_dpad_mode = "2"
xmb_font = ""
netplay_nickname = ""
video_filter = ""
audio_dsp_plugin = ""
core_updater_buildbot_url = ""
core_updater_buildbot_assets_url = "https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__buildbot.libretro.com_assets_&d=DwIGAg&c=p0oa49nxxGtbbM2qgM-GB4r4m9OlGg-sEp8sXylY2aQ&r=u4OR2eLWaJUv_fiudpNMwg&m=73HASYzGpNblrjZlHvrHIPB1ePBL88hWs1Tb57e_Mg8&s=JzTHx2Mhamdf-om_auzTU2AINm3LMYgjokUQmNINI4M&e="
netplay_ip_address = ""
recording_output_directory = ""
recording_config_directory = ""
libretro_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/cores"
libretro_info_path = "~/.config/retroarch/cores"
video_shader = ""
content_database_path = "~/.config/retroarch/database/rdb"
cheat_database_path = "~/.config/retroarch/cheats"
menu_wallpaper = ""
content_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__content-5Fhistory.lpl&d=DwIGAg&c=p0oa49nxxGtbbM2qgM-GB4r4m9OlGg-sEp8sXylY2aQ&r=u4OR2eLWaJUv_fiudpNMwg&m=73HASYzGpNblrjZlHvrHIPB1ePBL88hWs1Tb57e_Mg8&s=AXq78TYMIw5fymHRyFD8fKQMJqcTjR8BT5DY8p_C5LY&e="
content_music_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__content-5Fmusic-5Fhistory.lpl&d=DwIGAg&c=p0oa49nxxGtbbM2qgM-GB4r4m9OlGg-sEp8sXylY2aQ&r=u4OR2eLWaJUv_fiudpNMwg&m=73HASYzGpNblrjZlHvrHIPB1ePBL88hWs1Tb57e_Mg8&s=cBBFgDlQ9FdpsHbmTYukk473zJzYUWp7l9keq8vGH7U&e="
content_video_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__content-5Fvideo-5Fhistory.lpl&d=DwIGAg&c=p0oa49nxxGtbbM2qgM-GB4r4m9OlGg-sEp8sXylY2aQ&r=u4OR2eLWaJUv_fiudpNMwg&m=73HASYzGpNblrjZlHvrHIPB1ePBL88hWs1Tb57e_Mg8&s=yu3i3vKTVwh5ScgaY_Q0zn1Y4IdKO6I56VAHtkTizG8&e="
content_image_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__content-5Fimage-5Fhistory.lpl&d=DwIGAg&c=p0oa49nxxGtbbM2qgM-GB4r4m9OlGg-sEp8sXylY2aQ&r=u4OR2eLWaJUv_fiudpNMwg&m=73HASYzGpNblrjZlHvrHIPB1ePBL88hWs1Tb57e_Mg8&s=pvphMEKJxO2yQVYIa3HGbCOokAoNPJIVqw6-xw_b12E&e="
input_overlay = ""
video_font_path = ""
cursor_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/database/cursors"
content_history_dir = ""
screenshot_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/screenshots"
input_remapping_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/config/remaps"
resampler_directory = ""
video_filter_dir = "default"
core_assets_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/downloads"
dynamic_wallpapers_directory = "default"
thumbnails_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/thumbnails"
playlist_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/playlists"
audio_filter_dir = "default"
savefile_directory = "default"
savestate_directory = "default"
rgui_browser_directory = "default"
rgui_config_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/config"
screenshot_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/screenshots"
xmb_font = ""
playlist_names = ""
playlist_cores = ""
video_driver = "gl"
record_driver = "null"
camera_driver = "null"
wifi_driver = "null"
location_driver = "null"
audio_device = ""
camera_device = ""
cheevos_username = ""
cheevos_password = ""
video_context_driver = ""
audio_driver = "alsathread"
audio_resampler = "sinc"
input_driver = "udev"
input_keyboard_layout = ""
bundle_assets_src_path = ""
bundle_assets_dst_path = ""
bundle_assets_dst_path_subdir = ""
video_aspect_ratio = "-1.000000"
video_scale = "3.000000"
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audio_rate_control_delta = "0.005000"
audio_max_timing_skew = "0.050000"
audio_volume = "0.000000"
input_overlay_opacity = "0.700000"
input_overlay_scale = "1.000000"
menu_wallpaper_opacity = "0.300000"
menu_footer_opacity = "1.000000"
menu_header_opacity = "1.000000"
video_message_pos_x = "0.050000"
video_message_pos_y = "0.050000"
fastforward_ratio = "0.000000"
slowmotion_ratio = "3.000000"
input_axis_threshold = "0.500000"
input_bind_timeout = "5"
input_turbo_period = "6"
input_duty_cycle = "3"
input_max_users = "5"
input_menu_toggle_gamepad_combo = "0"
audio_latency = "64"
audio_block_frames = "0"
autosave_interval = "0"
libretro_log_level = "0"
keyboard_gamepad_mapping_type = "1"
input_poll_type_behavior = "2"
video_monitor_index = "0"
video_fullscreen_x = "0"
video_fullscreen_y = "0"
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network_remote_base_port = "55400"
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xmb_menu_color_theme = "4"
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menu_shader_pipeline = "1"
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netplay_ip_port = "55435"
netplay_delay_frames = "16"
netplay_check_frames = "30"
user_language = "0"
bundle_assets_extract_version_current = "0"
bundle_assets_extract_last_version = "0"
input_device_p1 = "0"
input_player1_joypad_index = "0"
input_libretro_device_p1 = "1"
input_device_p2 = "0"
input_player2_joypad_index = "1"
input_libretro_device_p2 = "1"
input_player2_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_device_p3 = "0"
input_player3_joypad_index = "2"
input_libretro_device_p3 = "1"
input_player3_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_device_p4 = "0"
input_player4_joypad_index = "3"
input_libretro_device_p4 = "1"
input_player4_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_device_p5 = "0"
input_player5_joypad_index = "4"
input_libretro_device_p5 = "1"
input_player5_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_device_p6 = "0"
input_player6_joypad_index = "5"
input_libretro_device_p6 = "1"
input_player6_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_device_p7 = "0"
input_player7_joypad_index = "6"
input_libretro_device_p7 = "1"
input_player7_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_device_p8 = "0"
input_player8_joypad_index = "7"
input_libretro_device_p8 = "1"
input_player8_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_device_p9 = "0"
input_player9_joypad_index = "8"
input_libretro_device_p9 = "1"
input_player9_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_device_p10 = "0"
input_player10_joypad_index = "9"
input_libretro_device_p10 = "1"
input_player10_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_device_p11 = "0"
input_player11_joypad_index = "10"
input_libretro_device_p11 = "1"
input_player11_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_device_p12 = "0"
input_player12_joypad_index = "11"
input_libretro_device_p12 = "1"
input_player12_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_device_p13 = "0"
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input_player13_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_device_p14 = "0"
input_player14_joypad_index = "13"
input_libretro_device_p14 = "1"
input_player14_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_device_p15 = "0"
input_player15_joypad_index = "14"
input_libretro_device_p15 = "1"
input_player15_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_device_p16 = "0"
input_player16_joypad_index = "15"
input_libretro_device_p16 = "1"
input_player16_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
ui_companion_start_on_boot = "true"
ui_companion_enable = "false"
video_gpu_record = "false"
input_remap_binds_enable = "true"
all_users_control_menu = "false"
menu_swap_ok_cancel_buttons = "false"
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input_descriptor_label_show = "true"
input_descriptor_hide_unbound = "false"
load_dummy_on_core_shutdown = "true"
check_firmware_before_loading = "false"
builtin_mediaplayer_enable = "false"
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ui_menubar_enable = "true"
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input_player1_l_x_minus_btn = "nul"
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input_player1_l_y_plus_btn = "nul"
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input_player1_r_y_plus_btn = "nul"
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input_player1_turbo_axis = "nul"
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input_toggle_fullscreen_btn = "nul"
input_toggle_fullscreen_axis = "nul"
input_exit_emulator_btn = "nul"
input_exit_emulator_axis = "nul"
input_state_slot_increase_btn = "nul"
input_state_slot_increase_axis = "nul"
input_state_slot_decrease_btn = "nul"
input_state_slot_decrease_axis = "nul"
input_rewind_btn = "nul"
input_rewind_axis = "nul"
input_movie_record_toggle = "o"
input_movie_record_toggle_btn = "nul"
input_movie_record_toggle_axis = "nul"
input_pause_toggle = "p"
input_pause_toggle_btn = "nul"
input_pause_toggle_axis = "nul"
input_frame_advance = "k"
input_frame_advance_btn = "nul"
input_frame_advance_axis = "nul"
input_reset_btn = "nul"
input_reset_axis = "nul"
input_shader_next_btn = "nul"
input_shader_next_axis = "nul"
input_shader_prev_btn = "nul"
input_shader_prev_axis = "nul"
input_cheat_index_plus = "y"
input_cheat_index_plus_btn = "nul"
input_cheat_index_plus_axis = "nul"
input_cheat_index_minus = "t"
input_cheat_index_minus_btn = "nul"
input_cheat_index_minus_axis = "nul"
input_cheat_toggle = "u"
input_cheat_toggle_btn = "nul"
input_cheat_toggle_axis = "nul"
input_screenshot = "f8"
input_screenshot_btn = "nul"
input_screenshot_axis = "nul"
input_audio_mute = "f9"
input_audio_mute_btn = "nul"
input_audio_mute_axis = "nul"
input_osk_toggle = "f12"
input_osk_toggle_btn = "nul"
input_osk_toggle_axis = "nul"
input_netplay_flip_players = "i"
input_netplay_flip_players_btn = "nul"
input_netplay_flip_players_axis = "nul"
input_slowmotion = "e"
input_slowmotion_btn = "nul"
input_slowmotion_axis = "nul"
input_enable_hotkey_btn = "nul"
input_enable_hotkey_axis = "nul"
input_volume_up = "add"
input_volume_up_btn = "nul"
input_volume_up_axis = "nul"
input_volume_down = "subtract"
input_volume_down_btn = "nul"
input_volume_down_axis = "nul"
input_overlay_next = "nul"
input_overlay_next_btn = "nul"
input_overlay_next_axis = "nul"
input_disk_eject_toggle = "nul"
input_disk_eject_toggle_btn = "nul"
input_disk_eject_toggle_axis = "nul"
input_disk_next = "nul"
input_disk_next_btn = "nul"
input_disk_next_axis = "nul"
input_disk_prev = "nul"
input_disk_prev_btn = "nul"
input_disk_prev_axis = "nul"
input_grab_mouse_toggle = "f11"
input_grab_mouse_toggle_btn = "nul"
input_grab_mouse_toggle_axis = "nul"
input_game_focus_toggle = "scroll_lock"
input_game_focus_toggle_btn = "nul"
input_game_focus_toggle_axis = "nul"
input_menu_toggle_btn = "nul"
input_menu_toggle_axis = "nul" -
Well - I think I figured it out... for now at least! What a learning experience this was...
In my *.cfg file I had a command that didn't match the key it was set up as. So, I once I changed that - All is back to normal - Or so I think... its like the Pie was booting up and confused... or something. Once I did that - All seems to be functioning.
That seems odd. But maybe these are the quirks.
Have you removed the comments (lines with a #) from that config before posting?
Besides that, the order of that stuff ain't [edit:]en pairon par [/edit] with a default retroarch.cfg, so I am a bit confused.Some Problems I see so far:
I think input_player1_up = "`" should be ="backquote" instead of the typed character (?)
And input_player1_right = "tab" would be conflicting with Mames own Menu-Hotkey. (There would (as far as I know) be no difference in a TAB recieved from the IPac and a TAB send from another connected keyboard, they both will trigger the player1_right of the RetroPad), in fact I am puzzled now how you could have played with that assignment before the son incident happened. At least that is an assignment I would change for the IPac via WinIPac.Maybe it would be a good idea to start with a fresh retroarch.cfg, going through the configuration for player 1 via ES (and be it just to see how player1_up ends up as an assignment), and adding player2 to 4 via an editor thereafter.
You really got me confused with that config... so just a few thoughts:
Here is Ultimarcs Default Setting [under Tab: Installation] for the I-Pac#, and the ones in your config seem to be mixed/messed up with the (I-PAC) shifted defaults (player 1 defaults for the joystick/d-pad are cursor u/d/l/r)...
And my curiosity about your .cfg reminds me: At first I should have reminded myself (and you) that third party images are not supported on this forum. To debug/help you on this, if your builder wasn't a friend who had set it up with an official build and got paid for the hardware alone and added your roms on your behalve, I think that another sd card with a fresh retropie install (keeping formerly as a backup in case you need stuff from there) would be a good start. And by doing so, regardless what your son may do in the future, you will be prepared to set it up again!
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