Newb with Player 2 not being 'seen' on Picade/Retropie
Well, this has just got worse🤯
'Trying' to figure this out (and having saved all my iterations of config files - all over cli of course) its now broken it more😔 Im back to P2 not working at all.
First I tried to find file (dist one), couldn't so went through Retroarch menus in gui and defaulted the retroarch.cfg file. Went back in and could see it had made many changes (inc the joystick one you mentioned). So, I then made changes to it to 'nul' all the P1 controls and move them to P2 (as previously). I then rebooted and P1/P2 work in the menus but, in any game, only P1 works; nothing at all for any P2 controls.
So, as it didnt work, I moved back to my previous .cfg where P2 worked but P1 controlled both's having no effect at all any more...its just the same as 1) above.
This is driving me nuts. Any suggestions appreciated. I can, of course, pastebin the contents if you like but Ive done exactly as before so Im just lost.
KR, dw😉
@mitu By the way, I'll do anything you suggest to fix this. If you want me to rebuild and start again and do a certain process; I don't mind. I just don't know why it's doing what it's doing (ie why P2 now doesn't work when I copied file back!).
How are you editing the files ? Do you have file share access from a computer/PC in the same network (i.e. can you open
) ? -
Hi mate.
Im doing it directly via cli. Ie Pi plugged into TV (hdmi) and going to cli via F4 from keyboard. All normal as far as I know? So I then use nano to open/edit. Sometimes vi but mostly nano.
PS Im an It guy, just not a Retropie expert;)
My suggestion is to re-install from scratch, configure the gamepad first, then edit the
file and add the P2 configuration. Don't use 'Save Config' or 'Reset Configuration' from the RetroArch menu, this will cause more trouble than it's worth. -
Ok mate, I will do that. From memory, because the Picade HAT is connected to GPIO (seen as 'Keyboard'), I will have to make sure to use the correct Joy/Btns (that are connected to Picade-X Daughter USB HAT) to do that. Im sure, last time, that I did it the other way around ie unplugged USB HAT, installed Keyboard and, then, did USB HAT second.
So, i'll do it tomorrow, will do USB first thru EmulationStation autoconfig. Leave keyboard ES autoconfig alone. Then use cli, go to retroarch.cfg, move the details of that USB Gamepad install from P1 to P2 in Retroarch.cfg and 'nul' the values in P1. Save, reboot and x-fingers.
Sound good? If so, I'll do just that and film it for proof🤣. Can't get any worse I guess! Thanks again mate.
KR, dw😉
@dw89 said in Newb with Player 2 not being 'seen' on Picade/Retropie:
Sound good? If so, I'll do just that and film it for proof🤣. Can't get any worse I guess! Thanks again mate.
Yes, looks ok. You can just comment the P1 entries, don't have to null them.
@mitu Hi Mate. Well, I knew it wasn't go to be easy somehow. Here's the pastebin of the newest Retroarch.cfg on this latest Nov '20 Retropie OS Build.
Ok, so, as promised. Rebuilt, then installed ONLY the USB Picade-X Hat controls, and not the GPIO linked to Picade HAT. I then used keyboard and CLI to go to retroarch.cfg at /opt/retropie/configs/all. When I opened it I saw it was completely different to the last iteration of Retropie that I must have been using (April 20 perhaps). It only has P1 there, with controls that seem to suggest a keyboard. Ultimately I don't know what I'm doing on this as there's no P2 and I'm not sure where I'm even supposed to put it in the Config file.
Help, as always, appreciated. I still cannot believe I am the only person with Picade and Picade-X having this issue?!?
Cheers mate
@dw89 said in Newb with Player 2 not being 'seen' on Picade/Retropie:
It only has P1 there, with controls that seem to suggest a keyboard. Ultimately I don't know what I'm doing on this as there's no P2 and I'm not sure where I'm even supposed to put it in the Config file.
Please see my previous post -
@mitu Right, with you, back in a mo😉
@mitu Evening Sir😉
Well, this is both interesting and, frankly, weird (and proves what happened yesterday).
- Fresh Install
- Gamepad (USB) Only setup and proven working. GPIO left alone.
- Copied original retroarch via CLI
- New version amended all P1 to P2 as per your post#7 and reboot.
- 4, above, rendered USB Gamepad inoperable. So
- Reverted to original retroarch.cfg version and rebooted and USB Gamepad 'still' inoperable.
So, action of amending retroarch.cfg from P1 to P2 permanently breaks USB Gamepad EmuStation install of it and makes no difference to status of, uninstalled, GPIO joy/btn's either way.
Ultimately still getting nowhere and I dont get why changing retroarch.cfg, even momentarily, breaks Gamepad of USB Picade-X HAT permanently.
I deferto your knowledge boss😉
@dw89 said in Newb with Player 2 not being 'seen' on Picade/Retropie:
Copied original retroarch via CLI
What do you mean ? You don't need to copy anything on a fresh install.
Can you get a verbose log from running RetroArch and post it on ? -
@mitu just a backup (cp not mv).
Just for more info, I just rebuilt (again) and, this time, chose to install the pimoroni bash script for the GPiO HAT (yes I forgot last time) and found something completely different.
Last time, without the Bash script, EmuStn detected the USB Gamepad and not GPiO. 'This' time, it detected the Keyboard only (Gpio) and 'not' the USB.
Im restarting now, having amended retroarch but I just dont know what to say at this point. It seems its one or the other that just isnt being seen.
KR, dw😉
Edit: Carrying on from this rebuild. Editing retroarch 'here' (P1 to P2) has not broken Keyboard (GPIO) Gamepad working. However, nothing on USB. Ive just run jstest js0 and it shows up as Picade-X USB Hat correctly but joystick/buttons connected to it are non-responsive.
So, again, if it helps (I dont know). If I run Picade GPIO bash script the GPiO works but USB doesn't, if I dont run it its the other way arou d. I do t know enough to understand why, just reporting whats happening as best I can.👍🏻
@mitu BTW, Im obviously no expert but Ive noticed a) Pimoroni dont seem to sell this daughter board anymore (odd in itself as it was a new product around 12months ago) b) By what Ive described its as if theres some conflict somewhere?
Just how it seems; whether thats true or not I have no clue.
EDIT: They do still sell it. I was wrong. However Ive seen at least one other with the same issue. 'Why' the issue exists I don't know if its software related or not? Ie why seen without bash script but not after (and vice versa for GPIO). Odd to say the least.
EDIT2: Still with GPIO (P2) working and not USB (P1) and I noticed, on starting game that, where it usually says Picade X USB Gamepad installed at Port #0; this time it said '5840/3780 not installed'. Really hope that helps somehow😉🤞
EDIT3: Final fun fact of the eve. Following Edit2 I, just for kicks, ran Jstest js0 and nothing works on USB Hats joy/btns. I then pulled out the usb cable and put it in another slot. I then retested jstest js0. Guess what? All of a sudden it works (joy/btns). So, took down all codes, entered them in as input_player1's respective codes, saved retroarch and rebooted. Still no joy. Did jstest js0 again and not working again. Repulled usb cable, replugged and retested and working again!!! Go figure😩🙄
EDIT4: Missed the Verbose log request, will do tomorrow. Cheers.
EDIT5: Next Day 200421. Hi Mitu. Just to let you know that I've worked out problem 1 (getting both P1/P2 to work in general - the workaround is ridiculous but I'll explain soon) and BOTH work in all menu's of Retroarch/EmulationStation and Game Menu's. However, for reasons I've not worked out yet, in the game itself I've only got the Joy/Btns connected to the Keyboard (GPIO) working. So, as I can only do so much in one eve, I'll have to come back to it again tomorrow. Still, on the bright side, I'm getting there slowly and, hopefully will be able to do a write up of how to get it working perfectly afterwards! KR, dw:)
EDIT6: 210421. Almost there. Was about to send retroarch config but network being a pain tonight. Ive got one issue now but, after turning it all off, Ive had an epiphany. So, more to try tomorrow, if no 'joy' (haha) then I'll shout. If it does work I'll explain. Half the battle is noting down all the iterative change attempt results!
EDIT7: 220421. Tried Everything I can think of now by end of tonight and Im not getting anywhere further. I couldnt find where tge log fike is kept so will read the wiki tomorrow and put it/and cfg files up as they are now. I think I know whats causing tge problem/s but, for the life of me, can't see where/how to effect the change. So instead of more faffing tomorrow Ill just type it all up n post it. Maybe you'll know the answer but Ive scoured the wiki and tried all I could see to no avail. Until tomorrow😉
Updates thus far mate. Will post logs/.cfgs and details tomorrow. None of further tests, beyond a point, got me any further. So, back tomorrow with info👍🏻
@mitu Ok than mate. Here we go.
Firstly runcommand.log is here:
and latest retroarch.cfg is here: this is 'exactly' what I did to get here:
- Install latest Retropie OS as of Nov 20.
- Setup Wifi/Passwd/SSH/Pimoroni GPIO Picade Hat Bash script/Transfer SNES Mario Kart ROM
- Keep PicadeX Hat USB 'Out' of USB port
- Use EmulationStation ('ES' from here) to install GPIO as 'Keyboard' Retropad
- Plug in USB for Picade-X Hat
- Use ES to install USB as 'Gamepad' Retropad
- Change all P1 in retroarch.cfg to P2 (GPIO - Keyboard) and 'add' all inferences to P1 (USB HAT) controls.
- At this point BOTH joysticks/btns now work in general Retroarch/ES menus etc
- Main Note: The 'first' reason I was having issues on this build/and thread was that the USB for Picade-X (P2) has to be Hotplugged after starting and any reboots. It is not seen, at all, until this is done. Verified by testing multiple times and with jstest js0. Why this is the case, I don't know. LED on daughter HAT lights up on start so something's wrong 'somewhere' beyond that which I understand. This is what caused a lot of the earlier confusion.
So, after all that, where are we? Well, as said, both P1/P2 work in software menus. It starts to go wrong on selecting a game i.e. MarioKart on SNES.
- On selecting your character: P1/P2 Buttons work, respectively, A-ok. However Joysticks don't. Only P1 (USB) works to select your player. Moving P2 Joy (GPIO) has no effect at all:(
- On playing 2P game itself: P1/P2 Buttons work, respectively, A-ok. However, again, Joysticks don't. This time P1 joy controls P1 A-ok, but P2 joy controls BOTH P1 and P2 (lol).
Now, if I'm making some mistake in retroarch.cfg I don't know. If so I don't know what. The odd thing, from my point of view, having tried many many different things myself; is that if, during the game itself, you use the Hotkey+X to get into the 'in-game' menu controls and go to Settings -> Controls -> Port1/Port2 (or something very similar to that menu structure) I see something quite odd. If I go into Port 1 it shows, as expected, the Pimoroni Picade-X USB HAT. The controls however are 'dual' ie instead of the numbers for joy/btns (as seen in retroarch.cfg) it has BOTH numbers, then, a 'comma' and then the respective GPIO key for the same control. So, 'X' say, has (for example without remembering exact no.) '5' then ',' and 'alt'. So, it make sense that P2 (keyboard), which has just the one 'correct' code key per control, is controlling both. Yet, even that is weird, as by that logic you would expect the buttons for P2 to also control P1....but they don't! I've tried to change P1 controls manual (using 'Bind All' control menu) but that does not affect the GPIO controls, just the USB ones so achieves nothing. Either way it makes no sense to me on either respect i.e. 1) choosing character 2) In-game. In both it's the joysticks that seem bizarre and I can't figure out why.
So, that's where I am. I've tried every iteration 'I' can to change things without success. I've looked through everything in the manual regarding controls and haven't found anything I've not tried. Any help, as always, greatly appreciated as I am sure you will have an answer here on what I am doing wrong or something else I can try. I'm learning at least, lol! If you need any other files etc please let me know:)
KR, dw:)
!!EDIT!! - Ten minutes later...I decided to try another game. So, I popped across 'Micro Machines' for the Genesis/Megadrive. On doing this, put into 2p and selected players (seemed to go ok with both players joy/btns working to select a player). However, in game, same bizarre joystick behaviour. Yet, I then found something different in this compared to MarioKart. When I pressed button 'A' on P2 it controlled the equivalent of button 'B' on P1. I looked in Menu in-game and, sure enough, found the same double control entries (for both GPIO and USB) in P1. Then, when I compared P2 button 'A' code ('alt') and then went to P1 controls...sure enough the dual control for P1 button 'B' was 'alt'! So, it would seem, whatever is going on, it is down to this 'dual' entry thing on P1. HTH.
Firstly runcommand.log is here:
It's not a verbose log, so I can't see if any remaps or how the input devices are detected. See here for how to enable verbose logging.
and latest retroarch.cfg is here:
Install latest Retropie OS as of Nov 20.
Setup Wifi/Passwd/SSH/Pimoroni GPIO Picade Hat Bash script/Transfer SNES Mario Kart ROM
Keep PicadeX Hat USB 'Out' of USB port
Use EmulationStation ('ES' from here) to install GPIO as 'Keyboard' Retropad
Plug in USB for Picade-X Hat
Use ES to install USB as 'Gamepad' Retropad
Change all P1 in retroarch.cfg to P2 (GPIO - Keyboard) and 'add' all inferences to P1 (USB HAT) controls.You shouldn't have added any P1 mappings here. If the Picade-X Hat is detected as a gamepad, then the mappings are stored in a separate file.
At this point BOTH joysticks/btns now work in general Retroarch/ES menus etc
If they work fine in RetroArch and ES menus, then there's a chance this is just an mis-configuration somewhere.
@mitu hey man😉
Ok, will sort the bad, thought I did it right🙄
Ok on adding 'new' P1 to retro.cfg. I must admit (from memory on the multiple tries) that, after installing as 'Gamepad' thru ES, that it did/does correctly show up in autoconfig directory 'but' (again memory) the joystick didnt work. I then added the 'js0' line in retro.cfg and it started working. Hence why I put in/tried to get as far as I did.
Anyhoo. I'll sort logging 'first' and if we can fix from there...great, if not then i'll do whatever you suggest/remove new 'P1' etc.
Will do tomorrow anyway (Tues).
Cheers, dw😉
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