New Comic Book Theme!
@Zenjiro a little late for me to respond but, you the man! Thanks :)
This post is deleted! -
Are there logos for "PC-FX" ? I'm missing that one.
Is there a way to upload bigger pictures? Because i also made the back image for this.
someone to do pinball fx3
@3Draco I think they need to be less than 1MB or something. I typically have to optimize the PNGs before I upload them.
I've been trying to wade through the 1200+ posts on this thread, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. Does anyone know if the Photoshop template or font (to generate the comic text with half-tone effect) was provided for download at any point in the past? I know this thread dates back to 2017. If so, can someone drop the link here?
Well I got mine from TMNTturtleguy's templates.
The font is called Shaka-pow
Want to make your own you can start here. -
Z Zenjiro referenced this topic on
@Zenjiro said in New Comic Book Theme!:
Well I got mine from TMNTturtleguy's templates.
The font is called Shaka-pow
Want to make your own you can start here.Yup, I actually already have Shaka-pow font (I've been in touch with TMNT Guy directly in the past, who helped me with that). I just figured someone had made a handy-dandy Photoshop file anyone could just edit. At least, that was my hope. :)
@AlphaBetaPie Are you looking for the TIC-80 file? Here is mine it is a GIMP file. Here
@Zenjiro said in New Comic Book Theme!:
@AlphaBetaPie Are you looking for the TIC-80 file? Here is mine it is a GIMP file. Here
I was actually looking for an easier template where any/all words could be loaded into and changed on the fly. But based on your video, looks like you have to custom-make each word (instead of just typing into the template and letting it do the work). Is that right?
@AlphaBetaPie Correct.
@Zenjiro said in New Comic Book Theme!:
@sergio_mikkos hahahahaha well... I fixed it
It was stupid simple to do.
I will update it to my fork, but it you want to do it manually, all you need to so is open the comic_book.xml in the text editor of your choice. (I use Notepad++) And edit the following:
From this:
<rating name="md_rating"> <pos>0.87 0.66</pos> <size>0 0.038</size> <filledPath>./_assets/star_filled.png</filledPath> <unfilledPath>./_assets/star_empty.png</unfilledPath> </rating>
To This:
<rating name="md_rating"> <pos>0.87 0.66</pos> <size>0 0.038</size> <unfilledPath>./_assets/star_empty.png</unfilledPath> <filledPath>./_assets/star_filled.png</filledPath> </rating>
What is happening is that when it is applying the images on the screen it first applies the star_filled.png then the star_empty.png, which causes the overlap. So the edit just changes the order of apply the empty star image first, then the filled one.
Where is the file where you edit this? I think a similar issue was solved with an overlapping "D" in "TIMES PLAYED"?
What I'd also really like to do is increase the amount of text available in the text box (the <desc> information) in emulation station and also decrease the scroll speed if possible.
@smartgenes Yeah it was a simple change. My fork also already has that applied.
@Zenjiro Thanks, sorry for the noobish question but where is the file located, it'll save me pottering about all over the place for an hour...
And do you mean already with the text box scrolling applied?
@smartgenes It is here. I have not updated much because of IRL stuff. And I am focusing on actually playing on my setup now rather than tweaking it constantly.
@Zenjiro I meant the theme file(s) for editing but sure I guess I will add your fork too.
@smartgenes Templates can be found here
@Zenjiro No, I mean where are the files located on the Pi which I could edit in a terminal with nano. Thanks loads!
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