Getting lr-atari800 to auto run 5200 carts
Hello all,
I have a Dell mini 9, debian 12, with recent source build of RetroPie. I'm missing something with getting 5200 carts to start automatically.I have the right BIOS files and my a52 cart files were all set to the correct configs. I've created the suggested /opt/retropie/configs/atari5200/retroarch-core-options.cfg.
The emulator starts at the familiar memo pad. If I enter the emulator configuration I see the default is always set to atari 800. If I select 5200 and exit, the cart runs fine.
I can't quite figure out where I can insert into a config file to force the emulator to be 5200 in this case; I've tried a few combinations of setting options in the emulator configuration and saving such, when I save I can see in the ~/.lr-atari800.cfg file that the system type of 5200 is saved, but still on restart of a new game it defaults to 800.
Also I see this in the lr-atari800 docs:
If you are using lr-atari800 you will want to set the controller type to “Atari Joystick” and not “RetroPad” in order to get all the keys mapped to your controller.
Where do you go to set that?
Any thoughts or any files I can supply for analysis?
Retroarch doesn't automatically use the override core options files, you need to also tell it to.
Here are my two files in /opt/retropie/configs/atari5200
# Settings made here will only override settings in the global retroarch.cfg if placed above the #include line
input_libretro_device_p1 = "513"
input_libretro_device_p2 = "513"input_remapping_directory = "/opt/retropie/configs/atari5200/"
core_options_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/atari5200/retroarch-core-options.cfg"
#include "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg"
atari800_system = "5200"
atari800_ntscpal = "NTSC"
atari800_internalbasic = "disabled"
atari800_sioaccel = "disabled"
atari800_cassboot = "disabled"
atari800_artifacting = "disabled"
atari800_opt1 = "disabled"
atari800_opt2 = "disabled"
atari800_resolution = "336x240"
atari800_keyboard = "poll"===========
This line instructs Retroarch to set the controller type to Atari Joystick
input_libretro_device_p1 = "513" -
@dmmarti Thanks! I'm almost there ....
Your config above gets the cart starting automatically.
For some reason, my controller "start" key is not working (I have a typical old Buffalo USB NES style game pad). I think the other controller keys are working as expected in the lr-atari800 emulator. Pressing select/start quite emulator. Most games seem to require pressing start key to start .... but that is not working for me.
The one exception I've found so far is Zaxxon which seems to start once you press the A key. Once the game starts, the controls and fire seem to work as expected.
Any thoughts on why my start key is not working ... or some config that I've messed up?
@jamesnj's been awhile, but I'm vaguely remembering something funny with Atari 5200.
Do you happen to have a second gamepad connected? If so, press the Start button or the A button on the second gamepad. I'm thinking that there were some games that used gamepad #2 after launching.
I'll test some later when I get home .. but I think that might be it.
@dmmarti -- sorry that didn't seem to make a difference. I have a 2nd buffalo nes gamepad and also an x box style USB. I confirmed that the controllers appear to work, but no combination of start button (or other) presses starts the game.
Funny thing is the start/select combo exits the emulator as you would expect ... so someone is able to read the start key (just seems like the emulator itself is ignoring it or maybe retroarch is not passing the start signal down to the emulator/game level)
J jamesnj referenced this topic on
@dmmarti said in Getting lr-atari800 to auto run 5200 carts:
input_libretro_device_p1 = "513"
So I think I know what the problem is, I don't know how to fix it.
The issue seems to be that the emulator is not loading the retroarch.cfg file, or it is getting overridden somehow.
If I start up a game, go into retroarch menu via F1, Controlls>Port 1, it says RetroPad. I change it to Atari Joystick, then the game works fine.
I try to go into the retroarch menu, make these changes and then save the config. I see in my /opt/retropie/configs/atari5200/retroarch.cfg file is written new, and has the device set to 513. However, restarting emulationstation and the game, it still defaults to RetroPad. I ran with verbose logging and don't see anything obvious out of sorts ... the emulator line seems to reference the correct retroarch.cfg file ... but still the settings don't carry through.
Any thoughts as to what is wrong here? Let me know what information might help to debug this.
@jamesnj ...just getting back around to the forum.
Hmm, not sure why the override files in /opt/retropie/configs/atari5200 aren't working. They should be the last ones loaded. could try looking at the runtime log in /dev/shm and see what Retroarch is loading (and in what order). If I remember right, the file is: runcommand.log
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